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Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 15 Nov 2019, 12:52
by D41
Most of them die their own death....figuratively speaking, that is. Support for their cause wanes/fades. The governments they are against are replaced, making the group's cause meaningless, etc.
The group's leadership may be taken out...they usually seem to fade away pretty quickly after that happens, & so on.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 15 Nov 2019, 13:36
by StMarks
Offer "a cause" to the idle or directionless that they can subscribe to. Make them feel that they can make an impact on the world that "their cause" will appreciate, & you have a terrorist cell.
All you need is a ready supply of those directionless to manipulate, and a cause that you can tailor to fit your requirements. "Simples".

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 15 Nov 2019, 14:10
by duke63
D41 wrote:Most of them die their own death....figuratively speaking, that is. Support for their cause wanes/fades. The governments they are against are replaced, making the group's cause meaningless, etc.
The group's leadership may be taken out...they usually seem to fade away pretty quickly after that happens, & so on.
Didn’t happen that way in Ireland.

Palestine will be an ongoing problem until it’s resolved by an agreement.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 15 Nov 2019, 14:45
by Kwacky
Or Israel is allowed to continually kill the occupants while the rest of the World turns a blind eye.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 15 Nov 2019, 15:00
by D41
duke63 wrote:
D41 wrote:Most of them die their own death....figuratively speaking, that is. Support for their cause wanes/fades. The governments they are against are replaced, making the group's cause meaningless, etc.
The group's leadership may be taken out...they usually seem to fade away pretty quickly after that happens, & so on.
Didn’t happen that way in Ireland.

Palestine will be an ongoing problem until it’s resolved by an agreement.
That's absolutely correct...but I did write "most", I didn't write "all".
You're also right on the money in saying Palestine's issues will be resolved through agreement (rather than through bloodshed).

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 15 Nov 2019, 15:56
by duke63
Kwacky wrote:Or Israel is allowed to continually kill the occupants while the rest of the World turns a blind eye.
To the Daily Mail you are Anti Semitic. :D

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 15 Nov 2019, 16:00
by Kwacky
I've been blocked by a few people on twitter to daring to suggest that Israel is not the victim.

It's amazing how many twitter users with an Israeli flag as part of their username are far right nutjobs.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 15 Nov 2019, 19:47
by duke63

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 15 Nov 2019, 21:11
by D41

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 16 Nov 2019, 09:33
by Rossgo
I'll be honest this is what I mean when I stay out of certain convos....I haven't got a clue about Israel and Palistine! what is the story behind them guys?

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Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 16 Nov 2019, 10:25
by StMarks
Rossgo wrote:I'll be honest this is what I mean when I stay out of certain convos....I haven't got a clue about Israel and Palistine!
what is the story behind them guys?
It is very complicated, but a potted version for you (as I understand it, may need correction? ).
Britain seized Palestine from the Ottoman Empire during WWI (1917)
At the time it was inhabited predominantly by Arab Muslims, with most of the Jews worldwide lived outside Palestine, predominantly in eastern and central Europe,
During WW2 Britain considered the Arabs to be the enemy, affiliated with the Nazis and the small numbers of Jews living their helped Britain against those Arabs. After the cessation of WW2 the Jewish resistance became active against the British occupiers, and also organised a mass immigration of Jews from around the world.
In 1948 British government wanted to hand responsibility to the UN, so the State of Israel was created & we withdrew our soldiers from that now divided area that year.
Thereafter the Israelis fought with everyone around them & constantly strived to increase their territory. They are a state based around fervently religion, slap bang in the middle of the most volatile states who are equally fervently religious, in opposing faiths.!

Very toxic & unstable subject, and anyone who tries to resolve it is eliminated for being traitorous. (facepalm)



Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 16 Nov 2019, 10:35
by duke63
It was another attempt by Britain to protect its interests abroad but by doing so they created a conflict situation that carries on to this day.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 16 Nov 2019, 14:39
by D41
To be fair, the British did the right thing when they pulled out of the region, letting the UN take over & lay down the parameters of what roughly exists there today.
But I don't think it's fair to blame either the UN, or the British, for the matter who was at the helm during that period, the end result was always going to be a clusterfcuk of poor compromises.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 16 Nov 2019, 14:46
by Kwacky
The police are investigating the offers of peerages in exchange for agreements in the elections.

How crooked do our politicians have to be before the public cares?

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 16 Nov 2019, 15:14
by D6
It seems to me britain should never have given any territory that was rightfully* taken back.

We should mobilizer for war and recapture all our colonies and bring stability to the world.

Quick call up all the t. A. as we have no real army.

*" onclick=";return false;

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 16 Nov 2019, 18:00
by StMarks
D41 wrote:...But I don't think it's fair to blame either the UN, or the British, for the situation.......
I wasn't laying blame ( that's an opinion open to individual interpretation imho) . I was merely trying to explain the situation for Rossgo in as succinct & concise & factual a way as I was able. I had no intention whatsoever to affect the description I gave him with any personal opinions I may (or may not) have.

Rossgo, basically two sets of people with fundamentally opposing views (who both believe they are right, & feel resentment towards the views the others) are in the same place. Bit like B,,,, :x

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 16 Nov 2019, 18:05
by duke63
But they weren't until Britain messed it up.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 16 Nov 2019, 18:21
by D41
Okay...what did Britain "mess up"??

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 16 Nov 2019, 18:35
by D6
Letting USA become independent to concentrate on the Spanish.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 16 Nov 2019, 18:36
by duke63
D41 wrote:Okay...what did Britain "mess up"??

Balfour Declaration.