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Model Shoot @ Motorcycle live

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 00:24
by Jack
Had a model at my disposal for this afternoon at the NEC , learnt a lot , enjoyed the afternoon hugely, drew a crowd everywhere we went, I hope you all enjoy the results as much as I enjoyed taking them . The model is Candice Collyer , good sport , good fun a really nice girl.










Re: Model Shoot @ Motorcycle live

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 01:06
by Jack

I think Duke said he could see himself swinging a leg over one of these in a few years time .....



Re: Model Shoot @ Motorcycle live

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 08:42
by C00kiemonster
Blimey Jack. Tough day!

Are there motorbikes in those pics? :). Lovely girl too... Wow.
Good pics :)

How come you ended up with a model? Is it an assignment?

Re: Model Shoot @ Motorcycle live

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 09:10
by kiwikrasher
Good work, give that boy a knighthood (allhail)

But seriously, great pic's Jack

Re: Model Shoot @ Motorcycle live

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 09:14
by Blade
Woooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww (inlove) (inlove) (inlove) (inlove) (inlove) (inlove)

Re: Model Shoot @ Motorcycle live

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 09:43
by Jack
Leigh, I went to the NEC the other day ( see my previous photo thread ) and saw another photographer with a model in tow , I thought it was a splendid idea and mentioned it to our illustrious leader and before I really knew what was happening it was all arranged . So in answer to your question , yes I was on assignment from Kwacky , you will notice they all carry the Tankslap URL under my copyright , they are exclusive to the forum and its social media pages with the exception to one I posted to Yamaha motors uk as a thank you for being so helpful , letting her up on the Dais with the R1M and onto the dais with Rossi's bike - their suggestion - was fantastic . I am surprised and disapointed you didnt notice the MT-09 Tracer as I took it just for you .....

Re: Model Shoot @ Motorcycle live

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 09:54
by Perkles
nice work amigo

Re: Model Shoot @ Motorcycle live

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 12:30
by Jack









Re: Model Shoot @ Motorcycle live

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 12:41
by Blade
Jack I'm not jealous of you for this, I just absolutely, catergorically now HATE you for this ;) (giggle) ;)

She is absolutely drop dead gorgeous and looks a really good laugh, Top girl (inlove) (h) :P 8) :) (inlove)

Re: Model Shoot @ Motorcycle live

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 12:42
by Blade
PS she looks best with the Blades 8)

Re: Model Shoot @ Motorcycle live

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 13:01
by duke63
She is the girl who does/did that Bike Show on Men and Motors isn't she?

Absolute stunner.

Re: Model Shoot @ Motorcycle live

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 13:02
by duke63
Oh and i could swing my leg over her anytime. I wouldn't want to wait a few years.

Re: Model Shoot @ Motorcycle live

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 13:11
by C00kiemonster
Jack wrote:Leigh, I went to the NEC the other day ( see my previous photo thread ) and saw another photographer with a model in tow , I thought it was a splendid idea and mentioned it to our illustrious leader and before I really knew what was happening it was all arranged . So in answer to your question , yes I was on assignment from Kwacky , you will notice they all carry the Tankslap URL under my copyright , they are exclusive to the forum and its social media pages with the exception to one I posted to Yamaha motors uk as a thank you for being so helpful , letting her up on the Dais with the R1M and onto the dais with Rossi's bike - their suggestion - was fantastic . I am surprised and disapointed you didnt notice the MT-09 Tracer as I took it just for you .....
Jack, my apologies but I didn't notice any motorcycles in any of your pictures :). I saw the tracer, more for Kwacky I think. but she looks good :)

Right, the question of the day is...... Kwacky, how did you get hold of such a lovely lady for jack to snap???.?.?.?.?

Re: Model Shoot @ Motorcycle live

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 14:22
by duke63
I was going to say she was seduced by offers of cake, but i doubt she eats any by her figure.

Re: Model Shoot @ Motorcycle live

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 14:49
by Jack
yeah she did used to do that Bike show with Whitham I believe , she was also dating Simon Andrews until his accident , she owns and rides a gixxer but I dont hold that against her , there are a few things I would like to hold against her but that's not one of them , I really enjoyed working with her she made me feel at ease really quickly which is surprising as I struggle a bit with crowds because of my PTSD , its not so bad at a race meeting as I can bugger off on my own to a corner and just take photo's , but although I was fairly relaxed I was still focused on the job in hand , we had a rough plan before we went of what we wanted to shoot and we spent most of the morning talking to various people to try and get permission for what we wanted to do , Kawasaki wouldn't even consider the notion hence no pictures with the H2 or H2R , Honda let us up onto their stage to get shots with the urban tiger and marquez rep blades , Ducati said come back when its a bit quieter and we'll sort something out , Suzuki didnt really like us posing with the motogp bike as they had hired someone to do that and I really cannot praise Yamaha enough they were terrific as soon as we broached the subject they said "yeah no problem " , when we arrived at the stand with Candice they suggested she get up with Rossi's bike which I never dreamt we would be allowed to do , I really can't thank Candice and Kwacky enough for giving me such a wonderful opportunity and amazing experience .

Re: Model Shoot @ Motorcycle live

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 15:09
by Kwacky
I've always wanted Tankslap to be a community with people helping each other out where possible. You mentioned the idea of using a model so I thought it would be fun to sort something out.

It's mutually beneficial as you get to do something different and it promotes this website and your work.

All I ask is for the site to be promoted and you don't forget us when you're famous ;)

Re: Model Shoot @ Motorcycle live

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 15:27
by Monty
Man you just can't beat skin tight trousers that go see through when they bend down! God bless Primark!

Re: Model Shoot @ Motorcycle live

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 15:29
by Monty
...... nearly as good as side boob!

Re: Model Shoot @ Motorcycle live

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 15:29
by Monty
.... and yoga pants!

Re: Model Shoot @ Motorcycle live

Posted: 01 Dec 2014, 16:30
by Blade
Pmsl Monty your a star mate, awesome quotes (y)