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Blood and gore. Not for the squeamish

Posted: 09 Sep 2020, 19:45
by duke63
What is left of my poor finger. Took two nurses half an hour and eventually a bit of force to remove the old dressing as the blood had done its job too well and stuck fast to the stitches. (sweat)

Re: Blood and gore. Not for the squeamish

Posted: 09 Sep 2020, 19:50
by Monty

Re: Blood and gore. Not for the squeamish

Posted: 09 Sep 2020, 19:52
by D41
Ouch! Ouch!! Ouch!!! :x (puke)

Re: Blood and gore. Not for the squeamish

Posted: 09 Sep 2020, 20:42
by StMarks
:^ That's going to "smart a bit" mate.!
At least there's a good useable length left, and it will be an impressive disability when it's all healed up.

Re: Blood and gore. Not for the squeamish

Posted: 09 Sep 2020, 21:15
by D6
Shit. Hope you're OK. Will you still get full movement on the rest of it.? Or too early to tell.

Re: Blood and gore. Not for the squeamish

Posted: 09 Sep 2020, 21:50
by Blade

Re: Blood and gore. Not for the squeamish

Posted: 10 Sep 2020, 12:02
by kiwikrasher
good effort! i love gory pics (lol)

Hope you are healing OK and the pain is minimal or you have good drugs

Re: Blood and gore. Not for the squeamish

Posted: 10 Sep 2020, 12:24
by duke63
Pain is minimal. I’ve steered clear of the codeine they gave me. The huge box of Movicol that came with it tells you all you need to know about the side effects.

It does look like the top knuckle is gone.

I’m hoping that I get full usage back, can’t see why not as all the rest was not damaged. If not it’s coming off.

Re: Blood and gore. Not for the squeamish

Posted: 10 Sep 2020, 12:25
by duke63
Stitches are being removed on Monday.

Re: Blood and gore. Not for the squeamish

Posted: 14 Sep 2020, 19:40
by duke63
Stitches out this afternoon. The last one took a bit of yanking out. (whew)

Hopefully back next week to have it all checked out and then discharged.

It feels weird tonight, definitely like something is missing.

Re: Blood and gore. Not for the squeamish

Posted: 15 Sep 2020, 09:11
by kiwikrasher
Great to hear things have healed up well and you still have your humour (lol)

Re: Blood and gore. Not for the squeamish

Posted: 15 Sep 2020, 19:22
by StMarks
duke63 wrote:It feels weird tonight, definitely like something is missing.
Yep, definitely something ,,, but guessing you can't quite put your finger on it.?

Pleased your on the road to recovery, & with a sizeable chunk of pinkie still there. (Glass half full.)

Fingers crossed it regains mobility before long too mate. :)

Re: Blood and gore. Not for the squeamish

Posted: 15 Sep 2020, 19:31
by duke63
Some movement has returned today though the finger is still quite swollen and sore.

I can now take the plaster off in the day and scare the shit out of people I am working with. :D

Re: Blood and gore. Not for the squeamish

Posted: 15 Sep 2020, 19:48
by kiwikrasher
duke63 wrote:Some movement has returned today though the finger is still quite swollen and sore.

I can now take the plaster off in the day and scare the shit out of people I am working with. :D
How are the adjacent fingers going, they looked like they coped a battering as well and in the pic still looked really swollen and bruised..

Re: Blood and gore. Not for the squeamish

Posted: 15 Sep 2020, 19:54
by duke63
Recoveing well, thanks. The ringer finger also took a bashing but its got most of its moevment back now, still a bit black on the knucklers mind.

It you look carefully on the ring finger above the first knuckle, you can see the scab where the brake lever caught that one too. Had that got guillotined too, i would have been in trouble.