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To keep or not to keep

Posted: 19 Aug 2014, 15:33
by R34PER
I'm thinking about getting rid of my bike :( I think for the next couple of years a car would be more useful than a bike with uni and placements and the like. I can't afford to own both and at the moment I just car share with my gf when I need it but this is not ideal as she will need hers more often as the worse weather approaches. I need to put some new tyres on (which I already have) and I'm due a service so i'll do that too and try and decide what to do ;(

Re: To keep or not to keep

Posted: 19 Aug 2014, 15:40
by Cavetroll87
Could you sell it and split the money in half (dunno how much its worth) and get something cheaper and a cheap run around car, be amazed what you can get for about a grand and half both 2 and 4 wheel, then as youd be using the bike less it would cost you less in maintenance but you still have it for those little weekend jaunts

Re: To keep or not to keep

Posted: 19 Aug 2014, 16:14
by Kwacky
As siad there are lots of good cars about for little money. If you look at the older japanese stuff you get loads for your cash. I've got an old Mazda 323f which you can pick up for under a grand and they're pretty much bullet proof.

Re: To keep or not to keep

Posted: 19 Aug 2014, 16:33
by R34PER
I think, if I'm lucky the most I could hope to get is around 3k for the bike considering the additions it's had and if they help it to hold its value. I have wanted an off road capable bike for quite some time so if I could get around that figure I could potentially have the best of both worlds but having both does bring about additional running costs, taxes and insurances although I would get to keep my no claims in that instance though. It's something I am having trouble deciding on. For cars though I was thinking along the lines of an astra G or something along those lines since I had one a few years ago and it was faultless pretty much but I haven't put too much thought into what car yet as I need to see if I can sell the bike first and I'm not sure how far what I get for it will go.