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Political Party Conferences

Posted: 29 Sep 2014, 12:32
by Kwacky
Is there any point ot them? Don't they spout the same crap they do on TV, in the papers, on the radio and in parliament?

Osborne is currently having a go at Milliband for the latter's failure to mention the budget deficit during the Labour conference. Osborne clearly forgetting his promise to reduce it. He then goes on to suggest we're all much better off. Perhaps he can take a look at my bank statement and point out where this extra money is?

Bunch of tossers on £70k a year plus expenses and they're telling us we're all much better off.

Shoot the bloody lot of them and start again.

Re: Political Party Conferences

Posted: 29 Sep 2014, 12:46
by Perkles
and they have caused gridlock on my commute,better off my arse only people better off are the slimeballs running the country

Re: Political Party Conferences

Posted: 29 Sep 2014, 13:03
by duke63
I think next year's election will be very interesting in terms of how many people actually bother voting.

As it stands none of the major parties will get my vote and its like;y i will just spoil my paper as a protest and if the puppet Miliband or that divisive arsehole Farage have any say in how this country is run for the following 5 years we are well and truly ****.

Re: Political Party Conferences

Posted: 29 Sep 2014, 13:22
by Deegee
As it stands there isn't a credible Party in the UK with a Manifesto that can work, we appear to have gone down the road of political parties and politicians promising anything they can think of and then blithely reneging on those promises. A good incentive would be to have some punitive measure whereby a politician that doesn't deliver on a promise is banned from holding any public office - including Directorships for a minimum of 10yrs. At least we'd get realistic manifestos to judge a party on that way.

Re: Political Party Conferences

Posted: 29 Sep 2014, 13:23
by Kwacky
I have to admit to being swayed by the Green Party

Re: Political Party Conferences

Posted: 29 Sep 2014, 13:49
by Monty
Snap, they appear to be the only Socialist party standing!

Re: Political Party Conferences

Posted: 29 Sep 2014, 13:59
by duke63
The best policy anyone could make is to state that no MP can be paid by anyone other than the Treasury.

That way they would only represent their electorate's views and not those who pay money to them or their party.

Re: Political Party Conferences

Posted: 29 Sep 2014, 17:08
by beermonster
I've been voting Green for years in the local and European elections and did so at the last General Election following the retirement of Lynne Jones. I looked at the voting record of her replacement (who was already an MP in a different constituency) and decided I couldn't vote for him. I still feel this way.

Re: Political Party Conferences

Posted: 29 Sep 2014, 20:08
by duke63
Some interesting stuff in the Green Party manifesto but also some absolutely unworkable rubbish.

They would love to ban all forms of petrol driven transport too.

Re: Political Party Conferences

Posted: 29 Sep 2014, 20:11
by Kwacky
We'll be forced to do that eventually so it's not really that idiotic to propose, is it?

Re: Political Party Conferences

Posted: 29 Sep 2014, 20:24
by duke63
It is when there is no viable alternative. Hopefully i will be long gone by then.

Re: Political Party Conferences

Posted: 29 Sep 2014, 20:31
by Kwacky
Necessity is the mother of invention or something like that. If we were told in 2001 that we had 15 years left of petrol don't you reckon the alternative would be here and on the roads by now?

Re: Political Party Conferences

Posted: 29 Sep 2014, 20:50
by duke63
Yes. But that means there is no immediate rush to change. So we can ignore the Greenies. :D

Re: Political Party Conferences

Posted: 29 Sep 2014, 21:14
by Mac
Having been to one (Democratic National Convention, 2012) while serving on my then Governor's protection detail, I can tell you they're a waste of time designed to promote their party's point of view. On the professional front however, it was quite an interesting and challenging environment to navigate with one's dignitary and I'm glad I had the opportunity to attend, even if in the end I saw the spectacle for what it was.

Re: Political Party Conferences

Posted: 29 Sep 2014, 21:58
by StMarks
IMO Party political conferences are increasingly unnecessary & irrelevant. However, as they pander to the egos & vanity of Politicians they will not be fading away any time soon.
Deegee wrote:.. A good incentive would be to have some punitive measure whereby a politician that doesn't deliver on a promise is banned from holding any public office - including Directorships for a minimum of 10yrs. At least we'd get realistic manifestos to judge a party on that way.
(y) Love that idea.^^^

:? Now who is it that would need to introduce such legislation..?

Ahhh,,,, damm.! (headbang)