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The new reality of going back to work

Posted: 01 May 2020, 11:25
by duke63
This is the Ducati factory in Bologna.

Re: The new reality of going back to work

Posted: 01 May 2020, 11:27
by Cav
Masks, gloves and a temperature check. It doesn't affect your ability to work unless you're physically active. Okay, they're standing and walking but it isn't strenuous.

Re: The new reality of going back to work

Posted: 01 May 2020, 11:28
by duke63
I had to drive MiL to her hospital visit the other day.

When wearing specs, masks are a problem as they kept steaming up. Not good when driving.

Re: The new reality of going back to work

Posted: 01 May 2020, 11:33
by Cav
If that's the case the mask isn't effective as air should be able to escape like that (I presume air was coming up from either side of your nose?

Howcome you're wearing a mask when driving anyway? I presume you are living with your MiL to be ferrying her around?

Re: The new reality of going back to work

Posted: 01 May 2020, 11:37
by duke63
No not living with her but we/she had no other option.

There is no other way she could have got there.

Don't believe the shite the Govt are spewing out, they are helping the very bare minimum of people they can get away with.

Re: The new reality of going back to work

Posted: 01 May 2020, 11:52
by Cav
I haven't mentioned anything about the government.

The assistance is mostly down to local authorities of which mine have been very helpful to those in need. We are also the region with fewest admissions and deaths thankfully

Re: The new reality of going back to work

Posted: 01 May 2020, 17:05
by D41
The masks are only effective when you're around other people. I've lost count of the times I've seen people wandering around like gormless tw@ts by themselves, wearing masks like they're frickin' Dr. Kildare performing neuro-surgery.

Or sitting in a car wearing a mask. they think the fricking dashboard is going to catch Covid-19...?
You're not Darth Vader, can survive without the face-bikini.