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A question about a potential talk or presentation

Posted: 15 Apr 2016, 11:23
by T.C.
As some of you know, I quite regularly get asked to give presentations to various motorcycle groups and clubs around the country on a variety of motorcycle/legal related subjects.

However, I appreciate that not everyone is a member of a group and club but still have a wish to attend such an evening or event.

On that basis, if a talk/surgery type event was set up within reasonably easy travelling distance of where you live at an independent venue and was free of charge (even tea and coffee and maybe a few biccies may be provided at no cost as well ) would any of you be interested?

It is just an idea that I am kicking around at the moment so nothing speciific in mind yet. I am just trying to gauge what the interest might be.

And for those who say I am in the south and you live in the north, or you are in the west of the country or wherever, there would be a series of these around the country, so it would not be exclusive to just one part of the country.

I would be interested to hear your thoughts.

Re: A question about a potential talk or presentation

Posted: 15 Apr 2016, 11:31
by Kwacky
Yes, I would. But I suspect like most of us much depends on the topic. I've been to a couple of talks in the past and found them to be a bit preachy.

The sort of topics I would be interested in would be things like - common reasons for crashes (talk us through a couple of incidents, what went wrong, what the investigation found etc) , what the police look for when they're deciding who to pull over and how to deal with the police, accident blackspots in the local area, that sort of thing.

Re: A question about a potential talk or presentation

Posted: 15 Apr 2016, 12:21
by T.C.
Kwacky wrote:Yes, I would. But I suspect like most of us much depends on the topic. I've been to a couple of talks in the past and found them to be a bit preachy.

The sort of topics I would be interested in would be things like - common reasons for crashes (talk us through a couple of incidents, what went wrong, what the investigation found etc) , what the police look for when they're deciding who to pull over and how to deal with the police, accident blackspots in the local area, that sort of thing.
I don't preach, I am simply a motorcyclist talking to fellow motorcyclists.

There are number of subjects I talk on. The most popular is the claims litigation process and how it works. I dispell a number of myths, explain what contributory negligence is, how injuries are valued, time scales amongst other things.

The other popular one is the investigation side and I discuss how the investigations I do differ to the Police and Insurance investigation and I talk through a few cases with graphic photos, but also dispell a few myths.

I also do one for schools and advanced groups about instructor duty of care, another on the Fast track claims process to name but a few.

I did the claims one to a group last week, and I had questions and answers for another 90 minutes after I finished my bit.

Re: A question about a potential talk or presentation

Posted: 15 Apr 2016, 12:29
by Kwacky
That preachy comment wasn't aimed at you :)

I've done some "idiots guide to litigation" talks for clients in the past and like you seem to have spent longer dealing with questions.

Re: A question about a potential talk or presentation

Posted: 15 Apr 2016, 16:33
by D41
I've only been to one thing remotely similar and it was very cleverly done. Just the CHP with a stand set up at the start of a highway noted for RTAs....the LEOs were cool as fcuk,,,,handing out free stuff and friendly as could be.

The photos on display of bike wrecks were a different story entirely....sometimes saying nothing at all says everything.

Re: A question about a potential talk or presentation

Posted: 15 Apr 2016, 16:38
by Perkles
id be interested ,I can also chip in from a cyclists point of view

Re: A question about a potential talk or presentation

Posted: 15 Apr 2016, 16:50
by D41
Perkles wrote:id be interested ,I can also chip in from a cyclists point of view
....Go on??

Longtime cyclist here also, and 'competitor' in the "Tour Of Orange"'s a local er, event where you ride round the city and stop at just about every bar there is for one drink......I think I came 5th with 15.....winner ended up at 21 or

Re: A question about a potential talk or presentation

Posted: 15 Apr 2016, 16:59
by Perkles
started competitive racing when I was 11 ,won my 1st british champs aged 13, raced for GB all around the world until I was about 32.Commuted through a city by pushbike for a lifetime ,way before cycling was cool and hipster.Many things on a motorbike cross over to cycling imho

Re: A question about a potential talk or presentation

Posted: 15 Apr 2016, 17:37
by D41
Couldn't agree more...and I'm seriously impressed. I loved my time doing MTB racing....AND my one century ride...but it's just something you HAVE to do if you're a cyclist....been looking at a new bike recently for a comeback tour....leaning towards a Specialized at the moment...I used to be sponsored...which is more about PR than anything, and I'm fine with get free sh*t and just spout crap to encourage the Freds, etc.....then trounce them on the climbs!!!!


Re: A question about a potential talk or presentation

Posted: 15 Apr 2016, 18:28
by StMarks
Fwiw I'm absolutely not one for clubs or groups (of any persuasion, let alone motorcyclists).

T.C. wrote:... There are number of subjects I talk on. The most popular is the claims litigation process and how it works. I dispel a number of myths, explain what contributory negligence is, how injuries are valued, time scales amongst other things.

The other popular one is the investigation side and I discuss how the investigations I do differ to the Police and Insurance investigation and I talk through a few cases with graphic photos, but also dispell a few myths.

I also do one for schools and advanced groups about instructor duty of care, another on the Fast track claims process to name but a few.

I did the claims one to a group last week, and I had questions and answers for another 90 minutes after I finished my bit.
That ^^ I would very pleased to listen to please TC.

Re: A question about a potential talk or presentation

Posted: 19 Apr 2016, 10:21
by T.C.
If anyone is a member of the Thames Valley RoADAR group or the Wey Valley Advanced Motorcycle group, I am guest speaker at Thames Valley on Wednesday night and Wey Valley in Guildford on Thursday night. If you are there, do come up and introduce yourself and say Hi.