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General Election 2015

Posted: 07 Apr 2015, 12:46
by Kwacky
I'm already bored by it.

Can't we have an 80s style It's a Knockout gameshow for them to compete in to decide who the winner is going to be?

I see Blair is sticking his beak in again. Bloke should be done for war crimes IMO.

Re: General Election 2015

Posted: 07 Apr 2015, 15:31
by bb41
how I agreers: Blair Kwacky. Why he has never had to answer is beyond me

As for the General Election I always find it amusing that politics is so in the background for 4 years and 3 months and then boom, they all want air time.

We will vote as to what would benefit our own circumstances I feel now rather than the good of everyone else.

To that ends I'm voting for Stig of the dump :-)

Re: General Election 2015

Posted: 07 Apr 2015, 15:32
by R34PER

Re: General Election 2015

Posted: 07 Apr 2015, 16:08
by Monty
Kwacky wrote:I see Blair is sticking his beak in again. Bloke should be done for war crimes IMO.
Fiver says history will prove he was deceived just like the rest of the world. We might have to wait 50 years or so mind.

I'm more miffed with him for turning out more Thatcherite than the bloody Tory party!

Re: General Election 2015

Posted: 07 Apr 2015, 17:50
by duke63
I would have thought Blair sticking his oar in does no favours to Miliband at all.

Frankly i really could not be bothered one way or another at the moment. None of them have a handle on what the ordinary working person wants to see change. We are just the cash cows that feed their party political nonsense.

We should have another vote in a box marked 'Revolution'.

Re: General Election 2015

Posted: 07 Apr 2015, 19:31
by Blade
You've won my vote Duke (y)

Re: General Election 2015

Posted: 07 Apr 2015, 20:02
by Kwacky
I think we'll see an end to the two party system. People realise now that a vote is no longer wasted if they go for someone other than labour or conservatives. The old working class for labour and middle class for tories ethos has gone. The classes are blurred, as are the two parties and their policies. The next government, like this one, will have to tout for support from MPs outside of the Conservative Party. We'll end up with a more European system where policies will have to be watered down to get the supporting votes needed to make them into law.

Re: General Election 2015

Posted: 07 Apr 2015, 20:48
by duke63
I can foresee more than one general election this year.

Re: General Election 2015

Posted: 03 May 2015, 16:09
by Kwacky
I still can't make my mind up. They're all a bunch of tossers.

Stats suggest I'm not alone with close to 10million not sure who they will vote for, or not prepared to say

Re: General Election 2015

Posted: 03 May 2015, 17:13
by duke63
Yep bunch of arseholes the lot of them....but if i hear one more **** promise something that they have no idea where the money is coming from....................

By Friday we might all be broke anyway if Wallace and Jimmie Krankie have the say in anything.

Re: General Election 2015

Posted: 04 May 2015, 04:26
by kiwikrasher
Kwacky wrote:I still can't make my mind up. They're all a bunch of tossers.

Stats suggest I'm not alone with close to 10million not sure who they will vote for, or not prepared to say
Your not alone, it was exactly the same here late last year. And I couldn't even vote to suit my circumstance because they all squander the taxes so people like myself that have worked hard to become self sufficient with no drain on the economy are deemed cash cows and get rodgered by whom ever makes it in. With the taxes I pay I support a minimum of two dole bluggers plus some. I have no problem giving up my share but don't keep hammering us every budget.

Meanwhile the resources boom is over and they have nothing of valve you show for it :(

To top it off the biggest muppet of the lot got into power.

Re: General Election 2015

Posted: 04 May 2015, 10:18
by duke63
I've seen and heard some shite dished out from all sides over the last few weeks but this has to beat the lot. A tablet in Downing Street? Like Moses?

What the actual ****?



Re: General Election 2015

Posted: 04 May 2015, 10:24
by Deegee
The whole concept of a "Career Politician" is flawed, the career will always come first over anything else - including the good of the country. We ought to have a clause added to our election process that prevents someone from standing for Parliament more than once in 10yrs. That'd sort out the ones that see it as a gravy train.

On a more sensible note I have no idea who I'll vote for, I don't trust any of them (least all that sheister in the pic) and the idea of the SNP trying to derail Parlimental process due to sour grapes makes me feel ill.

Re: General Election 2015

Posted: 04 May 2015, 12:44
by C00kiemonster
Ed Miliband as prime minister is a terrifying thought. Absolutely no credibility as a leader and a union puppet. All those promises are easy when you just spend spend spend!

The whole system sucks. It needs to be overhauled completely. In some ways making parliament a museum and changing everything would help.

Re: General Election 2015

Posted: 04 May 2015, 12:56
by Perkles
C00kiemonster wrote:Ed Miliband as prime minister is a terrifying thought. Absolutely no credibility as a leader and a union puppet. All those promises are easy when you just spend spend spend!

The whole system sucks. It needs to be overhauled completely. In some ways making parliament a museum and changing everything would help.
The blokes a slimy twat,I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him

Re: General Election 2015

Posted: 05 May 2015, 12:18
by Kwacky
I don't trust any of them.

My two main concerns with the Tories are the state of the NHS and the treatment of workers. We're going to see more Zero Hours Contracts coming in and we know from the 2012 Act they passed that the NHS is going to be further dismantled.

Milliband doesn't convince me he's got what it takes to be a leader. At least Cameron has presence and comes across as knowing what he's doing.

Labour pandering to Scotland worries me.

Re: General Election 2015

Posted: 06 May 2015, 00:29
by Blade
SNP raping the Westminister system for all they can before clearing north of the border worries me the most.

Forming a coalition goverment with them is in the words of Boris Johnson "like inviting king Herod to a baby party"

Re: General Election 2015

Posted: 06 May 2015, 08:00
by duke63
The biggest problem we have is that debt has been spiralling out of control since 2008 but none of them are using it as an vote seller and only the Tories and LibDems seem to have a plan to reduce it.

We cannot go on borrowing an additional £90 billion EVERY year without it very soon becoming a serious problem that cannot be solved and yet many of the parties Labour, Greens, SNP plan to actually spend more. It just beggars belief.

I'm actually of a mind now that the parties have no interest in engaging people who can think for themselves and will vote for what they think is best at each election.

Re: General Election 2015

Posted: 06 May 2015, 08:32
by Kwacky
duke63 wrote: I'm actually of a mind now that the parties have no interest in engaging people who can think for themselves and will vote for what they think is best at each election.
Getting that tool Joey Essex involved is clear evidence of that.

Re: General Election 2015

Posted: 06 May 2015, 21:22
by Monty