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Atomic Attacks on Japan

Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 12:58
by Kwacky ... eople.html" onclick=";return false;

It's 70 years on.

Japan is rightfully remembering the tragic events the people of its county suffered.

I can't believe however that people say it was the wrong thing to do. The Japs fought to the death. An invasion would have cost tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of lives and prolonged the war for a couple of years. The Japs were less than forgiving o anyone they came across.

Sad events which I pray will never be repeated.

Re: Atomic Attacks on Japan

Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 13:01
by C00kiemonster
I agree. They would not surrender and they were warned.

One of two awful events to end an awful war :(

Re: Atomic Attacks on Japan

Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 17:48
by Frankie
I watched a documentary the other day on this, I recorded it a while ago, only just got around to watching. They were speaking to and interviewing the pilots and aircrew of the planes involved, the bomber and the escorts taking the photos. They also were talking to people who survived the attack and when you look at the map they were very close to ground zero!!!!!! I could not believe anyone would have remained so close. (never knew)
Tragic for sure, but they would have kept on and on fighting they were not going to be defeated, this was clear.

As a family member posted the other day, his granddad was a Jap POW in a camp, if they did not surrender, he might not have survived, in turn a whole family line would not have existed, I know this can be said from the other side of the fence too. Trouble is this type of nasty weapon does exist on this planet and be it clean or dirty could be catastrophic. I really do hope that I never see the day this act of war/terrorism happens.

Re: Atomic Attacks on Japan

Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 21:35
by Deegee
Yes dropping the bomb was an awful thing to do, but it was the lesser of the two evils and given the same circumstances today I would hope someone would have the b*ll*cks to make the same decision.

Re: Atomic Attacks on Japan

Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 21:40
by Kwacky
Too many countries have the bomb now, that's the problem.

Re: Atomic Attacks on Japan

Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 22:07
by edski675
My FIL fought the Japanese in Singapore. He would rarely talk about it, it hurt too much. He was 18 in 1943 and was immediately sent to the Far East. He didn't return home until 1948. He would get teary-eyed and change the subject because of the horror of what he had seen. 10 of his schoolmates didn't come home, they died in Japanese camps. He would never have a Japanese car, although he did have Beetles and a NSW.

I agree - it was the lesser of two evils.

Re: Atomic Attacks on Japan

Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 22:37
by Kwacky
When I was a kid one of the guys in the choir I was in was a POW in Japan. He was lucky to still have both of his legs. He could only walk using crutches. He only mentioned it once, when he told us that he pleaded to be killed, only to be told he wasn't worthy of death.

Re: Atomic Attacks on Japan

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 12:34
by Blade
Kwacky wrote:Too many countries have the bomb now, that's the problem.
Or looking at it the other way it's that stale mate which has prevented any major world conflict.

Re: Atomic Attacks on Japan

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 12:39
by Kwacky
Without a doubt. The Russians and Americans went for the MAD policy - which is fine if you're in government and have a nice air conditioned bunker to live in for a few years.

Re: Atomic Attacks on Japan

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 17:56
by Si.
My Dad was in the SWW, for the whole duration. Joined the Army in 1937, left in 1956.

He said the Japs where more scarier and unforgiving than the Germans... and torture was rife amongst POW. They wouldn't surrender, they believed it was cowardice and not in their beliefs. The bomb(s) where used to stop the continuation in that part of the world.

Horrible bastards by all counts.

However, he did say the ones to fear where the Russians. They would never give up..ever.

Re: Atomic Attacks on Japan

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 18:44
by Kwacky
To be fair to the Russians they had good reason to behave the way they did after all the Germans had done to their civilians.

The Japs though are very twisted. Any country that thinks it's OK to have vending machines selling school girls used pants needs to be looked at.

Re: Atomic Attacks on Japan

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 19:31
by D41
Deegee wrote:Yes dropping the bomb was an awful thing to do, but it was the lesser of the two evils and given the same circumstances today I would hope someone would have the b*ll*cks to make the same decision.
Defo agree...estimates vary, but roughly agree that approx. 500,000 Allied lives would be lost if an actual land conquest of Japan were to have taken place.

Barely related, but my late uncle served in the Royal Navy during WWII....he had the coolest tattoo I've ever seen.....a pic of the ship he served on tatted across his chest....he used it to hide the shrapnel wounds he received whilst on that ship....can you imagined how much that would have frickin' hurt to get scar tissue tattooed??

Re: Atomic Attacks on Japan

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 21:18
by C00kiemonster
Kwacky wrote:To be fair to the Russians they had good reason to behave the way they did after all the Germans had done to their civilians.

The Japs though are very twisted. Any country that thinks it's OK to have vending machines selling school girls used pants needs to be looked at.
Not for those reasons but I do fancy a few days in Japan. Very interesting culture.

Re: Atomic Attacks on Japan

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 23:24
by Kwacky
You and me both. A mate works out there, says it's both confusing and fantastic.

Re: Atomic Attacks on Japan

Posted: 08 Aug 2015, 07:37
by Rossgo
Yes it had to be done. I would hope we wouldn't have to see one of them being used, if we do then I think it would be a disaster and every country would end up getting hurt. However it des make you think maybe it would be for the best. The pollution in this world is only created by humans. Blood is split today as if it nothing. Whether that's wars, terrorism or murders even to a point of landscape just being devasted just to build houses, or roads, no matter what we think humans are the evil in this world not just one country. We will need up over populated and living in squalor one day.

Unsure how I've related this but think I'm in a hypothetical mood!!