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Weekend Plans

Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 09:54
by Kwacky
So what's everyone up to?

Gym date tonight with my former PT. Chat shit in the gym for an hour then go to a local pub for a couple of pints and do the same.

Saturday wifey is at work so I'll be looking after the kids whilst removing the rear wheel off the zx6r. Take my daughter to dance class then the wheel and son to Addison Tyres for a new M7rr. No idea about the evening.

Sunday round to my mum's for dinner then looking like a beached whale as my bloated belly attracts a fleet of Japanese fishermen eager to harpoon me.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 10:20
by Cav
Being a miserable fecker all day today because I've not been sleeping properly for a week plus I've been doing 12 hours at work and still fitting in time to do the gym and football. Got to see a friend of my gf tonight too which I'm not really looking forward to.

Saturday I might actually be playing football for the first time since joining the team so long as it doesn't rain or snow.

Sunday is leg-day at the gym... I'll also be going to bed at 3pm in the hope of getting some sleep!

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 10:27
by Perkles
Its the 1st weekend I have zero planned ,its been a long week and I need to chillax.Hopefully the weathers going to be ok so I can do something with the bike or car

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 10:54
by beermonster
My mate's band is playing at the Vic in town tonight so I might go along to that.

Saturday will be a Costco run and a bit of a shamble around.

Sunday I'll be wrestling with my final MSc post module assignment (just the small matter of the dissertation after that fecker's done!).

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 11:01
by dogbot
Working tonight.

Lazing and doing chores tomorrow, perhaps going out on the bike if it's not foul.

Sunday, going to visit a friend who I met via my ex in Frome, walk her dogs with her (not a euphemism) and go to the Frome tattoo convention, probably.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 11:03
by Deegee
My weekend starts today with a day off - to visit the Dentists of all things, I can't guarantee I won't be needed to handle a breakdown on a particular day so despite my appt being at 8.30am I need to take a day off.

So I've got a 3 day weekend with nothing firm planned, probably chilling and general pottering about at home doing odd jobs is likely for today, and nipping into town for some new clothes and a haircut is on for tomorrow, along with hitting up some street food somewhere along the way.

No plan at all for Sunday, but if the weathers ok I might go for a good hike and get muddy along the way before Sunday lunch leaves me incapacitated for the afternoon. ;)

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 20:11
by D6Nutz
Bit of chilling out tonight.

Tomorrow is my daughters birthday party, so in taking the boy one out for the day. Tomorrow evening will probably be spent splatted on the sofa.

Sunday, should be doing an early 10 mile run of I can get my arse out of bed in time. Then family round in the afternoon.

Busy weekend.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 21:45
by Spudda
The fun adjuster is back home ..... so I'm off down the pub (makeup)

Seriously shes back out of Hospital until middle part of next week
Under 10 Footie in the morning, gym in the afternoon, try and sneak a pint Saturday night but thats not a priority (blush)
Unser 12 Footie on Sunday lunch and then chores on the Sunday afternoon