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Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 24 Feb 2020, 17:43
by duke63
I can see both sides.

8000 people due of the flu every year in the UK so currently it’s a minor thing.

But they reckon approx 2% of people who contract Coronavirus currently, do die from it.

If it does get bad it could well send the world spiralling into recession.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 24 Feb 2020, 17:51
by Kwacky
I don't think it'll cause a recession even if it killed off 2% of the entire world population. Those dying are generally the old and already sick.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 24 Feb 2020, 18:14
by duke63
8 ports in China are now closed.
The world relies totally on a buoyant Chinese economy.

Shares dived big time today.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 24 Feb 2020, 18:18
by C00kiemonster
Pandemic. They won't stop it. It needs to run its course.

It's in Italy now and will spread imo.

Economies will suffer, it might even wake people up to what's important in life imo.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 24 Feb 2020, 18:25
by D41
Pandemic of hype.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 24 Feb 2020, 21:23
by StMarks
Perhaps a bit of a trial run, before a truly devastating infection hits us.
This 2% fatality virus may actually serve well, to illustrate the strengths & weaknesses of current systems.?

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 28 Feb 2020, 21:56
by duke63 ... lient=news" onclick=";return false;

Now if only the coronavirus could spread around our Parliament :P

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 28 Feb 2020, 22:12
by D41
Desperate times call.....

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 28 Feb 2020, 22:30
by Kwacky
Population control is what we wanted....

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 28 Feb 2020, 22:32
by duke63
This virus will choose who is wiped out. I doubt it will be very particular.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 28 Feb 2020, 22:35
by Kwacky
The sick and the elderly, just as nature intended

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 28 Feb 2020, 23:48
by Jack
Hype , about 1000 people a day die of malaria , 1000's more from hunger and dirty water and 1000's die every year on the roads .
It will never kill as many Americans as Americans - approx 15,000 per year.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 29 Feb 2020, 09:52
by StMarks
Jack wrote:Hype , about 1000 people a day die of malaria , 1000's more from hunger and dirty water and 1000's die every year on the roads .
It will never kill as many Americans as Americans - approx 15,000 per year.
(y) This^
duke63 wrote:This virus will choose who is wiped out. I doubt it will be very particular.
Unhealthy elderly codgers will be the most at risk, and they (largely) control the world. Hence all the fuss that's being made.?

I had a dream last night ( yes, I realise there's a thread for that ).
I dreamed that containing the virus proved to be impossible, and gradually it spread globally. I was dismissive of it, and despite everyone fussing about it I expressed no concern. There were people dying from it, but I was dismissively pointing out that only people who were dying anyway were falling victim.! (doh)
Anyway, it became apparent that it's spread had suddenly increased exponentially. :^ Apparently (unlike most) even after surviving an infection, humans could carry & spread the infection again & again (rather than becoming infection free after 2 weeks).
I remained dismissive, albeit more aware. :?
Then the virus had spread into Sub Saharan Africa, and an Ebola sufferer had become infected & the virus became mutated... (sweat)

I woke up, my heart beating like it was readying me for an Olympic 100m :S

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 29 Feb 2020, 11:38
by Monty
I shall call it Boomervirus!

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 11:48
by Kwacky

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 11:52
by C00kiemonster
I just think they need to let it take it's course and everyone get on with things tbh.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 12:31
by D41
Yep. In realistic terms it's barely a blip on the radar.

And everyone goes to Red Alert.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 20:28
by Rossgo
Fairly certain we have worse things in life than this flu. It may have deaths to its name already but a lot more things have many more deaths to their name

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Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 20:52
by duke63
The problem with it is that its unknown. And there is no vaccine available for it. Thats what scares Goverments.

Re: Coronavirus - hype or pandemlc?

Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 21:57
by Blade
C00kiemonster wrote:I just think they need to let it take it's course and everyone get on with things tbh.
This (f1)