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Mid Wales Rideout Report

Posted: 06 Aug 2014, 20:09
by Blade
What a great day.

Went to bed with a forecast of rain, but got up to sunny blue skys, happy days.
Well they were but not for long, got a few miles out of Manchester and I bumped into Rocket on the way to the Raven, and he brought the rain with him, so the damp start is officially his fault.

Got a bit of a drenching for the next 20 minutes until we got past Oulton Park on the A49. Had Rosso Corsa tyres on and boy do they spin up easy. At first which was just after I had fuelled up I thought I had some dirty fuel as when opening the throttle nothing happened before stuttering into life. Turns out it wasn't dirty fuel just the back spinning up and this is in top gear roll on's on the motorway, straight lining it. Oh well bit twitchy at first but soon dried and I found my confidence on route to the Raven.

Me and Rocket met up with Jim, Alex and Andy had a quick cup of tea before heading over to Newtown to hook up with Bratty and Kwacky. Once we were all together we took the a483 to Crossgates and had a good run, it was like synchronised cornering with us all flying along in formation like the red arrows, haha.

We fuelled up at Crossgates and took the A44 to Aberystwyth. I had one of those rare moments when you feel on it and everything is flowing and had a really good blast over to Aber, quickly despatching any slower vehicles I came across.

Had a chat and ice cream before departing Aber for Bala which took in some real fast roads which were a really good blast to ride. Saw the RAF boys a few times on route doing some low level flying, tried to stay with them but boy are those Tornado GR4's a bit quick, haha. Had a quick chin wag in Bala before refuelling and heading for home.

Great day out with some tops lads and one I will remember for a while. Cheers to everyone involved for another great Tankslap rideout, happy days.

Re: Mid Wales Rideout Report

Posted: 06 Aug 2014, 20:15
by Kwacky
Nice write up.

Me and Bratty hooked up near mine and made good progress to the meeting point. Enough time for a bite to eat.

The A483 has to be done. I do like that road.

The highlight for me today was seeing Jimmy's confidence come back during the day. He was flying in the afternoon.

Re: Mid Wales Rideout Report

Posted: 06 Aug 2014, 20:36
by rocket
nice write up Blade thanks for organising the day (h) love you long time

Re: Mid Wales Rideout Report

Posted: 06 Aug 2014, 20:42
by Blade
Love you too sweetie.

And nice bum wiggle on the way home you big tease.

Re: Mid Wales Rideout Report

Posted: 06 Aug 2014, 20:45
by Blade
Kwacky cheers for the TS cards, will hand them out and leave some in biking spots I visit in Derbyshire.

Re: Mid Wales Rideout Report

Posted: 06 Aug 2014, 20:47
by Kwacky
Cheers. Spread the love!

Re: Mid Wales Rideout Report

Posted: 06 Aug 2014, 21:37
by D6Nutz
Glad you guys had a great day out, despite the weathers best attempts to put a dampener on things..

Re: Mid Wales Rideout Report

Posted: 13 Aug 2014, 04:29
by Deano
Gutted i couldnt make it out, if your thinking of having a re-run before summer ends plesae keep me posted... :-)