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Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 16:03
by Kwacky
I was shown the same exercise but with dumbbells pressed against each other.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 16:19
by kingfixer
well after complaining about the slow weight loss, I had a meeting in London yesterday and I knew it was 4-5 miles away from Paddington station so I walked there and back, lost 3.5 lbs in the process. Mind you I was knackered by the time I got back :D

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 21:32
by D6Nutz
5 mile mixed fartlek and Indian file session tonight.

It's been a while since I sweated that much......

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 23 Mar 2016, 21:58
by C00kiemonster
D6Nutz wrote:5 mile mixed fartlek and Indian file session tonight.

It's been a while since I sweated that much......
I hated fartleks when I used to train. :(

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 25 Mar 2016, 17:14
by Kwacky
Managed to get to the gym. I took it easy, no big lifting, mostly chest and shoulders. Strangely I didn't seem to be struggling with strength, despite feeling like shit and having not trained for 3 weeks. Stamina was poor though so long rests between sets.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 28 Mar 2016, 10:52
by D6Nutz
10 mile run yesterday, didn't go quite according to plan.

Got 3-4 miles in (I.e. the middle of nowhere) then felt really sick every time I tried to run. Had to break of the group and started walking back, fortunately it passed after about 20 mins so turned round and ran the route backwards to meet up with the group.

Planning on the usual 5 mile run tonight, could be interesting as there are reports of trees down and flooding..

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 07:37
by Cav
Sunday, Legs - 180kg squat for 2, 360kg leg press for 1.

Monday, Back - My aim was a 1.5x bodyweight deadlift, I managed 1.65x bodyweight!

Been an awesome albeit very grueling couple of days at the gym and I'm just going swimming tonight to give my body a chance to recover before I hit chest and play football tomorrow

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 17:20
by Itchy
Nice squat.

Chest for me today. Back to work, back to training twice a day. My shoulder was acting up today, had to take it steady. Still got a decent enough workout in to be unable to open a bag of rice afterwards.
Which was quite embarrassing in front of my work mates, prompting such questions as
"Aren't you supposed to be on Op Massive?"

I'm doing arms tomorrow, it'll be no better then!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 17:43
by Perkles
Taekwondo tonight,going to go twice this week because I missed last Friday's lesson

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 20:01
by Cav
Haha.. you're just a wimp Itchy! ;)

In fairness, when I've done chest or shoulders I have to give it 20mins before I try and drive the car because I can't raise my arms to turn the wheel!!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 01 Apr 2016, 10:06
by Kwacky
I've been told by my doctor not to exercise for two weeks.

Fat and muscle seem to be the ying and yang on my body. One I struggle to gain and seem to lose quickly, the other the opposite.

Having been to the gym just twice in 4 weeks I feel both skinny and flabby. It's horrible.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 01 Apr 2016, 11:16
by Itchy
Shoulders Friday.

Before work saw some one handed push presses (think of world's strongest man competitors lifting a dumbell over their head, only with significantly less weight involved!) and standard barbell shoulder press.

I'm always slightly wary of shoulder work since I injured it, but it felt OK really.

Let's see what lunchtime will bring.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 01 Apr 2016, 11:42
by Cav
I've been doing the one handed arnold press for the last couple of weeks and have noticed my weaker shoulder catch up with my dominant shoulder very quickly.. I do it stood up too so I'm working my core at the same time.

Good thing with doing it one handed is you can bring your hand to above your head or past center which really works deep into the muscle

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 01 Apr 2016, 12:48
by Kwacky
I've bought some heavy duty resistance loops so I can do some stuff at home.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 01 Apr 2016, 14:26
by Perkles
The bench and weights I bought for the garage was a great investment ,I havent missed a weekly session since ive bought it
I was going to go to taekwondo tonight but my legs are still fubarred ,I will have a rest do some weights at the weekend and go back fresh on Tuesday
Hopefully when I pick up a bit more fitness I can go twice a week and lose some flab

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 03 Apr 2016, 18:31
by D6Nutz
Reading half marathon today, very hard run as it was surprisingly warm.

A little disappointed with a time of 2:05 as I was hoping to break the 2 hour barrier this year. But I really suffered with dehydration, and no matter how much I drunk it didn't get any better.

Time to find another fast flat half..

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 03 Apr 2016, 18:44
by duke63
2.05 is still a decent time, Jon.

After having to drop out the Stafford Half the other week due to illness, i found and entered one in Lichfield on 1st May. Just been out for my first run in three weeks as its the first time i have felt up to it.

The tip I was given to avoid dehydration is to make sure you drink plenty in the hour before you even start running and then stop for a wee if necessary.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 03 Apr 2016, 19:00
by Perkles
Did some bench pressing and dead lifts this afternoon,max reps as fast as possible.proper burn out stuff

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 03 Apr 2016, 22:04
by Itchy
Does anybody use any apps for their fitness stuff?

I've got MapMyRun for the odd occasion I do any cardio work, and Jefit for my weights work.

It beats taking a notepad and pen to the gym and scribbling everything down with shaky hands.
Plus it works out your 1 rep max (approximately) and tracks your stats, I find it really handy.

On top of that I can use my phone for music as well. Can't beat a bit of Disturbed when you're busting out the reps!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 03 Apr 2016, 22:10
by Kwacky
Fitnotes for me.