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Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 11:50
by DaytonAndy
Is anyone any good at them and have you got any tips? I'm shit at them and it really bugs me! I know they don't make you faster etc etc but I'd really like to be able to do it. In the same way that while knee down is of no real use, knowing I can do it relaxes me whereas before I used to be often wondering why I couldnt and trying to force it if that makes sense! I have wheelied a bike before but the second the wheel lifts I instantly shift my weight forward and balance the throttle. (tmi)

Re: Wheelies

Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 11:52
by Kwacky
Frankie is your man for that. I don't think he's bought a new front tyre for a couple of years.

It's been years since I did one. I used to but got out of the habit. I was never any good though.

Re: Wheelies

Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 11:57
by kiwikrasher
I'm crap as well. I was getting better when I was on dirt bikes and mountain bikes but I can't transfer that to road bikes. I will never feel comfortable getting to the balance point needed to do a good one. Power wheelies are my limit, and they are meger at best.

Re: Wheelies

Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 11:59
by Bratty
I'm ok with the odd power wheelie on the cb1r but the wheel doesn't go too hight as I'd probably poo myself lol

Re: Wheelies

Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 12:08
by DaytonAndy
Bratty wrote:the wheel doesn't go too hight as I'd probably poo myself lol
Haha that's pretty much where I am. There have been times out in Wales where coming over crests I have pulled a couple of stonking wheelies but it's been more luck than judgement that those stories have ended well.

Re: Wheelies

Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 15:29
by duke63
This is the best video I have seen for showing how to drop the clutch to make the bike wheelie.


Re: Wheelies

Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 16:04
by D6
My worry is that even experts **** it up at times, and I'm not willing to risk my bike for showing off (even though it would be cool).

Re: Wheelies

Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 16:54
by Itchy
I'd love to do it, but I'm a big fanny.

Some of us looked into doing a wheelie school event last year but, like my front tyre, it never really got off the ground!

Re: Wheelies

Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 17:18
by StMarks
Well, fwiw I used to be able to stand "my" Armstrong on it's rear wheel for as long as I cared (including cornering.! 8) )

Then, some time later, I regained those skillz on my MTX200.

However I really do not like to wheelie "on road" style bikes. I did manage most of the straight after the mountain at Cadwell last summer, but that was an entirely unintentional side effect of a determined attempt to pass an S1000 that I had been following for a few laps. It caused me to wipe out on Hall bends 2, as I didn't get the front down early enough to set myself up properly.... Karma.?

Anyway, trials bike wheelies; I possibly/probably still can.
Big bike power wheelies; I never really could, properly.

Re: Wheelies

Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 17:40
by C00kiemonster
Power wheelies only for me, but they usually take me by surprise and feel like they are 3 feet in the air when actually they are 3 inches :(

Re: Wheelies

Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 18:39
by Frankie
First off, I am no expert at all, I am still trying to perfect it myself, lmao.... some days better than others. All started when I did the wheelie school down at the Top Gear Test track over Guildford way. I was Hooked.

However after reading the thread and seeing the vids posted, I took a look myself. One of the best I saw was this fella, made it sound really simple and safe ha ha ;)

Dont do power wheelies on the tiger, they are just first gear clutch attempts, the S1 is the same but in second gear, a tad more power with that one ha ha ha ha, it obviously does power wheelies, but I dont feel as in control as doing the clutch ones.

Re: Wheelies

Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 19:21
by Si.
I was practicing them on the way to work last year. Quick snap of the throttle in 1st or 2nd is all that's needed, and she lifts like a good un...trouble is, it's keeping it up for me (same old story).

I slapped my go pro on the side of the road to video my superstar exploits, and although it felt i was hunting for the sky, the replay told me that i was only around 8 inches off the ground...

I must try harder.

Re: Wheelies

Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 20:21
by Blade
Never really appealed to me tbh.

I get the odd power wheelie but couldn't intentionally pull a good wheelie.

Re: Wheelies

Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 20:50
by D6Nutz
I've spent most of my time with the RSV learning how not to wheelie it...

Ignore what ever frankie says though, he is deffo the tankslap wheelie king.

Re: Wheelies

Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 21:57
by Frankie
Cheers mate, I wish. ha ha

Re: Wheelies

Posted: 18 Feb 2015, 10:23
by DaytonAndy
Thanks all. Not seen any of those videos, some good methods to practice in there. Blade I dont want to become the wheelie king, it's just a skill I'd like to have. In the same way I've practiced sliding my impreza round. I don't do it all the time but if a slide does occur I now correct it instantly and instinctively. I'd like to be able to do the same with wheelies ie I'd like to be in control rather than a passenger.

Re: Wheelies

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 11:23
by Rossgo
I'd like to know as well, I have tried a few times and as soon as it gets to the point of giving it a bit while dropping the clutch I let go of the throttle and give it half as much because I brick it haha

Re: Wheelies

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 19:47
by Tuffers
I had an RD200 as a teenager and would wheelie it off the lights. I used to open it up, shut it off and open it up again. The chain would come off sometimes whilst the front was in the air :( it even wrapped round the back cog once and threw me off :D

I do the odd power wheelie now, but nothing of any note.

Re: Wheelies

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 23:37
by D41
Little ones for me too.....good skill to have for when you don't expect them.

Re: Wheelies

Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 03:34
by Zx10dale
.................think I am like most in here, at 16 and 17 all I wanted to do was wheelie, and if, as sometimes they came back down sideways then a £100 FIZZIE was all I was risking, now the stakes and potential repair bills are a lot higher, and TBH I think I have lost a lot of bottle since then ! I do think , like most things its practice and confidence, I think a wheelie school is the place to learn, at least you are not going to smash your own bike up while practicing ! Andy, I remember following you over one of those crests in was definitely no more than 6" :P