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We need more people like this

Posted: 17 Jan 2015, 11:12
by Kwacky ... -at-a-time" onclick=";return false;

The homeless, they come in and say, 'I hear you give out free pizza to homeless people,' " owner Mason Wartman tells The Salt.

The pay-it-forward pizza program started about a year ago, Wartman says, when one paying customer asked if he could buy a slice for a homeless person. "I said, 'Sure.' I took his dollar and ran out and got some Post-it notes and put one up to signify that a slice was purchased," he recalls.

Re: We need more people like this

Posted: 17 Jan 2015, 11:26
by duke63
There are some very good things happen in this world but never get much attention because it won't sell papers, or get more viewers on air.

Re: We need more people like this

Posted: 17 Jan 2015, 11:35
by Kwacky
Cheer up Duke :) There's more good things than bad things. That's my view.

Re: We need more people like this

Posted: 17 Jan 2015, 13:20
by duke63
I'm OK, Kwacky. :) Its the busiest month I have ever had this month for work and everyone has a deadline of 31st January and its a struggle to get through but hopefully it will mean a little extra for the 'Panigale fund' :D

I'm just sick of all the crap over the terrorists stuff, it plays right into their hands with the coverage it gets, yet something like you posted above wont be on any news channel.

Some of us are old enough to remember what it was like to live under the treat of the IRA anyway so its hardly anything new.

Re: We need more people like this

Posted: 17 Jan 2015, 17:09
by bb41
Every day I read about the atrocities which are happening all in the name of whatever. I'm sad by it all but it also makes me feel lucky to live in a country where although it isn't perfect it's probably the best in the world.

I've seen the buy a slice in operation and it works well also a coffee house do it as well ....but as said whilst death and destruction are everywhere then the media will never have it on the front pages