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Autoslaap train no more..

Posted: 16 Apr 2015, 17:23
by Si.
If anyone is thinking about booking this, they went into receivership 2 days ago, and they have cancelled ALL trains.

We booked in feb, paid £900 for the pleasure (granted, its the restaurant car with 3 course fodder, brekkie and drinks, trip back from Livorno to Holland and overnights sleep in a couchét) and i got pointed out by a third party that they have gone bust. No email from Railsavers or phone call, i found out for myself. Now, the trick is to get the £900 back.... not holding our breath to be fair on this one, but fingers crossed.

We will have to re-do and re-shedule our Holiday on the bikes as the train cut out 3 days ride, 2 nights hotel and food, so if anyone is this king of booking ...DON'T. Railsavers where still taking bookings... (facepalm)

Just a heads up, and it's a shame that it's gone tits up, as it really was a great way to end a trip and cut out over 1,000 miles from Italy to holland.

The worst thing is, many people look like they will lose their jobs.... not good at all.

Can't understand it, as it was packed to the rafters every year, and the ONLY motor rail train left that covers multiple countries in Europe.

I know Duke and others where considering this for the future, but alas, i cry in my cornflakes.

Shame. ;(

Re: Autoslaap train no more..

Posted: 16 Apr 2015, 17:31
by Blade
Cr@p news all round Si, really hope you get the money back. Will travel insurance cover it ?

Any alternative train routes or similar available ?

Re: Autoslaap train no more..

Posted: 16 Apr 2015, 17:44
by C00kiemonster
Shit news. I know you plan your holidays well.

Did you book on credit card? If so your protected that way (or should be ). You don't even have to have paid all of it on credit card, just some of it or a deposit.

I hope you get your money back!

Re: Autoslaap train no more..

Posted: 16 Apr 2015, 17:46
by Si.
Nope, insurance won't cover it, as we haven't taken any out yet! it wouldn't anyway, as the trip is multiple destinations and we didn't use a travel; company....and the only comeback MAY be through Railsavers themselves as we booked through them, not direct. Autoslaap in Holland have announced that they will reimburse, but i doubt it. Railsavers take a commission obviously, so the true cost is unknown....

And Blade, the train was the last one of it's kind to cover Italy, Slovenia, Holland, Switzerland and Germany... there was no there alternative.

Re: Autoslaap train no more..

Posted: 16 Apr 2015, 18:05
by Blade
Sh1t news Si. Really hope you get your money back and the impact on your trip is not too big.

Re: Autoslaap train no more..

Posted: 16 Apr 2015, 18:10
by Kwacky
Balls. That sucks. Sorry to hear that.

Re: Autoslaap train no more..

Posted: 16 Apr 2015, 18:11
by Si.
Cheers dude. To be fair, away is away, and it aint work, so looks like we will spend the night in Amsterdam on the way back...shitter. LOL.

We had 3 nights booked in Florence for a chill after the ride down, but it looks like we will have to cancel that and re-route and stay in Germany, or take 2 days in the Hotel that you and i stayed in Como instead, so not too bad. there are worse things.....

The journey is about the ride there, and that won't change, it will still be superb...

Re: Autoslaap train no more..

Posted: 16 Apr 2015, 18:15
by Blade
Good attuide Si mate.

It will still be epic mate and who's knows those unplanned roads could be the best you ride all trip.

Hope it works out in the end buddy.

PS that como spot is awesome and I'll defo go back.

Re: Autoslaap train no more..

Posted: 16 Apr 2015, 18:30
by Kwacky
Amsterdam you say? Hmmm, 50 mins away via Brum airport :D

Re: Autoslaap train no more..

Posted: 16 Apr 2015, 21:13
by duke63
Very sorry to hear that, Si. Crap news when you plan so meticulously.

It sounds like they have not gone bust but just ceased running this train. ... loses.html" onclick=";return false;

Re: Autoslaap train no more..

Posted: 16 Apr 2015, 22:23
by Si.
Contrary to that report Si, but: this to me means insolvency, appointed by the court etc....
I.e, gone tits up.

Re: Autoslaap train no more..

Posted: 16 Apr 2015, 23:18
by Frankie
Thats sucks, sorry to read this... I thought the train was always packed and booked up in advanced and full, something has gone a little pear shaped obviously :( I hope you all get your wedge back

Re: Autoslaap train no more..

Posted: 17 Apr 2015, 07:04
by Rossgo
Sorry to hear about this Si. 900quid is a lot of money I really hope you get that money back.

Re: Autoslaap train no more..

Posted: 19 Apr 2015, 19:36
by R34PER

Late into the evening on Friday 18thApril, yesterday, Leo Webber the owner of Autoslaap trains and a personal friend called me to say it is 95% certain that he has sold the Motorail business to a highly respected Dutch Company and plans are that ALL 2015 AUTOSLAAP TRAINS WILL RUN AS PER PROGRAMME.

Such is our confidence we have indicated our willingness to take a financial stake in the business.

We hope this news goes a long way to dispel rumour and concern that has surrounded this superb product during last 48 hours.

If you need any more information please email us at"

Many thanks

Managing Director Railsavers (Europe) Ltd
This is the new message showing on the site now, maybe all is not lost.

Re: Autoslaap train no more..

Posted: 19 Apr 2015, 19:38
by Blade
I hope that's true, great news if it is.

Re: Autoslaap train no more..

Posted: 19 Apr 2015, 19:50
by Rossgo
Can only echo Blade here really hope it works out would be superb if it does