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Mobiles and drivers and being abused by a hot blonde

Posted: 28 Apr 2015, 21:54
by duke63
Sadly not the sort I would wish :D

On the way to work this AM in the car and I notice the hot babe in front keeps looking down into her lap oblivious to everything around her. At the lights on the roundabout coming off the M6 she stops at the lights and straight back to her phone in her lap. The truck beside her pulls away as the lights change and she doesn't notice until its half way past her.

I think she perhaps has learned her lesson but no, off she goes, looks ahead for a few seconds then back down to her phone by which time i'm getting pissed off with her, so tap the horn and motion to her she should be looking at the road and not her phone......and the silly cow goes ballistic, gives me the finger, wanker sign and the V's and I can see she is having a good old rant at me.

Eventually she pulls over to the inside lane allowing me to pass, still mouthing off and making the wanker sign. I just shake my head.

Can anything be that important on a phone whilst you are driving? She wasn't chatting but either texting, emailing or on the net. It just beggars belief how **** stupid many drivers are.

And just to make it worse, i observe how many other drivers are doing the same or similar straight after in the next few miles to work.

There should be new law passed such that any driver caught using the phone illegally should have the phone confiscated and the number and phone destroyed. I'm sure that might make them take more notice than a 3 points and a small fine, as their phones are obviously so vital to their existence.

Re: Mobiles and drivers and being abused by a hot blonde

Posted: 28 Apr 2015, 22:20
by Kwacky
The problem is getting worse. 3 times on way home tonight I've sounded my horn at drivers who haven't seen me because they're on the phone. Like your driver they've got it on their lap, which makes it worse as they have to look down.

I use my phone a lot but never see a reason to pick it up when I'm driving.

Re: Mobiles and drivers and being abused by a hot blonde

Posted: 28 Apr 2015, 22:22
by Kwacky

Re: Mobiles and drivers and being abused by a hot blonde

Posted: 29 Apr 2015, 07:17
by C00kiemonster
I've always thought I'd get a couple of signs made up that live on the passenger seat so you can be clear on what the problem is....

Phone Wanker
Middle lane twat

That would do to start with :)

Re: Mobiles and drivers and being abused by a hot blonde

Posted: 29 Apr 2015, 08:16
by rocket
It is getting worse recently if I make any gestures or comments to people they either go all sheepish and pretend they were never using it or get really angry. To me it's one of the most dangerous things people can do whilst driving but the police don't seem to want to know as it takes more man power than a police man with a black box or a speed camera.

Re: Mobiles and drivers and being abused by a hot blonde

Posted: 29 Apr 2015, 08:36
by Perkles
police should target this instead of motorcyclists ,its so annoying when you see people drift from lane to lane because they are texting on their phone

Re: Mobiles and drivers and being abused by a hot blonde

Posted: 29 Apr 2015, 17:55
by Rossgo
It's strange how cars can have Bluetooth but people still want to be looking at their phones while in charge of a vehicle that can kill and they see it acceptable that they can look away from a road. Even in stationary traffic things can change quickly. It really winds me up because you just know these people are looking at things like Facebook and Twitter.

I honestly turn my phone off if I know it's a long journey or hide it away so when it does go off I'm.unaware and when I stop for a break it's more interesting to catch up

Re: Mobiles and drivers and being abused by a hot blonde

Posted: 29 Apr 2015, 18:21
by D6Nutz
I'm fairly certain that most people seem to believe that it's only holding the phone to your ear that's illegal. The number of people I see holding it in front of their face on speaker phone isn't funny.

Then there's the people that don't understand a tablet is also a handheld device and therefore illegal too.

And don't get me started on the Wayne Kerr's that have so slam their brakes on at the last minute and nearly cause multiple accidents because they are to important to sit in a 30 second queue.

Re: Mobiles and drivers and being abused by a hot blonde

Posted: 29 Apr 2015, 19:05
by DaytonAndy
And the thread title had so much promise lol.

Re: Mobiles and drivers and being abused by a hot blonde

Posted: 30 Apr 2015, 10:34
by D6
I find it really difficult to talk on mine with my helmet on. And the touch screen is really difficult to use with glove.

Re: Mobiles and drivers and being abused by a hot blonde

Posted: 06 May 2015, 12:59
by Kwacky
They should turn your mobile phone into part of the vehicle security. Put the phone in a docking bay, key in a PIN or finger print scan then the car will start. The car will only run if the phone is docked, so that way the driver can't use it whilst driving. It could also tie in with insurance companies for young drivers as the phone can record speed, driving habits and location, similar to the current black boxes they provide.

I'm in the wrong line of business.

Re: Mobiles and drivers and being abused by a hot blonde

Posted: 06 May 2015, 13:16
by R34PER
Kwacky wrote:They should turn your mobile phone into part of the vehicle security. Put the phone in a docking bay, key in a PIN or finger print scan then the car will start. The car will only run if the phone is docked, so that way the driver can't use it whilst driving. It could also tie in with insurance companies for young drivers as the phone can record speed, driving habits and location, similar to the current black boxes they provide.

I'm in the wrong line of business.
Except that every 12 months you'd need a new docking station as universal phone holders are never any good.

Re: Mobiles and drivers and being abused by a hot blonde

Posted: 06 May 2015, 13:18
by D6
What if you don't own a phone? aaaarrrrgh, I cant use my car!!!!!

Re: Mobiles and drivers and being abused by a hot blonde

Posted: 06 May 2015, 13:21
by Kwacky
It's be a clip on cradle that drops in. You buy a phone specific cradle (thinking on my feet here).

Who doesn't own a phone?

Re: Mobiles and drivers and being abused by a hot blonde

Posted: 06 May 2015, 13:23
by D6
Kwacky wrote:Who doesn't own a phone?

Me for short periods of time. Like when Kate decided it need to be cleaned in the washing machine. Or when I rode home, and It tipped it down and destroyed another. Or when I was too drunk to use it properly and threw it at my mate....

Re: Mobiles and drivers and being abused by a hot blonde

Posted: 06 May 2015, 13:29
by Kwacky
I'll sell you one of my old Nokias. It's harder than an aircraft's black box.

Re: Mobiles and drivers and being abused by a hot blonde

Posted: 06 May 2015, 14:25
by Perkles
even with a hands free device they are dangerous to use,your mind is not concentrating on the road.I think they should be banned for drivers full stop

Re: Mobiles and drivers and being abused by a hot blonde

Posted: 06 May 2015, 16:10
by Rossgo
Kwacky wrote:They should turn your mobile phone into part of the vehicle security. Put the phone in a docking bay, key in a PIN or finger print scan then the car will start. The car will only run if the phone is docked, so that way the driver can't use it whilst driving. It could also tie in with insurance companies for young drivers as the phone can record speed, driving habits and location, similar to the current black boxes they provide.

I'm in the wrong line of business.
You are far too ahead of the times mate!! We are not ready for that just yet!! However it's a winning invention with a few tweaks I'm sure! First you need to concentrate on a car that will detect you have a phone and automatically turns your blue tooth ON and syncs with the car BEFORE you can even out it into gear.

Re: Mobiles and drivers and being abused by a hot blonde

Posted: 06 May 2015, 16:13
by D6Nutz
The docking station would also need to disable all functionality other than the telephone and satnav.

You don't need to text/Facebook/tweet etc while driving.

Re: Mobiles and drivers and being abused by a hot blonde

Posted: 06 May 2015, 16:20
by Kwacky
I'm fairly certain the HTC Drive software only allows calls, satnav and music functions when you're driving, so that's easy enough to incorporate.