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GMP unmarked HGV

Posted: 11 May 2015, 11:27
by Blade
Greater Manchester Police have been carrying out a covert operation on bad driving primarily on motorways.

They have been using an unmarked HGV to spot people texting, and reading etc.... At the wheel.

The high up position of the HGV allows the observers to video people using there phone on there laps in an attempt to conceal the use.

Not normally a fan of unmarked police vehicle use, but personally I think this is a good use of such resources to stop dangerous driving.

Re: GMP unmarked HGV

Posted: 11 May 2015, 11:30
by Kwacky
West Mids Police and Warwickshire Police both have an HGV tractor unit they use. It's a good idea. At least they're easier to get away from than the cars they've got (devil)

Re: GMP unmarked HGV

Posted: 11 May 2015, 11:41
by R1ckster
I was taking scenic route from Stoke to London yesterday.. Almost got caught by an unmarked biker cop. All black apart from white helmet with copper written on the back :)

Re: GMP unmarked HGV

Posted: 11 May 2015, 11:48
by Blade
Seems to be an increase on forces using umarked vehicles.

I've have recently heard of a silver Busa operating in Derbyshire and a crack down on small plates and noisey cans.

Re: GMP unmarked HGV

Posted: 11 May 2015, 14:25
by Mac
We use a unmarked sports ute for the same purposes, catching "distracted drivers". It's amazing what you can watch people do, or attempt to do anyway.

Re: GMP unmarked HGV

Posted: 11 May 2015, 15:09
by D6Nutz
I saw the unmarked truck thing on one of the telly programs a while back. It surprising how many truck drivers do things they shouldn't, I guess mainly because they can't be seen. The unmarked truck was being used to peek into their cabs.

I think it's a sign of the dropping driving standards that police have to use unmarked vehicles. You only have to use a motorway and drive past a cop car to witness the reactions and changes in driving from the majority of road users (myself probably included)

Re: GMP unmarked HGV

Posted: 11 May 2015, 15:18
by Blade
That's very true unfortunately Nutz. Driving standards in all areas have generally dropped IMO.

Re: GMP unmarked HGV

Posted: 11 May 2015, 15:22
by Kwacky
There have been a couple of cases in the news about lorry and HGV drivers" onclick=";return false; ... r-32686505" onclick=";return false;

Re: GMP unmarked HGV

Posted: 11 May 2015, 19:50
by Perkles
Driving home tonight stuck in traffic I counted about five people all driving and using their mobiles,police need to crack down on this now it's getting out of hand

Re: GMP unmarked HGV

Posted: 13 May 2015, 10:52
by Rossgo
I think it's a great idea HGVs are (I would say) the most dangerous vwchicle on the road. The driver has to be extra vigilant on what's going on around them as cars/ bikes are go I g a lot quicker and they are the heaviest on the road so if a HGV hit into a smaller car the driver is potentially going to loose their life.

Re: GMP unmarked HGV

Posted: 13 May 2015, 10:52
by Kwacky
Rossgo wrote:I think it's a great idea HGVs are (I would say) the most dangerous vwchicle on the road. The driver has to be extra vigilant on what's going on around them as cars/ bikes are go I g a lot quicker and they are the heaviest on the road so if a HGV hit into a smaller car the driver is potentially going to loose their life.

On the plus side these accidents keep me in work :D

Re: GMP unmarked HGV

Posted: 13 May 2015, 11:01
by Rossgo
As others have said about driving standards personally I believe it's due to a much higher amount of people being out on the roads so what is acceptable in some peoples eyes isn't acceptable in the laws eyes. I know from eastern Europeans at work they think nothing about drink driving. Doesn't even stumble them, because in their countries it's the norm, pay off the old bill of anything does happens and happy days. Personally there should be zero tolerance on drinking, using mobile phones and I'm sure there's more but right now can't think of anymore! However the question then comes up on how to ensure this never drink driving answer - when turn up at pub you must hand in your car keys and they hold them until you leave. They MUST check your breath and if your legally acceptable then happy days if not pub holds onto your keys until next day when your get checked again. However who would fork out for the tests, the pub or the person or the government? Gets a tad pricy now!

Re: GMP unmarked HGV

Posted: 13 May 2015, 11:10
by Kwacky
A lack of available police means that drivers can do what they like.

Re: GMP unmarked HGV

Posted: 13 May 2015, 11:22
by Rossgo
That's the problem Kwacky it's a shame but in today's world people will keep pushing what they can do because we are generally a law in ourselves! Everyone has the excuse it will be alright, until the time it isn't

Re: GMP unmarked HGV

Posted: 13 May 2015, 13:05
by D6
I don't think the pub should be the one to enforce drink driving.

Re: GMP unmarked HGV

Posted: 13 May 2015, 14:04
by Rossgo
I agree too as the poor barman would be the one who got smashed in the face when he/ she refused to give back the keys in nowadays society, or the other way to think of it is the landlord has to sign an agreemebt where they have to do it if they are to sell alcohol, that could be made law in which case they would be forced to do something like the idea I suggested.

Re: GMP unmarked HGV

Posted: 13 May 2015, 18:24
by R34PER
Rossgo wrote:I agree too as the poor barman would be the one who got smashed in the face when he/ she refused to give back the keys in nowadays society, or the other way to think of it is the landlord has to sign an agreemebt where they have to do it if they are to sell alcohol, that could be made law in which case they would be forced to do something like the idea I suggested.
But the idea was just passing the responsibility on to people whose problem it shouldn't be, imagine a landlord of a busy pub having to spend an extra hour or two breathalysing 50 people at kicking out time, who funds that? If people are prone to drink driving I doubt even taking their keys off them would stop them as they would just carry a spare. I think the focus should be more towards catching and punishing the serial offenders as well as education (although people know that they shouldn't do it) for the first timers.

Overall I think we need more police on patrol because as others have stated, there are so many obvious issues on the road that In any journey they could issue a 10's and even hundreds of tickets for things like mobile phone usage behind the wheel. I'd also be in favour of heftier fines for people caught using their phones and drink driving because there is no excuse for either.

Re: GMP unmarked HGV

Posted: 13 May 2015, 23:56
by Rossgo
This is very true R34PER and I am definitely not aguring with you.

However more police isn't go I g to happen or at least any time soon. The more police there are the more people there are and therefore more expensive and not even private companies want to spend more money all they want to do is lower costs! So how else can it be monitored? A breath analyser for the ignition of the car every time you come to it? So there for its the the manufacturers problem, and cars detecting your phone and turns on your Bluetooth and iit disables your actual phone while at it so you can't be done for ohoneing while driving etc. Again manufacturers problem.

It's very tough and to be honest one I don't think will get sorted unless these 2 issues get sorted (sure there's others) but both depend on asking for help from others. Britain is poor!! Lol

Re: GMP unmarked HGV

Posted: 14 May 2015, 15:06
by D6
Breathalysers fitted to cars might help. But of course you could just find someone to breath in it for you... but at might help occasionally

Re: GMP unmarked HGV

Posted: 14 May 2015, 15:25
by Blade
Ban drink drivers for life, simple fix (swear)

Let's not beat around the bush they know what there doing and they know there being cocks and taking a chance. I won't drive when tied off nighshift as I know I m seriously effected by tiredness people who drink drive are complete cocks IMO. Ban them and get them of the road. Apologies for being on my soap box, but they know what there doing, they know its illegal and socially un-acceptable, they know their risking public safety. There selfish w@nkers and need banning.

I like a drink as much as the next man but in 25 years driving / riding I have never drove under the influence of acholol. If you can afford beer you can afford a taxi home you just choose not too.