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If you want proof alcohol is dangerous

Posted: 25 Sep 2014, 09:33
by Kwacky
this is it. I'm sorry but how can some find a massively oversized Umpa Lumpa attractive? ... -diet.html" onclick=";return false;

Those poor kids, being brought up on a diet of take away crap and thinking their mother's lifestyle is normal.

Re: If you want proof alcohol is dangerous

Posted: 25 Sep 2014, 09:43
by Deegee
She managed to find enough money to fund the tattoos and stupid hair dye, a bag or apples is the same price as a bag of chips. She's just another fat slag on the want with an excuse why "it's not her fault".

Re the thread title, I quite agree, but there's not enough beer in the world to make that attractive though.

Re: If you want proof alcohol is dangerous

Posted: 25 Sep 2014, 10:07
by Perkles
everything in her cupboard is also branded goods,go to aldi or something you fat sponger

Re: If you want proof alcohol is dangerous

Posted: 25 Sep 2014, 10:08
by duke63
I was about to post something on a similar line.

One thing that has struck me more than anything since coming back from the Euro trip is how obesity has taken over this country. Its not just adults but a very high proportion of kids too. The cost and burden of this on the NHS must be huge (no pun intended).

We saw nothing like this around Europe. I am sure it exists to an extent but nothing like as bad as it does here.

Its about time we dumped the trash American culture we seem to have allowed to take over our Country and got back to basics.

Re: If you want proof alcohol is dangerous

Posted: 25 Sep 2014, 10:25
by Kwacky
We've allowed ourselves to be told by the supermarkets what we should be eating. It's a clever ploy because it means they can use every part of a slaughtered animal and the crap no one would want to buy, repackage it and rebrand it and make it out like it's something special.

Frozen and microwave food is so bloody lazy. People say they've not got time to make proper food - utter nonsense. What do they do with all their time? Complain on facebook and watch shit TV.

The time it takes me to find a menu, call for a pizza and wait for it to arrive is more time than it takes to make one and cook it.

Re: If you want proof alcohol is dangerous

Posted: 25 Sep 2014, 10:28
by bb41
Don't you just love the daily fail :D
Have to have my fix in the morning just to see stories like these.

I sometimes wonder how these type of people tie their shoe laces .

For me a takeaway is a treat as it can cost about 25.00 plus for a delivery to me so for 25.00 I can knock up a few home cooked dinners for that .

Crisps are a no no , occasionally I have some in if my grandson comes to visit . I don't have a freezer as I have no need for one, the only one is above the fridge which can hold a few bags of peas at best.

No excuse just not the sharpest knife in the drawer is she ??

Re: If you want proof alcohol is dangerous

Posted: 25 Sep 2014, 10:46
by Perkles
why do people think the only way to get fit is a gym,go for an hours walk that will help you lose weight and its free so the goverment dont have to pay .Unless you want sponsoring a pound per mile :)

Re: If you want proof alcohol is dangerous

Posted: 25 Sep 2014, 17:59
by Deegee
If you gave her the gym membership she would want the taxi fare there and back, there is no way to succeed in getting these people to take responsibility for their lives and their shortcomings, period.

We cook every night, and every meal has fresh veg, there's always fruit in the house and that's normally dessert, yes we might have a few crisps on a Saturday evening with a glass of wine when we watch a DVD or similar, but as a family we look after ourselves and our health properly, and guess what? It doesn't cost a fortune either.

The amount of TV centred around food and cooking leaves no excuse for someone not to know about basic cooking, nutrition and healthy choices, the problem she has is you can't teach pork.

P.S. This is why I tell my Mother not to buy the Mail or the Express, both trade on Middle England's little insecurities, fears and xenophobia. I know when I visit her if she's bought either of the hate rags, because all she can talk about is how they're going to tax her pension, move Rumanians in to the town, the locals can't get council houses or the ever popular terrible hot/cold/dry/wet weather that's going to affect her. It would be laughable if it wasn't so predictable.

Re: If you want proof alcohol is dangerous

Posted: 29 Sep 2014, 10:04
by Roadrace
You lot sound like my dad!

Daily Mail....don't you just love it? :-p

Re: If you want proof alcohol is dangerous

Posted: 29 Sep 2014, 10:44
by Kwacky
The MailOnLine is something else. Part of it is pandering to the middle aged, middle of the road, middle classes who fear about everything.

The other half appears to be a lads mag with loads of people you've probably never heard heard of sporting next to nothing with tag phrases like "hard abs" and "pert derriere".

It really has become a pastiche of itself.