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Weekend plans?

Posted: 17 Apr 2015, 08:39
by Kwacky
So what you all up to?

Gym ten early night

Out for a play on the bike with Perkles then getting scrubbed up and off to a wedding reception in the evening

Sunday depends on Saturday night

Re: Weekend plans?

Posted: 17 Apr 2015, 08:43
by kingfixer
Tonight....down the local (beer) (beer) indoors said she might be going out so hopefully i'll get out on the bike
Sun...Dunno really

Re: Weekend plans?

Posted: 17 Apr 2015, 09:05
by Perkles
tonight take my bike for a last minute mot
tomorrow bike with kwacky and wedding reception on the evening
Sunday food shopping and house chores :)

Re: Weekend plans?

Posted: 17 Apr 2015, 12:04
by beermonster
My weekend started on Wednesday evening which was a quiet one.
Thursday was Therapy? gig with Kwacky (top notch gig...and I'm glad I took today off as I'm a little sore from the moshing I started!)
Friday got some housework to catch up on then off to Costco with my mate who supplies me with a lift to stock up on the month's bulk items.
Saturday will be a trip to Loaf for tasty comestibles, sports massage (not as nice as it sounds,,,in fact it's fookin' painful!) then probably chill out in the afternoon.
Sunday no plans as yet, probably get out on the pushbike if the weather plays ball.

Re: Weekend plans?

Posted: 17 Apr 2015, 17:36
by Blade
Got the usual football and swimming tomorrow then going to try and clear a back log of chores.

Its my lads birthday weekend so Sunday will be playing Xbox in the morning (his present) and the afternoon could be a little more stressful. Were taking 8 kids to the pictures and nandos afterwards, god help us (facepalm)

Re: Weekend plans?

Posted: 17 Apr 2015, 18:09
by D6Nutz
Might pop to the local for a quiet point tonight.

Tomorrow well be a fun packed day of picking up moving boxes and doing mortgage / solicitor paperwork.

Sunday will hopefully be a bit more fun, but not bike related as the exhaust hasn't been sorted yet.

Re: Weekend plans?

Posted: 17 Apr 2015, 19:39
by Blade
Blade wrote:Got the usual football and swimming tomorrow then going to try and clear a back log of chores.

Its my lads birthday weekend so Sunday will be playing Xbox in the morning (his present) and the afternoon could be a little more stressful. Were taking 8 kids to the pictures and nandos afterwards, god help us (facepalm)
Haha are you too just happy I will be looking after a load of very excited kids ?

Re: Weekend plans?

Posted: 18 Apr 2015, 01:15
by Spudda
Met some mates up Wolverhampton tonight for a couple of beers
Spudlet footie tomorrow with Spudlet 1 kicking of at 10 and Spudlet 2 at 11:30
Gym tomorrow afternoon before a few beers tomorrow night

Sunday is lie in until I can then possibly on the bike

Re: Weekend plans?

Posted: 18 Apr 2015, 10:01
by D41
Moving house. (gah)

Re: Weekend plans?

Posted: 18 Apr 2015, 10:06
by DaytonAndy
Bike shopping then a bbq.
D41 wrote:Moving house. (gah)
I thought you had been very quiet for a while!