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Caught in the act

Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 12:29
by Perkles
When will car drivers wake up to the fact you should be in control of your vehicle instead of pissing about on laptops and mobile phones,it really annoys me ... .vy7Mx9e1g" onclick=";return false;

Re: Caught in the act

Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 12:40
by Monty
Laptop! He needs to get an iPad, much easier to use while driving

Re: Caught in the act

Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 12:41
by Kwacky
I saw a Range Rover driver last week on the M40 using his laptop. It beggars belief.

Re: Caught in the act

Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 13:14
by Rossgo
Didn't read the article fully but could this be the fact of what world we now live in, where people are so over worked they have to work in even the stupidest of times? Have companies asked too much of their employees because if they don't do they feel threatened about loosing their jobs? Could any one of us just change jobs easily anymore so we don't loose our properties, vechicles or lifestyles? Who's really at fault here?

Re: Caught in the act

Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 13:19
by Perkles
Rossgo wrote:Didn't read the article fully but could this be the fact of what world we now live in, where people are so over worked they have to work in even the stupidest of times? Have companies asked too much of their employees because if they don't do they feel threatened about loosing their jobs? Could any one of us just change jobs easily anymore so we don't loose our properties, vechicles or lifestyles? Who's really at fault here?
I agree with where your coming from , I work in sales out on the road and my phone goes all day when im driving.Even though its hands free I wont answer it anymore as you are not concentrating on the road when deep in conversation.I now let people leave a voice mail pull over for a coffee and return their calls safely.Getting dragged into the trap of working all hours every minute is your choice.From what I see up and down the country in manufacturing there is plenty of work out there not to kill yourself or sombody else

Re: Caught in the act

Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 14:27
by C00kiemonster
Until they make the penalties for being caught enough to stop most people doing it, it will continue and get worse.

As far as I'm concerned they can throw anyone like that in prison.

Re: Caught in the act

Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 16:13
by Rossgo
Agreed with pulling over is the key....Very few people do it due to being in a rush, so I admire you taking that time to do that if only others followed suit

Re: Caught in the act

Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 16:13
by rocket
This really infuriates me as i see it all the time. Also don't think its a great idea that a car company's are also putting texting in there cars and advertizing it on telly. Think it's a ford advert were it reads your texts great , so is that person likely to pull over and respond.

Re: Caught in the act

Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 16:42
by Rossgo
That's a Great point. My partner has that auto text thing with pre made texts already however it is the same system as the radio so probably not any more distracting as the radio. Bloody annoying watching people on their phones though especially when their in top of the range BMW and Mercs etc where Bluetooth is basically standard!

Re: Caught in the act

Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 16:51
by rocket
Rossgo wrote:That's a Great point. My partner has that auto text thing with pre made texts already however it is the same system as the radio so probably not any more distracting as the radio. Bloody annoying watching people on their phones though especially when their in top of the range BMW and Mercs etc where Bluetooth is basically standard!
My first and only car accident was when i was 17 and the reson i crashed was I was messing with the stereo

Re: Caught in the act

Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 16:53
by Rossgo
rocket wrote:
Rossgo wrote:That's a Great point. My partner has that auto text thing with pre made texts already however it is the same system as the radio so probably not any more distracting as the radio. Bloody annoying watching people on their phones though especially when their in top of the range BMW and Mercs etc where Bluetooth is basically standard!
My first and only car accident was when i was 17 and the reson i crashed was I was messing with the stereo
Yep I know someone who managed to write a car off due to the radio! This is why I like the bike less distractions plus more fun!

Re: Caught in the act

Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 16:56
by Perkles
whats peoples views on sat navs on bikes ? surely you arent looking ahead properly when using one

Re: Caught in the act

Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 17:28
by Kwacky
They're ok for guidance. I imagine they're pretty invaulable for long journeys.

Re: Caught in the act

Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 18:24
by C00kiemonster
Kwacky wrote:They're ok for guidance. I imagine they're pretty invaulable for long journeys.
Or if your me and get lost anywhere :)

Re: Caught in the act

Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 19:43
by Si.
...A bit like the copper i saw last week on his mobile while driving.

Re: Caught in the act

Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 20:37
by Rossgo
Perkles that's interesting! I love my Sat nav as if anyone has ever been on a ride with me can tell you I can get lost on a straight road! Without it then sign posts are next to useless unless it says the exact town I'm going to! But I have heard of so many people almost being crashed into due to others just following them and not looking at what is going on around them. Can be dangerous in the wrong hands I guess!

Re: Caught in the act

Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 21:24
by StMarks
Lucky it didn't happen in Cambridgeshire, the biker would probably already be behind bars for due care..... (punch)" onclick=";return false;

Re: Caught in the act

Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 22:17
by Frankie
Like many others I spend a great deal of time up and down the many roads of this great country on a daily basis, the things I see are ridiculous, the sad fact is I am now conditioned to it and rather than get humpy or try to be "Mr Policeman" and point out the error of their ways, I just crack on and get away from these people as quickly as possible, they will cause an accident that's a given, just a matter of time.

Anybody doing anything, and I mean anything except for driving is not paying attention to the task at hand. When I am behind the wheel or the handle bars that is all I am concerned with. To treat a vehicle in any other way is madness. Even people who are yacking to others in the car, (major pet hate of mine) when they are chatting to the passenger and keep looking over when they talk drives me nuts.

As I do spend a great deal of time in the car, I do things to amuse myself on the long trips, sit at 80 miles an hour on the motorway and watch how peoples speed fluctuates when talking to someone in the car or on the phone, they come whizzing past,, then you catch them up, then they tail gate you and it all starts again.... obviously not paying any attention to the job at hand (driving). Yes I did say 80 (plus) and I over take police cars at that speed especially when everyone starts to bunch up behind them! to me that is where it all gets a little dangerous, so I just go past. I have pushed it a little at times and they have come along side and gestured to slow down (blush) (giggle)

Likes Perkles, I let the answer phone get most calls and I can speak to people when I am ready and usually have all the paper work in front of me at the side of the road. If nothing else I think it very rude discussing business while motoring down the road.

I even get people asking me,, have you read the email I just sent you!!!! FFS I am driving, hence the non pick up mostly. Its only going to get worse.

Yes I might sound like a grumpy old git, but I used to enjoy the car, now it is just chore full of the same old crap of other people not paying attention, not bothering to pull over (motorways) and forcing you to take alternative action..I have spent miles on the inside lane on motorways driving at my pace as all the other numbnuts are bunched up in lanes two and three... Extremely slow reaction times, or just generally not paying any attention to the traffic around them. While I am on the rant now, poeple who arse about at traffic lights.... we sit forever now days waiting for the lights to change, when they finally do, the muppet in front takes ages to move and the bloody lights go red again... (punch) for crying out loud, we know they are going to change, pay attention. Phew! (sun)

Re: Caught in the act

Posted: 10 Feb 2015, 23:50
by D41
The laws don't keep up never do.

Re: Caught in the act

Posted: 11 Feb 2015, 08:51
by D6
I went past a guy filling up his coffee cup from his flask whilst driving along.

Unfortunately its not just technology. There's distractions everywhere.