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I'm falling apart

Posted: 01 Jun 2015, 10:47
by Kwacky
I've had a call from the hospital saying they want me back in for a review.

A few weeks ago I hurt my hand doing Taekwondo. I thought I had broken it.

Just over a week ago I went to hospital for an xray. They told me the hand wasn't broken. The advice was to rest it up for a few weeks.

Since then I've had a call from one of the consultant's secretary's, asking me in for a review, which I've booked for next Friday. My spidey senses are tingling. They've missed something, haven't they?

Re: I'm falling apart

Posted: 01 Jun 2015, 11:09
by Perkles
better to be safe than sorry and worth checking it out again

Re: I'm falling apart

Posted: 01 Jun 2015, 11:32
by DaytonAndy
As above. There's probably a hair line fracture or something they want to make sure is healing right.

Re: I'm falling apart

Posted: 01 Jun 2015, 11:34
by Blade
As you suspect probably missed something. They missed my fractured elbow twice even though I was complaining of pain. Hope you get some answers and are OK.

Re: I'm falling apart

Posted: 01 Jun 2015, 13:02
by D6
It's probably gone through the Gaydar system and been flagged as a potential issue.

Re: I'm falling apart

Posted: 01 Jun 2015, 17:14
by Rossgo
Yea like others have said Kwacky prob a fracture that they just missed or want to check up on (delete as necessary for your doctor's competency!!)

Re: I'm falling apart

Posted: 02 Jun 2015, 06:54
by rocket
D6 wrote:It's probably gone through the Gaydar system and been flagged as a potential issue.
I think we all know the sad truth Kwacky has far to much gayness and it is irrecoverable now no amount of drugs or animal testing can save him.

Re: I'm falling apart

Posted: 05 Jun 2015, 12:15
by Kwacky
Possible fracture to mid section of right ring finger but it's not across the bone and there's no pain so nothing to do.

Re: I'm falling apart

Posted: 05 Jun 2015, 12:19
by DaytonaBuff
Stopping fingering rings would be my advice. Or swap fingers. I'm never getting my prostate checked by you again. Or if I do, at least take off the bike gloves.

At least you now know and can stop worrying Rich. That's got to be a good thing. (y)

Re: I'm falling apart

Posted: 05 Jun 2015, 12:22
by DaytonAndy
Kwacky wrote:Possible fracture
It's always nice when they're sure! Good news it's nothing serious.

Re: I'm falling apart

Posted: 05 Jun 2015, 12:40
by Kwacky
Cheers Mr Buff (and nice to see you back with us (y)

It's hard to get a clear view on x-rays sometimes. You can see the area in question but it could be the way the vein is lying across the bone.

Anyway, it's still good for finger blasting so that's my weekend sorted.

Re: I'm falling apart

Posted: 05 Jun 2015, 14:07
by Blade
As Andy says not good that they are guessing. Shouldn't they know ??

Re: I'm falling apart

Posted: 05 Jun 2015, 14:15
by Kwacky
Fractures aren't always obvious on xray. Don't forget it's a 2D black and white image they're working with. Expert radiologists can disagree over the same xray.

Re: I'm falling apart

Posted: 05 Jun 2015, 14:16
by Kwacky
Besides which, fracture or no fracture, the treatment is the same - leave it alone.

Re: I'm falling apart

Posted: 05 Jun 2015, 20:24
by Rossgo
Well least you have some clear treatment Kwacky!