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Weekend plans

Posted: 28 Jun 2019, 08:41
by Kwacky
Anyone up to anything?

I've hit the wall at work so I've booked this afternoon off.

Prom night this evening for my daughter. I've been told I have to make myself available for the pre-prom photos. Bless her, she's really excited about it.

Saturday will be staying out of the sun. It's supposed to be 30+. I'll hide in the garage and try and get some work done on the bikes but I suspect it'll be too hot to wash them

Sunday off to Stow provided there's enough interest. I'll get out on the MV regardless.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 28 Jun 2019, 08:51
by Cav
Sounds like a good weekend starting in just a couple more hours (y)

I'm off to Homebase to check out their garden furniture after work then getting home to make more progress on the cladding of the workshop. It takes an evening to prep the cladding for half of the workshop and another evening to fix them all in place. Should be done by tomorrow afternoon with photos to follow :)

I'm hoping I can be available for heading to Lucy's to meet some of you folk too

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 28 Jun 2019, 08:55
by Kwacky
I'm just checking to see if anyone is coming on Sunday :D

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 28 Jun 2019, 09:29
by bb41
Nothing as usual , well apart from watching Glastonbury on iplayer wishing I was lucky enough to have got a ticket ;(

Catching up with youngest as she was one of the lucky ones to grab a ticket and trying not to sound envious each time she gets in touch

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 28 Jun 2019, 10:59
by Stonesie
Saturday, work....

Sunday I'm off to a classic car and bike show with a lass, her idea too.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 28 Jun 2019, 13:41
by D41
The classic trifecta of laundry, housecleaning, & grocery shopping. The American Dream realized.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 28 Jun 2019, 14:25
by duke63
Yeh but at least it’s ‘Great’ again.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 28 Jun 2019, 14:33
by D41
So was World War One.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 28 Jun 2019, 14:35
by Jack
I'd like to ride to Stow for some breakfast on sunday , see how I feel , bit nervous about riding any distance but that will hopefully pass once I am out .

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 28 Jun 2019, 16:57
by Blade
Barbecue this afternoon, sunshine is shining so too good an opportunity to miss.

Football tomorrow morning, enjoy the sunshine in the afternoon and then as the missus is out me and the boys are off the pub for tea. I'll manage a few cheeky pints whilst they play in the play area with some mates, as normally a few neighbours and their kids in there if it's nice.

Sunday we are off to watch Touring Cars. Not sure what to expect as never been before but the boys were excited when I suggested it so should be a good family day out. Looking forward to it.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 28 Jun 2019, 20:18
by D6Nutz
Boys trip...

Cider, G&T, bit of perving.

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