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Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 19 Dec 2014, 08:02
by bb41
key to perfect yorkshire puddings and works every time, fat has to be smoking hot, batter needs to rest so it gets to room temp or it will cool the fat down again, hope this helps

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 19 Dec 2014, 08:25
by Monty
bb41 wrote:key to perfect yorkshire puddings and works every time, fat has to be smoking hot, batter needs to rest so it gets to room temp or it will cool the fat down again, hope this helps

And don't open the oven door until they're ready

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 19 Dec 2014, 08:31
by Bratty
My ex mother inlaw "a Yorkshire woman" would mix the ingredients but leave it to stand for an hour before putting in the oven, don't know what the significance of this but she did make the best Yorkshire puddings

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 19 Dec 2014, 15:26
by D41
Monty wrote:
bb41 wrote:key to perfect yorkshire puddings and works every time, fat has to be smoking hot, batter needs to rest so it gets to room temp or it will cool the fat down again, hope this helps

And don't open the oven door until they're ready

Aye..I know about not opening the door, but didn't know about room temp. for the I say, my two times doing Yorkies lately have turned out unbelievable's just the TITH thing that gets me. It's a message from God "DARREN, YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE GETS TOO HIGH WHEN YOU EVEN LOOK AT PORK.....DO NOT EAT THIS!!"
I'll give it one more go or just stick with the regular Yorkies.....done right, I like them just as much anyway..

Could it be my cookware????.....I did the others in this deep dish glass thing......I swear, the feckers went up 8in. ...this time I used a cake tray....metal, prolly not even alloy.....fecker barely rose at all.
Oh, and the sausages.....remind me never again to buy "maple sausage"......disgusting stuff.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 20 Dec 2014, 11:44
by D41


What a recovery!!.....Wednesday's disaster turns into Thursday night's slaughter.......feckin' perfect Yorkies!!
And me lass, room-mate, etc....they could not believe how that little sliver of batter can rise like that.

Think I have it down now.....I'm just always gonna use glassware.....I don't know why, but it just seems to work better......half a stick of butter, leave it on 400F 'til the kitchen looks like a scene from "Backdraft", and then just go for it!!

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 20 Dec 2014, 12:39
by Blade
You may have 2 Michelin tyre's D but I think it maybe a while until you get 2 Michelin stars (giggle)

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 20 Dec 2014, 12:41
by Blade
No idea the missus hasn't brought it in yet and me and kids are slumped on the couch waiting eagerly (raaar)

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 20 Dec 2014, 16:46
by D41
Blade wrote:You may have 2 Michelin tyre's D but I think it maybe a while until you get 2 Michelin stars (giggle)
:D :D

Blasphemous swine!!

Hey....I'm from Yorkshire....or at least I lived there once....when I was 3. :|

Can't believe it.....a lad comes on here all proud of his culinary creations, and instantly the resident Heinkel 111 crew start ripping into him.

Know why I know it's good mate??.....The Mexicans......Mexicans love home-cooking, and they were like "This is good tastes clean....but this gravy tastes like it came out of a can?? (it did!)"

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 20 Dec 2014, 16:54
by Blade
So the Mexicans are now the international authority on Yorkshire puddings ? How do they serve it with guacamole and refried bean (rolf)

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 20 Dec 2014, 18:14
by Deegee
The glassware works because it holds the heat better than a tin when you pull it out of the oven to add the batter, it's the instant sizzle that is key to good Yorkie's. You can get a tin to work, but when you pull it out of the oven make sure you put if on a hot hotplate - that way it keeps the heat in the fat and you retain the sizzle.

P.S. You can stop butter burning so easily by adding a little groundnut or corn oil, that works in ovens as well as hobs. I know from experience it buggers up a Beurre Noisette though. (swear)

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 20 Dec 2014, 22:53
by D41
Gracias.....yeah, I should have mentioned....a thin glaze of corn oil, with a half stick dropped in the middle....see. I'm getting it!! Didn't actually know if it was right, but it seemed to work.....all things do when you're the Yorkie King!!

I'm gonna soo regret writing that.....

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 21 Dec 2014, 14:28
by Blade
Homemade meat ball sub's (y)

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 21 Dec 2014, 16:49
by Kwacky
As we went to the cinema we ended up in Chiquitos again. I'm stuffed.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 21 Dec 2014, 18:18
by Bratty
Just on my way to the sister inlaws for a roast beef dinner

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 21 Dec 2014, 19:28
by Blade
Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding is the best (y)

I have ordered a rib of beef for over the Xmas period. Never cooked a beef joint on the bone before but had it in restaurants and its amazing so hopefully I won't ruin it.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 21 Dec 2014, 20:59
by D41
Blade wrote:Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding is the best (y)
It pretty much is, innit?? I could eat that stuff just about every night...and like you, for breakfast the next day.

BUT!! Chippy we used to go to on buy the fish off the boat.....and then hopefully don't see too much while your Dad kills it with your size 5 Slazenger cricket bat....then take it up the street and they cook it.

Same with Mom & Dad used to boil those feckers alive. (puke)

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 22 Dec 2014, 22:35
by Kwacky
roast chicken dinner. So much for the diet :D

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 22 Dec 2014, 22:54
by Fireblade_Ro
I've just finished eating Jamie Olivers panettone bread and butter pudding... and had a BBQ for dinner. Weather is pretty lush down here in Southern France :D

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 23 Dec 2014, 08:20
by Blade
Kwacky wrote:roast chicken dinner. So much for the diet :D
Roast dinners are exempt from any dieting plan and not treated as cheating.

Who in their right mind would turn down a roast dinner after all ;)

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 23 Dec 2014, 09:17
by Kwacky
I had carrots, leeks, brocolli and sprouts on my plate so there's 4 of my 5.