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Stolen Panigale in Birmingham City Centre - OV15 ECX

Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 10:07
by duke63
Red Panigale 899 Stolen in Birmingham city centre today at 9pm by four thugs.
Broke steering lock and pushed out of a car park me caught on cctv.
Reg number OV15 ECX
From Arcadian Car Park.

Re: Stolen Panigale in Birmingham City Centre - OV15 ECX

Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 10:14
by Blade
FInd the guilty and BURN them (devil)

Re: Stolen Panigale in Birmingham City Centre - OV15 ECX

Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 10:19
by duke63
[video][/video]We effectively seem to have a lawless state in many cities now. Gangs appear to be able to go round flouting the law by not even wearing legal gear, steal bikes as they please and the law just turns a blind eye.

watch the video above. Central London where cctv cameras cover everything going on but this is still happening.

Re: Stolen Panigale in Birmingham City Centre - OV15 ECX

Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 10:43
by C00kiemonster
That is scary. Good on him for being aware.

Re: Stolen Panigale in Birmingham City Centre - OV15 ECX

Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 11:01
by Kwacky
Not sure he's got that much proof. They could have been bag snatchers.

But I;m with him in watching out for this sort of activity. The moment I see people two up on a scooter or an off road style bike my spider senses start tingling.

I hope they find the Ducati

Re: Stolen Panigale in Birmingham City Centre - OV15 ECX

Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 11:57
by Blade
They probably are up to no good but with no evidence there is not a lot the Police can do apart from be vigilant for them acting suspiciously but I imagine that is every day stuff in London. What should be done IMO is organised gangs should be targeted via good intelligence and then given long custodial sentences when caught to remove them from our streets permanently. Where I SUSPECT the system fails us is once caught these scumbags are given little more than a suspended sentence.

That guy needs to be careful of his riding himself. I don't think chasing after the Police on an emergency call would be classed as driving to a good standard, he clearly films himself speeding and where he stops to talk with the Police is very questionable IMO. Good on him for being observant but not sure that gives him an excuse to ride the way he does in a built up area where a child could step out from between parked cars at any moment.

Re: Stolen Panigale in Birmingham City Centre - OV15 ECX

Posted: 02 Oct 2016, 15:27
by D41

That's a good point!......Probably one of those things where if everything goes well, then no harm/no foul....but if things go awry you're up sh*t creek without a paddle.

And like you say, there's nothing illegal about "looking suspicious".

At least I hope not, for my own sake.