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Weekend Plans

Posted: 03 Oct 2014, 09:04
by Kwacky
So what's everyone up to?

Tonight gym then early night. I need some sleep.

Off to Mike's tomorrow for a new rear tyre. Weather looks crap.

Sunday I'll pay a visit to Mallory to see D6Nutz and Crazy painter. If the weather is decent I may have a play around south of the Peaks before heading home.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 03 Oct 2014, 09:07
by Bratty
Tonight soul night in Wolvo
Off tomorrow gonna spend the day looking after me mom so my dad can go to the Walsall match, Saturday night soul all nighter in Stoke,
Saturday night will dictate what I do Sunday lol

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 03 Oct 2014, 09:09
by kingfixer
Tonight...out with some friends
Sat...Not a lot really
Sun...try & get out on the bike at some point or might try and paint the walls in the new man cave.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 03 Oct 2014, 12:59
by D41
Going out with me lass for Mexican food...which will be a machaca, because it's all I ever get.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 03 Oct 2014, 13:29
by C00kiemonster
Today - tidying up and catching up as we've had my parents here for a week.
Tomorrow - start cutting firewood ready for when the temperature drops, no sign yet, but you never know...
Sunday - gonna pick a town and ride to it, coffee and cake and then return home :)

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 03 Oct 2014, 14:17
by Deegee
Am tidying out the loft tomorrow as the weather is supposed to be utter cack, the junk has now reached the hatch, so it time to be ruthless, happens every 5yrs or so as Mrs Gee is a bit of a hoarder, consequently Sunday will likely be carting the junk to the tip.

If I'm looking for a silver lining to tomorrow's forecast, it'll be that I can take opportunity to knock up some bread and a warming autumnal soup for us all tomorrow evening. A bottle of red may well be consumed in Floyd style as I'm cooking. 8-|

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 03 Oct 2014, 16:57
by D41 don't want to know our's been nearly 100f, - in October!! We live at night, and just sleep during the day.....can't do anything when it's like this. It's miserable.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 03 Oct 2014, 18:11
by Tricky
sat: getting another project bike.
sun: tinkering with said project bike.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 03 Oct 2014, 20:05
by D6Nutz
Tricky wrote:sat: getting another project bike.
sun: tinkering with said project bike.
Oh, now that sounds like a good weekend... Whatcha getting ?????

Tonight I will be mostly flaking out as I'm knackered.
Tomorrow, sorting the kids out and packing bike stuff up.
Sunday, getting up sodding early and driving up to mallory. Hopefully spending a cracking day hooning round the track and meeting up with a few mates.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 03 Oct 2014, 20:16
by Bratty
Emma is doing the same track day mate

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 03 Oct 2014, 20:44
by Tuffers
Work tomorrow morning, fitting rear sets the rest of the weekend probably (lol)

Sirloin steak for tea Saturday as it's me birthday (^)

Daughters 13th birthday on Sunday. It won't be a normal teenage celebration though unfortunately as she has severe learning difficulties. God bless her.

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 03 Oct 2014, 20:48
by D6Nutz
Tell her to keep an eye out for us..

If I get time there might even be cake on offer (providing I don't eat it all that is ;) )

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 03 Oct 2014, 21:18
by Blade
I m working night shift all weekend (swear)

Have fun all those going to Mallory, especially Nutz and keep it safe and sunny side up mate .

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 03 Oct 2014, 22:46
by rocket
Going to try the gym for the first time in a couple of weeks hoping my wrist is ok.
Apart from that running round after my son and fixing the shed .

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 03 Oct 2014, 22:47
by Spudda
Friday - Stopped in (shocked)
Saturday - Spudlet 1 footie in the morning, Spudlet 2 footie at lunchtime and then I'm on an all day Charity Poker fest (happy) I do enjoy me Poker
Sunday - is Spudlet 2 and 3 Birthday , so its prezzies between 8-9 and a swimming party at 3 ..... so I'm sort of hoping I can disappear and nip up to Mallory for an hour :?

Re: Weekend Plans

Posted: 04 Oct 2014, 06:24
by beermonster
Friday went for a de-sugaring stroll...then countered that by having a couple of pints in the pub!

Saturday up at 5am to take my bone protector. Might as well get up and stick some paint on the last remaining wall before more drugs then an hour's wait til breakfast! My mate's coming round this morning to help with a couple of tiling jobs, before I head off to Hall Green for a sports massage which will leave me feeling like I've done 10 rounds with Tyson. Off to the wilds of Sutton Coldfield tonight for dinner with some friends I've not seen in ages so assuming I can stay awake that'll be a good end to the day. :D

Sunday I'll stick some more paint on the walls and have a bit of a tidy up....rock and roll!