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Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 14:30
by Blade
Rossgo wrote:
Kwacky wrote:

Behead Corbyn

I'm in

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Careful what you wish for Rossgo.

Potentially Corbyn is the best thing that ever happened to the Labour party. Hes one of the key reasons they are unelectable at the moment (lol)

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 14:30
by D6Nutz
Blade wrote: Surely better to have it now so people have a choice to back a leave or remain political party based on their personal choice.
Blade this is a genuine and serious question, I'm not taking the piss, having a go, or trying to offend. Just asking a question, and it's open to all to respond it was just your comment that me think.

Do you back the principal of having a GE now, knowing full well it could change/control the course of brexit? And if so, how does this differ from a second referendum.

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Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 14:39
by Blade
No worries Jon, perfectly fair and reasonable question buddy (y)

I dont believe we should have a second referendum or that there will be one.

That being accepted a GE will hopefully install a majority government that can deliver the will of the people, which is the closet anyone is getting to a second referendum imo.

As a leaver, if that will turns out to be a remain based political party win and become the majority goverment I will accept the outcome and move on. I wont be campaigning for a second GE as I dislike the result of the first. Absolutely ridiculous state of affairs.

Parliament is currently in stale mate with no other bill's or topics getting much attention other than Brexit and brexit cant currently get through parliament in any form.

In short have a GE now. One side win and let's get a majority goverement in power that can take us out of the current stale mate, lock down and uncertainty which I believe is causing way more harm that leaving or remaining ever will.

We as a nation need to move forward and without a majority government we cannot imo.

P1sses me right off that some remain MPs have gone to their EU counterparts and said dont negotiate with Boris Johnson, you dont need to as Parliment will block it for you. We must be the absolute laughing stock of europe if not the world. A load of infighting idiots called MPs are fooking this country up. We really do need to move forward, in or out, let's just move forward and start to heal some division and get on with governing this country.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 15:04
by Kwacky
My view:

May tried this tactic and it failed. I really can't see any party getting a majority so there will have to be a coalition. Again, the Tories have tried that and it didn't work.

There isn't enough time for a general election. Brexit is 5 weeks away.

Calling a general election is the same as proroguing parliament.

Calling a general election means that the EU will not discuss brexit with us until a new government is in power, so brexit will have to be delayed again. This isn't what everyone wants so you'll have more complaints. Johnson has a few times refused to answer the question about a GE and brexit delays.

MPs have no standing in the EU, so they can say what they like. But let's not forget that pro leave MEPs pulled the same tricks in the EU when May was trying to get her deal through. You can't blame remain for the delays when leave have done exactly the same.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 16:30
by duke63
I’m sure Monty will know the answer to this but can Parliament remove Johnson from office as PM as he has no authority currently and no majority to do anything at all.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 16:31
by Blade
duke63 wrote:I’m sure Monty will know the answer to this but can Parliament remove Johnson from office as PM as he has no authority currently and no majority to do anything at all.
Vote of no confidence and a GE, is the answer I think. But yes I m sure the Political Heavyweight that is our Monty is better qualified than I to advise (lol)

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 16:41
by Kwacky
Parliament can form a new government and ask the Queen to approve the appointed leader as prime minister. You don't need a general election.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 16:48
by D41
Blade wrote: But yes I m sure the Political Heavyweight that is our Monty is better qualified than I to advise (lol)

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 17:09
by duke63
I think I read the SNP are prepared to support Labour in forming a new Government now so I guess it’s possible.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 17:11
by duke63
Johnson has never been voted in but he could soon be voted out. :D

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 18:06
by Rossgo
Labour - I've heard stories about that party recently. Oh and they start wars over incorrect info too. So supporting them people are basically saying Britain can do what they like in the world but can't leave the EU which is tiny compared to the world. Empire strikes back.

Is it true that the SNP will support Labour. How dumb are they, literally as bad supporting the bin man in that cave somewhere years ago who's now dead and now best mates with his brother Bag

Behead them. Behead them now I say!!

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Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 18:08
by Kwacky
Rossgo. That's the sort of language used by extremists like Isis and the Nazis.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 18:19
by D41
Not to mention the French.....never a good sign to let them run with the baton.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 19:22
by Rossgo
Ahh a labour supporter I see amongst us

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Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 19:29
by Monty
Ban the little gobshite. This isn’t and never has been a place for hate speech

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 19:44
by duke63
I see John Major has absolutely laid into the Government today. The speech he made was brilliant.

He called them a Brexit Party tribute group. :D

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 19:47
by duke63
Just proves the point about the language of Johnson giving others the fuel to spew out the same divisive shite.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 20:06
by Blade
Kwacky wrote:Rossgo. That's the sort of language used by extremists like Isis and the Nazis.
Full agreement kwacky. Trust it was misplaced banter / sarcasm Rossgo?

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 20:20
by C00kiemonster
Monty wrote:Ban the little gobshite. This isn’t and never has been a place for hate speech

Another one on ignore too..

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 20:56
by D41
Monty wrote:Ban the little gobshite. This isn’t and never has been a place for hate speech
Oh....saying it among people you know is insightful. Saying it to those you don't...that would be inciting.