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Putting Your Kids On Facebook

Posted: 12 Feb 2015, 12:26
by Blade
Need some advice as I have no experience on this subject and just wondered is it safe and what the risks are.

My wife works for a marketing company and one of their clients want to use some children on their company Facebook page.

They want to get some shots of kids as part of their Easter advertising.

For one reason or another rather than use a child modelling agency my wife has been asked could they use our kids.

They have offered compensation in the form of cash or an Xbox which the kids actually want and we were going to get for their birthday but payment is not my concern its the child's safety.

I guess things would have company security and protection in place and obviously we would disclose no personal data.

Should I do this ? Is it a bit of harmless fun my kids will enjoy and receive something for their trouble or should I be caution and decline.

All advice welcome. As I say I have no experience of this and being an old dinosaur I'm not even on Facebook.

Re: Putting Your Kids On Facebook

Posted: 12 Feb 2015, 12:37
by kiwikrasher
I'm not on Facebook either Blade, my wife is but photos of the kids can only be seen by her friends, not public. I was always very protective of the kids images online. But now they are at school they have online newsletters and such that they can (and have) appeared in and I have soften enough to be OK with that. I wouldn't want family/personal shots of my kids open to public domain, but I think I'd be happy with professional commercial type pictures being used in the way you describe. Like you say it won't jepodise their safety and it'll be a bit of fun and excitement for them. Plus who can sneeze at a free xbox!

End of the day, you have to live with it, so if it doesn't sit well with you, be damned what anyone else says, your life, your kids.

Re: Putting Your Kids On Facebook

Posted: 12 Feb 2015, 12:50
by Blade
Cheers KK. Just want to hear different view points as not something I have thought about tbh but regardless of this specific case I guess as parents me and my wife need to start considering their profile and internet safety as they start to use the internet more and more.

Thanks for your comments mate and as you say we won't be steered by other peoples opinion but I do value their advice and comment to help make an informed decision.

I don't want to make a knee jerk decision and say no without considering it properly first. My kids would probably enjoy the expereince and would certainly welcome an Xbox so would be unkind to deny them something if there is no issue in doing the photo shoot.

Just want to listen to balanced reason and discussion to help me make the correct decision for everyone involved and safety rather than material gain has to be the top priority.

Re: Putting Your Kids On Facebook

Posted: 12 Feb 2015, 15:07
by Mac
I would be for allowing your kids to enjoy the experience. I assume they would not be named and no personal info shared, only their image? No harm in that IMO. For comparison sake, my kids were on the local news (and thusly were identified) when my eldest was given an honor for some charity work she had performed. L As protective as I am, I had no heartburn with it and yours sounds like lower risk. I say to enjoy the Xbox!

Re: Putting Your Kids On Facebook

Posted: 12 Feb 2015, 17:45
by kiwikrasher
Blade wrote:Cheers KK. Just want to hear different view points as not something I have thought about tbh but regardless of this specific case I guess as parents me and my wife need to start considering their profile and internet safety as they start to use the internet more and more.

Thanks for your comments mate and as you say we won't be steered by other peoples opinion but I do value their advice and comment to help make an informed decision.

I don't want to make a knee jerk decision and say no without considering it properly first. My kids would probably enjoy the expereince and would certainly welcome an Xbox so would be unkind to deny them something if there is no issue in doing the photo shoot.

Just want to listen to balanced reason and discussion to help me make the correct decision for everyone involved and safety rather than material gain has to be the top priority.
I understand the quandry mate, intially I didn't want to give permission to the school to use my kids images. (it was only my son at that stage, but my daughter started this year) But when my wife pressed me on why, I had no valid arguement and I realised I was being over protective. It's a changing world with the digital/internet age. We have no experience to go on or learnings from our parents, we are working this out as it evolves around us, so open discussion like this is valuable indeed.

And good to hear your viewpoint Mac, especially as you are in law enforcement and would have a better insight to the probable dangers involved. Your words definitely make me feel more comfortable with my current position.

Re: Putting Your Kids On Facebook

Posted: 12 Feb 2015, 23:13
by duke63
Cant see a problem with it really. An xbox for a few photos sounds like your kids have the best deal, Blade.

Facebook is quite safe if used sensibly.

Re: Putting Your Kids On Facebook

Posted: 13 Feb 2015, 08:39
by C00kiemonster
Sounds ok to me. An Xbox for you - sorry for the kids....

I think it's more how the photos are taken and you get to approve the actual pics before publication.

Re: Putting Your Kids On Facebook

Posted: 13 Feb 2015, 10:04
by Blade
Thanks for all the comments.

I don't think its going to happen now as although the missus was initially happy she has changed her mind after speaking with a colleague. She is worried the kids don't perform as requested or go very shy and it looks bad for her with the client which I can understand.

They will get the Xbox, but will have to be a group present for birthday of all family members so the kids won't loose out, they just won't gain so to speak and they never knew about it anyway so no problem.

Thanks for the comments though they were genuinely very useful.

Re: Putting Your Kids On Facebook

Posted: 13 Feb 2015, 10:13
by Monty
I put photos of my kids on Facebook quite a lot, and to be honest I'm more worried about child protection getting hold of them than some pedo.

Re: Putting Your Kids On Facebook

Posted: 13 Feb 2015, 10:19
by Blade
Pmsl Monty that's awesome.

For future reference you only need to tape the mouth to keep them quiet. Tapes expensive don't waste it (giggle)

Re: Putting Your Kids On Facebook

Posted: 15 Feb 2015, 13:40
by Monty
Blade wrote:Pmsl Monty that's awesome.

For future reference you only need to tape the mouth to keep them quiet. Tapes expensive don't waste it (giggle)
But I wouldn't get to enjoy the 10 minutes of sellotape hair removal!