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This war on ISIS

Posted: 06 Oct 2014, 17:27
by Kwacky
It's not going too well if they're able to take a town next to the Turkish border ... worst.html" onclick=";return false;

Surely Turkey should be able to wade in and help? Or are they so full of hate towards the Kurds they don't know which side to take?

Re: This war on ISIS

Posted: 06 Oct 2014, 19:00
by beermonster
The latter.

Re: This war on ISIS

Posted: 06 Oct 2014, 19:23
by Perkles
It's getting very messy isn't it

Re: This war on ISIS

Posted: 06 Oct 2014, 20:32
by D41
I'm with BM....Turkey has had a blind-side towards the Kurds for a long time...they're not going to see this issue in a straightforward way...they're incapable of it.

As to 'ISIS'....I give them two years max...maybe three at a stretch....I'd really get into it, but I'd end up being very offensive, or at least viewed that way.

Re: This war on ISIS

Posted: 06 Oct 2014, 22:36
by beermonster
Personally I like Isis....but then I like beardy heavy metal! [video][/video]