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Weekend Plans

Posted: 06 Mar 2015, 09:33
by Kwacky
What you all up to?

Off to the Opera tonight with Mrs Kwacky to see The Magic Flute.

Road testing a bunch of bikes on Saturday

Trying to see if the kwak can be sorted on Sunday.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 06 Mar 2015, 09:41
by Bratty
Off today so got chores to do this morning then off to the hospital to see me mom, chillin tonight,
Work tomorrow then soul night tomorrow night,
Sunday helping the mother inlaw clear the loft on a property she has sold.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 06 Mar 2015, 11:38
by Kwacky
I hope your mum is feeling better.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 06 Mar 2015, 11:53
by kingfixer
Tonight...not a lot
sat....Shopping with er indoors |(
Sun...out on the bike as the weather is supposed to be ok.