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Weekend plans

Posted: 26 Jan 2018, 12:23
by Kwacky
Anyone up to anything?

I might venture to the pub tonight.

Tomorrow it's the usual ferrying the kids around, washing the bike, feeding the spiders, doing the ironing. It's a glamorous life.

Sunday out with the family for my belated Birthday meal.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 26 Jan 2018, 12:26
by D6Nutz
Not a lot really.

Saturday is spending time with the family, and cleaning the guinea pig hutches.

Sunday is long run day, going to be either 10 or 18 miles. Depends on whether I get out of bed or not.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 26 Jan 2018, 12:42
by Cav
Gym this afternoon then maybe a film and quiet time with the gf

Saturday - memory dog walk dedicated to our late dog, Jucy. Clearing out some of my stuff from gf's parents

Sunday - goddaughter's birthday party in a soft play place.. can't wait!

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 26 Jan 2018, 14:06
by kiwikrasher
Long weekend here (not that it makes much difference to me (lol) ) due to Australia Day today, lots of hi-jinks and drinking were had (see what you are doing today thread)

Tomorrow is clean up and recovery.

Sunday is a run up the coast to see Jess’ parents for the day with all the kids.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 26 Jan 2018, 14:29
by D41
Nowt going on, really.....might go guitar shopping tomorrow, which means I'll umm & arrr for an hour or so, decide I'm happy with the guitars I already have, and then buy a new guitar strap & a box of strings instead.

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 27 Jan 2018, 13:15
by Fireball
Nowt exciting for me I,m afraid. Going to pick up my car today left at the bike showroom yesterday. By the looks of it the weather,s shit all weeekend and I,ll have to stay indoors all day tomorrow too. :-(

Re: Weekend plans

Posted: 27 Jan 2018, 17:40
by Deegee
Quiet R&R weekend here, 14hr days this week so well deserved I think. I’ve got dough rising in the airing cupboard for a DIY pizza night, my Bro is round so should be a giggle, we’ll watch a film with a drink or three.
Tomorrow I’m sorting Mrs Gees car out with a wash, clean and new wiper blades, then Sunday lunch with the family.