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a tweet from a cyclist....

Posted: 02 Sep 2014, 22:00
by Kwacky
Kerry-Kit Murdock ‏@KerryMurdock

I would like a law that allowed me to shoot motorcyclists that removed their silencer.


Re: a tweet from a cyclist....

Posted: 02 Sep 2014, 22:15
by Deegee
Great, if we can have one so we get to shoot cyclists that ride on footpaths, run red lights, ride the wrong way up one way streets etc etc. They really don't have a clue do they... |(

Re: a tweet from a cyclist....

Posted: 02 Sep 2014, 22:53
by Tuffers
...and ride 2 abreast on them racing bikes, ride in a line of 20-30, pull out suddenly in the middle of the road to avoid manholes with no indication that they are about to cause you to brake. The list is endless, plus they think they're so cool in their shades haha.

Re: a tweet from a cyclist....

Posted: 02 Sep 2014, 23:29
by Frankie
And Wearing Lycra.... amongst many, many, many things.

In fact while we are on the subject, the way they seem to ride in packs and nobody in a car wants to overtake them any more, they should be restricted from riding on some roads now as well, its taking the P. I ride a bike myself, but tend to take it off road rather than clogging up the roads.

Re: a tweet from a cyclist....

Posted: 03 Sep 2014, 00:09
by Tuffers
Oh, and horses should be kept in fields. They really do my pip when they ride them on the roads. Shitting all over the shop and the fat bird waving a thank you for slowing down. Bloody hate horses I do!

Re: a tweet from a cyclist....

Posted: 03 Sep 2014, 07:49
by duke63
But i bet if all car drivers suddenly fitted noisy exhausts we would be the first to complain. ;)

Re: a tweet from a cyclist....

Posted: 03 Sep 2014, 15:06
by Kwacky
She's still rambling on. Apparently we're all selfish.

Idiots like her give cyclists a bad name. I thought it ws a case of 2 wheels good, 4 wheels bad?

Re: a tweet from a cyclist....

Posted: 03 Sep 2014, 15:16
by Perkles
being a cyclist since before i could almost walk ,I have to admit the current breed of lycra clad hipsters are a bloody nuisance on the roads.They have no riding etiquette and wobble around thinking they are mark cavendish.You will find the older breed will ride two abreast but go single file when a car approaches,well thats how I learnt to ride in a group anyhow.
"loud cans save lives"

Re: a tweet from a cyclist....

Posted: 03 Sep 2014, 15:22
by Cavetroll87
couldnt just watch anymore so I have waded into the fray lol, I was quite polite actually, dont want to meet her expectations of us all being thick idiots that cant put forward a reasonable point although its quite hard fitting it all in 140 characters

Re: a tweet from a cyclist....

Posted: 04 Sep 2014, 07:01
by jlawie
Tuffers wrote:...and ride 2 abreast
Look at it from our perspective though ... e.html?m=1" onclick=";return false;

Re: a tweet from a cyclist....

Posted: 04 Sep 2014, 07:13
by Kwacky
That comment calling a biker a future organ donor highlights the issues between the groups

Re: a tweet from a cyclist....

Posted: 04 Sep 2014, 09:30
by Deegee
If I have learnt anything about the differences between drivers, motorcyclists and cyclists it's that cyclists are utterly polarised in the view that it's everyone's else problem - never theirs. They are dismissive of the rogue element within their ranks and fail to see any reason why they can't just carry on doing whatever they've been doing. It's as if the last 50yrs didn't happen to them.

Re: a tweet from a cyclist....

Posted: 04 Sep 2014, 09:46
by bb41
My bug bear where I live is a cycle track was lobbied constantly for years as it connects a rural village to civilisation about 2 miles long.

At great cost it was put in as requested.

Guess what the lycra lot use ?? pissing road :@

The only pushbike riders who actually use it are the kids and those out for leisurely bike ride. Far more intelligent

What separates this obnoxious lot and it is without exception that they think they have the eligibility to ride on the road and not on the cycle track beats me.

As the road is bendy it is virtually impossible to overtake.

Rightly or wrongly my horn is used for what nature intended and an animated gesticulation in their direction showing quite adequately they are knobs :)

Re: a tweet from a cyclist....

Posted: 04 Sep 2014, 09:52
by Kwacky
When I walk my dog part of the route is on a shared path. I always get out of the way of the cyclists. The vast majority of them say thank you, or morning or evening or what ever. There's usual some brief, polite inteaction.

You can guarantee if someone is going to ignore me he's wear iridium wrap around shades, is carrying about 12 water bottles and has a £1200 bike.

Re: a tweet from a cyclist....

Posted: 04 Sep 2014, 09:59
by Perkles
Kwacky wrote: You can guarantee if someone is going to ignore me he's wear iridium wrap around shades, is carrying about 12 water bottles and has a £1200 bike.
no offence but that was me :D
in proper cycling clubs dickheads that ride stupidly with disregard to other road users get shoved out,calling people organ doners is just immature and sucking up to clarksons arse

Re: a tweet from a cyclist....

Posted: 04 Sep 2014, 10:13
by Deegee
bb41 wrote:My bug bear where I live is a cycle track was lobbied constantly for years as it connects a rural village to civilisation about 2 miles long.

At great cost it was put in as requested.

Guess what the lycra lot use ?? pissing road :@

The only pushbike riders who actually use it are the kids and those out for leisurely bike ride. Far more intelligent

What separates this obnoxious lot and it is without exception that they think they have the eligibility to ride on the road and not on the cycle track beats me.

As the road is bendy it is virtually impossible to overtake.

Rightly or wrongly my horn is used for what nature intended and an animated gesticulation in their direction showing quite adequately they are knobs :)
Exactly the same thing at ours BB41, I live in a town on the coast, there is only one 2 mile long road in and out and there are some nasty blind bends on it.

At great expense an emergency road was built beside the existing road, it was designed for emergency vehicles in case the road was blocked by an accident (happens at least twice a year). This new road had collapsible pillars at either end to prevent cars using it, but was wide and strong enough for fire engines, ambulances and heavy breakdown vehicles to use, it was also designated as a cycle way for the 99.9% of the time it wasn't used for its true purpose.

We all thought it was a great idea, the kids use it, the horsey brigade use it, the touring cyclists use it, the walkers use it, in fact the only people that should use it but don't are the lycra clad, carbon framed, clipped in, TDF wannabe's. No, they'd rather screw up the traffic by riding two abreast up a steep hill at 2mph forcing everyone to stay behind them.

If that isn't unreasonable I'm not sure what is tbh.

Re: a tweet from a cyclist....

Posted: 04 Sep 2014, 23:02
by Monty
They're allowed to ride two abreast it's in the Highway Code. We're supposed to give them the same amount of space as we would passing a car or any other vehicle.

The only road they don't have any rights on is a motorway, hence the name.

Not defending them though, many years of commuting in London has put paid to any respect I have for cyclists in general.

Re: a tweet from a cyclist....

Posted: 05 Sep 2014, 07:06
by bb41
I have to use the cycle track on the rare occasion I use my pushbike as I usually wobble and fall off

Re: a tweet from a cyclist....

Posted: 08 Sep 2014, 13:47
by Norfolknchance
Fed up with them running red lights, riding on the pavement (usually at some speed), being smug about being environmentally friendly. But the thing they should definitely be put to sleep for permanently is wearing Lycra.