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WTF happened to the summer?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014, 18:36
by duke63
11 degrees C on the car this morning at 10am and i am sat here wearing winter slippers my feet are so cold. :(

Re: WTF happened to the summer?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014, 18:42
by Kwacky
It's been cold for a while. I' ve noticed it in the evenings when I've walked the dog.

Re: WTF happened to the summer?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014, 18:59
by R34PER
fingers crossed it will warm up again for a little while at least.

Re: WTF happened to the summer?

Posted: 19 Aug 2014, 20:25
by D6Nutz
R34PER wrote:fingers crossed it will warm up again for a little while at least.

we've had a good summer though. They said on the radio that today was the first day since the beginning of june that the maximum temperature predicted was under 20 degrees.

Re: WTF happened to the summer?

Posted: 20 Aug 2014, 08:33
by Kwacky
The summer gloves have been put away. This morning's ride was chilly. I shut all the vents on the lid.

Re: WTF happened to the summer?

Posted: 20 Aug 2014, 22:59
by Itchy
I just Googled the weather in Qatar.

It's 34°C.

At 1am!!!!!!!

So I guess my summer will be a little longer than most.

Re: WTF happened to the summer?

Posted: 21 Aug 2014, 07:41
by C00kiemonster
Itchy wrote:I just Googled the weather in Qatar.

It's 34°C.

At 1am!!!!!!!

So I guess my summer will be a little longer than most.
How long are you there Itchy?

Re: WTF happened to the summer?

Posted: 21 Aug 2014, 07:45
by Itchy
Hopefully be back just in time for Christmas mate.

Re: WTF happened to the summer?

Posted: 21 Aug 2014, 10:13
by D6
I hate it when its hot at night.

Re: WTF happened to the summer?

Posted: 21 Aug 2014, 10:35
by kiwikrasher
I'm hoping the fact you're all losing summer means we'll start gaining ours!! Getting sick of cutting up three weeks of kindling and firewood every time I leave for work.

Re: WTF happened to the summer?

Posted: 21 Aug 2014, 15:09
by Kwacky
You selfish bugger. Despite what you're told we like it warm.

Re: WTF happened to the summer?

Posted: 21 Aug 2014, 23:26
by kiwikrasher
Kwacky wrote:You selfish bugger. Despite what you're told we like it warm.
Yeah well so do we and you can't have it both ways (devil)

Re: WTF happened to the summer?

Posted: 22 Aug 2014, 08:46
by duke63
Forecasting a frost for Saturday night and a wash-out Bank holiday Monday. (facepalm)

Re: WTF happened to the summer?

Posted: 22 Aug 2014, 09:14
by Bratty
The wife is doing a car boot on Sunday with a friend lol
I think I'd rather go to work.

Re: WTF happened to the summer?

Posted: 22 Aug 2014, 09:35
by Monty
It's my fault, I booked a holiday! (gah)

Re: WTF happened to the summer?

Posted: 22 Aug 2014, 09:40
by Deegee
duke63 wrote:Forecasting a frost for Saturday night and a wash-out Bank holiday Monday. (facepalm)
Some friends are doing the Chris Evans "Car Fest" in Hampshire this weekend, one of them really feels the cold and isn't that fond of camping, after freezing his nads off in a field for 2-3days he'll be grumpy as hell. So glad I said no! (giggle)

Re: WTF happened to the summer?

Posted: 29 Aug 2014, 12:19
by Kwacky
The weather forecasters are talking about a one week warm balst before summer finally ends.

Don't they tell us the same thing every year?

Re: WTF happened to the summer?

Posted: 29 Aug 2014, 12:21
by Perkles
yes they love using the term indian summer every year

Re: WTF happened to the summer?

Posted: 29 Aug 2014, 18:38
by Jack
that term has always puzzled me , don't the indians get the monsoons during the summer ?

Re: WTF happened to the summer?

Posted: 29 Aug 2014, 18:43
by Kwacky
Wrong type of indian.