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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Posted: 12 Apr 2015, 11:45
by beermonster
Rather than continue hijacking the Mr Postman thread I thought I'd start a new thread here!

Thanks for all the support - tried out the new wrist splints last night and they did seem to make a bit of a difference. I managed to get a better, if not perfect, night's sleep so I'll keep on giving them a go.

I've got an injection in my right wrist booked for early May so hopefully that will help...and if it does I'll have it on the left as well. Just as well I don't mind needles innit!

I'll have a look on line later to see if there's anything on TENS helping CTS - if there is then I'll probably invest in one of those too - thanks for the suggestion Blade.

I'll keep you all posted / bored senseless with how I get on! (y)

Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Posted: 12 Apr 2015, 11:53
by Blade
Glad the splints helped a bit.

I did a quick search and tens does seem to help CTS and it's effective with my nerve damage problem in my back so fingers crossed it works for you.

Hopefully the injection will improve things too. I have had them in my back which is painful and scary but did work so worth the effort IMO.

Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Posted: 12 Apr 2015, 14:57
by Kwacky
CTS isn't nice but it usually is treatable.

Re: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Posted: 12 Apr 2015, 17:34
by Blade
All joking aside when my back flares up having a few beers normally helps. Maybe worth a try. If it doesn't work at least your chilled out a bit more anyway.