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The Oscars

Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 09:45
by Kwacky
Does anyone outside of Hollywood give a shit?

Re: The Oscars

Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 10:01
by DaytonAndy

Re: The Oscars

Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 10:23
by Perkles
over hyped bullcrap isnt it

Re: The Oscars

Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 19:06
by D41
I watched the last wasn't very good. I have trouble relating to the current generation of actors...there's just no "stars" anymore.
I watched 'The Outlaw Josey Wales" last night....40 years old and still better than the crap they pump out these days.

Sad to ser that James Rebhorn has passed...very good character actor.

Re: The Oscars

Posted: 24 Feb 2015, 20:41
by Mac
Kwacky wrote:Does anyone outside of Hollywood give a shit?
It's very difficult for me to understand how celebrity-obsessed our culture is, and how arrogant Hollywood-types are to believe that we should pay such great attention to them.

My admiration is reserved for those persons who make true, meaningful contributions to society and those who sacrifice so much to make this world a better place.

Re: The Oscars

Posted: 24 Feb 2015, 22:28
by Kwacky
I struggle to agree more with you. It sickens and saddens me that people want to be like some two bit no mark who has no talent and loads of plastic surgery rather than someone who has done something of note.

Sad times.