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8 months prison for a wheelie

Posted: 08 Jul 2015, 17:06
by Kwacky ... ce-9613351" onclick=";return false;

The biker is a tool but 8 months for that? He would have got less if he had given the copper a beating.

Re: 8 months prison for a wheelie

Posted: 08 Jul 2015, 17:22
by Itchy
F**k him. Purposely riding like a twat, U-turning to go and do it again past the PCSOs, doing the whole 'giving bikers a bad name' thing.

And when i say riding like a twat, it's not a little bit cheeky like we are on a rideout. That's the biking equivalent of going out drinking and looking for a fight with an empty pint pot ready to glass someone.
As opposed to us, who would perhaps have a few too many and get caught looking at the barmaid's low-cut top!

Maybe 8 months is a bit harsh, but hey, he'll think twice before riding like a collossal penis again.

Sorry, it's been a long day!

Re: 8 months prison for a wheelie

Posted: 08 Jul 2015, 17:27
by Blade
Eight months is the correct sentence for this complete nob, he is a complete and utter dick and broke god knows how may laws so does deserve a very harsh punishment imo. I hate people like him as sensible bikers often get grouped into the same stero typed box this prat helps create in the public's mind.

The guy is a wreckless, dangerous, stupid prick and I'm glad he is off the road tbh.

Re: 8 months prison for a wheelie

Posted: 08 Jul 2015, 17:32
by Tricky
Blade wrote:Eight months is the correct sentence for this complete nob, he is a complete and utter dick and broke god knows how may laws so does deserve a very harsh punishment imo. I hate people like him as sensible bikers often get grouped into the same stero typed box this prat helps create in the public's mind.

The guy is a wreckless, dangerous, stupid prick and I'm glad he is off the road tbh.

so, am i right in thinking that you agree with his punishment and that you dont like him very much? lol. (giggle)

Re: 8 months prison for a wheelie

Posted: 08 Jul 2015, 17:39
by Blade
I'm on the fence with this one tbh Tricky (giggle)

Re: 8 months prison for a wheelie

Posted: 08 Jul 2015, 18:02
by Perkles
Complete and utter wanker

Re: 8 months prison for a wheelie

Posted: 08 Jul 2015, 18:24
by duke63
He is a tosser but how is this very much different yet the sentence is nothing like and the twat even keeps his licence. ... S-ban.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: 8 months prison for a wheelie

Posted: 08 Jul 2015, 18:27
by Blade
I m very surprised that 109 in a 50 only got him 6 points.

Re: 8 months prison for a wheelie

Posted: 08 Jul 2015, 19:05
by Frankie
Did not even have gloves on! Stupidity winner of the year for sure.....

Re: 8 months prison for a wheelie

Posted: 09 Jul 2015, 10:30
by Rossgo
I got no time for these type of pricks in 30s. What if he had killed someone over the zebra crossing (on the other side of the bloody road) the old bill did right for 8 months inside. Then he should visit a family who has had a family member killed from dangerous driving. Failing that take one of his family members and tie them up on a train track tie him up with a key in the middle of them both and he has to untie himself before the scheduled train runs his family member over.

Anyone who rides with me will know I tend to stick to posted areas because it's there for a reason. He is just flaunting him being a prick.

Yesterday I had 4 LEARNER riders who thought they were bad arse riders in a 30mph zone.

I clocked them way down the road and realised very quickly that they were maxing their little machines out. It was confirmed when I saw the recklessly over taking everything g in front of them.

I have a very clear Think Biker sticker in my rear window, and WILL ALWAYS give bikers propority when I feel there is clear need/ room and right time. This time wasn't any of these things and decided to stick at 30 in quite a clear dominate position in the road. The leader decided to over take right next to an island narrowly missing the curb. Twat I though. how can it get any worse. 2 over took cutting in front of alnost hitting my front end. And the 4th. What can I say.

It sounds horrible but I hoped he did hit the bloody curb because I signalled way down the road that I was turning right. He decided to stick to the rear right of my car - I watched him and he didn't pay any attention to the road what so ever. A elephant could of leaped out while bumming a tiger and he would of missed it. I decided I am turning right and as I did I saw the whites of his eyes the fear on his face, breaking quickly and erratically turning around my car to the left hand side. Is it good that these spotty little 16-17 year olds are let loose on our roads who don't give to ducks about 30s

Re: 8 months prison for a wheelie

Posted: 09 Jul 2015, 11:31
by C00kiemonster
Quote of the day for me.... 'An elephant bumming a tiger'. :)