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Other forums

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 16:07
by Itchy
First of all,


I feel like I've been away for far too long. Until a couple of days ago I haven't even checked on the forum, never mind posted on it, for what seems like an eternity. Whether anyone noticed/is bothered is neither here nor there, I'm back baby!

Anyhoo, the reason for my not-so-notable abscence, the blame for why I have abandoned you all rests squarely with one game.


I mentioned it in one of my last posts, around the time I had a nine hour day of it (interspersed with cups of tea and sexual shenanigans). Little did I realise how much it would have affected me.
The more you play this game the more you level up, and seeing the progression my characters have made (yes, I have more than one!) has left me "just needing to do that little bit more". Which isn't a little bit more, it never is. There's always something else to do, some other weapon to obtain or piece of armour to upgrade. But knowing all I have to do to obtain or upgrade these things is to play the game some more, I stick at it. I've had more than one night this week where I've gone to bed after midnight, only to be woken up by the dog at 0600.

Then I discovered there's a Destiny app.

In this app you can check on all your stats, move stuff around your characters, prepare yourself for tonight's mission once the kids are in bed, all from the comfort of the toilet seat or wherever you happen to be with your smartphone at the time, without even needing your console to be turned on.

Now this is all well and good, but in the app is a link.

A link to another world.

A Destiny forum!

At first, I just went on for a look, to see if I could glean any information about the game, upcoming updates, hints, tips and tricks. I basically went onto it expecting a video game version of Tankslap.

Good holy crap, how wrong I was!

The amount of vitriolic bile spewing from the threads was shocking. I could not believe it.
Innocent threads asking innocent questions quickly descend into unhelpful immature garbage.
Arguments, name-calling, questioning of parentage, monumentally poor grammar and spelling, all the things you come to expect at a playground, not a forum where everyone is there with the same interest. Certainly not decent forum such as TS, anyway!

And yet I couldn't tear myself away. Every day, every couple of hours I'd find myself going back to see what the kids are fighting about next! I'd tell myself that I was just going on too try and find out some details about a cetain thing. After a trawl, I'd eventually find the details I wanted but couldn't bring myself to put my phone in my pocket. I'd be trawling through the latest "If you use this weapon in multiplayer you're a noob" thread, feeling exasperated and bemused in the same stroke.

At least I'm not posting on there. I don't think handle the popular responses on there if I did.

"Get good scrub" which seems to mean "Sir, I do not think you are very proficient at playing this game, I suggest you try and improve your skill level"
And has recently been dumbed down even further to "git gud skrub".

"Your mom should have swallowed"


Which brings me onto my question, which I could have asked without the long-wind, mildly irrelevant backstory...

What other forums do you frequent? Are they small and friendly, or are they huge and corrosive? Do you post or just lurk?

And how the hell is everbody? I've missed you all!

Re: Other forums

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 16:12
by Itchy
And it appears I have some catching up to do, just found the thread about 675cc..." onclick=";return false;
and found some very relevant comments in there.

Re: Other forums

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 16:25
by Rossgo
I really don't use other forums only this and 675. To be honest unsure why forums like what your explaining even exists sounds like it's just corrosive on the brain!

Welcome back we are all friends here...Although I like "your mum should have swallowed" as a 'diss'...certainly beats "your mum" which was very popular at the time when I was at school!! Who said kids are getting dumber nowadays, they've actually added more words to that insult!!

Re: Other forums

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 16:31
by Kwacky
I use a handful of forums:-

motoforum (mainly lurking)
SmallHeathAlliance (football)
A tarantula forum
Performance Bikes (for a bit of fun)

Re: Other forums

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 16:38
by Norfolknchance
These days it just here and PB.

Re: Other forums

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 16:38
by Norfolknchance
Oh yeah, I occassionally visit Londonbikers to see if anyone I used to know is still kicking about, but as I'm back in Liverpool there is little point.

Re: Other forums

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 16:45
by Perkles
performance bikes
zx10r forum
An anxiety forum called no more panic

Re: Other forums

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 16:48
by Kwacky
and a z1000sx forum, but despite the numbers it's very very quiet and no chat at all apart from bike related matters.

Re: Other forums

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 17:49
by Blade
Here, 1000rr, zx10r, speedzill occasionally

Re: Other forums

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 18:32
by D6Nutz
Welcome back!

The only other forum I visit is RSVR.

Re: Other forums

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 19:21
by Mac
This is the only forum I belong to. I don't even Facebook

Re: Other forums

Posted: 23 Apr 2015, 22:30
by kiwikrasher
This forum and occasionally a Australian Kawasaki Riders Forum, but have only posted there a handful of times.
Don't facebook or Twitter and I dumped Instagram a couple or years back because it was consuming my life as Itchys video game was. I helped run a group page, organised instameets and interacted within my feed way too much.

I am borderline OCD so the level of posting on TS is just right, as my 'unread posts' tab HAS to be cleared each day :)

Re: Other forums

Posted: 24 Apr 2015, 07:38
by kingfixer
The forums I visit are usually dependent on which bikes I own, currently
TDR ( very rarely now though)
and here

Re: Other forums

Posted: 24 Apr 2015, 12:38
by Itchy
I occasionally visit but I haven't posted in a while. Like, a year or two.

I almost feel like I'm cheating on the Slappers!

Re: Other forums

Posted: 24 Apr 2015, 12:51
by Kwacky
It's an open relationship. Just so long as you come back :)

Re: Other forums

Posted: 24 Apr 2015, 19:04
by Binno
Mac wrote:This is the only forum I belong to. I don't even Facebook