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Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 13 Nov 2016, 11:16
by Kwacky
That's a nasty blow at a hard time.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 13 Nov 2016, 12:24
by Frankie
Major f***ing, selfish, bunch of M.F.Twats..... and I told them so, I was stuck behind two cars who would not over take 12 cycles who were all over the road gassing to each other holding up all the traffic for ages this morning.

I had just finished a 7 mile walk, so I should have been chilled, but these selfish idiots really pushed my buttons.....

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 13 Nov 2016, 15:00
by StMarks
Deegee wrote:My sister is staying with us this weekend, we are making arrangements for our Mums funeral, she's just taken a call from her husband to tell her that his brother has two large malignant masses in his upper/lower GI, with other signs elsewhere, he's 43.

Feeling a bit bleak right now.
The Deegee clan really seems to be taking more than your fair share recently. Let's hope that's everything for the time being, I imagine even your stoic temperament is being tested by the all the support need from you.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 13 Nov 2016, 16:02
by D41
Male Pattern Baldness.

What the fcuk is up with that!!

Oh....and many thanks to my so-called 'friend' (AKA...B**cha$$motherfcuker!!) who seems to delight in pointing out the fecking obvious to me. What an utter bastard.

I think I'll go back to the shaved doesn't look like I have much of a choice, to be honest.....and just when I had got a nice mane going on. Figures.


Other than that I'm fine.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 13 Nov 2016, 16:26
by Deegee
StMarks wrote:
Deegee wrote:My sister is staying with us this weekend, we are making arrangements for our Mums funeral, she's just taken a call from her husband to tell her that his brother has two large malignant masses in his upper/lower GI, with other signs elsewhere, he's 43.

Feeling a bit bleak right now.
The Deegee clan really seems to be taking more than your fair share recently. Let's hope that's everything for the time being, I imagine even your stoic temperament is being tested by the all the support need from you.
It really is one thing after another, and as if all that wasn't enough, our washing machine (4yrs old) started doing odd things during the week, my Sisters car has been left at ours with a suspected CV joint failure (she's taken our spare car home) and I'm arranging recovery and repair of that tomorrow morning to a local garage. As if all that wasn't enough, our 3 month old TV has just thrown its hand in.

It's getting to be almost comical. If you wrote my life of the last month nobody would believe it......

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 13 Nov 2016, 18:07
by Rossgo
@Deegee I don't know what to say. It's clear you are having it very tough. Sorry to hear about all this buddy. Be strong

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 08:22
by Monty
D41 wrote:Male Pattern Baldness.

What the fcuk is up with that!!

Oh....and many thanks to my so-called 'friend' (AKA...B**cha$$motherfcuker!!) who seems to delight in pointing out the fecking obvious to me. What an utter bastard.

I think I'll go back to the shaved doesn't look like I have much of a choice, to be honest.....and just when I had got a nice mane going on. Figures.


Other than that I'm fine.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 08:41
by Cav
Deegee wrote:
StMarks wrote:
Deegee wrote:My sister is staying with us this weekend, we are making arrangements for our Mums funeral, she's just taken a call from her husband to tell her that his brother has two large malignant masses in his upper/lower GI, with other signs elsewhere, he's 43.

Feeling a bit bleak right now.
The Deegee clan really seems to be taking more than your fair share recently. Let's hope that's everything for the time being, I imagine even your stoic temperament is being tested by the all the support need from you.
It really is one thing after another, and as if all that wasn't enough, our washing machine (4yrs old) started doing odd things during the week, my Sisters car has been left at ours with a suspected CV joint failure (she's taken our spare car home) and I'm arranging recovery and repair of that tomorrow morning to a local garage. As if all that wasn't enough, our 3 month old TV has just thrown its hand in.

It's getting to be almost comical. If you wrote my life of the last month nobody would believe it......
When times get tough I have to do two things... laugh (if not I'd cry) and to quote Dory - "when times get tough you know what you gotta do? - Just keep swimming"

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 15 Nov 2016, 16:19
by D41
@ Monty.

Thanks for your inspiring photo.'s at the back...just a wee bit at the moment, but it's unlikely to get any better, I'm guessing.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 21 Nov 2016, 12:26
by Kwacky
People who don't pull their weight when it comes to tea duties.

Woman I work with is crap at this. I reckon we get one cup a day from her. She reckons she's not much of a tea drinker, but does she ever turn down an offer for a cuppa? Does she feck.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 21 Nov 2016, 14:48
by D41

Lots & lots of it, disturbing my peaceful slumber.

And dogs. Lots & lots of them next door, doing the same fecking thing....barking for no apparent reason in the bloody world, all night long.


Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 21 Nov 2016, 14:51
by D41

That pic reminds me of that comedian.....Bobcat Goldthwaite (I think that's his name??)....from the old Police Academy movies????

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 21 Nov 2016, 15:06
by Kwacky
Perhaps the rain woke them up?

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 21 Nov 2016, 15:10
by D41
You know...that's a really good point...never thought of that!!

I dunno...the cat likes to feck with them...and it did come through the window a bit sharpish....and wettish.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 21 Nov 2016, 22:42
by kiwikrasher
D41 wrote:You know...that's a really good point...never thought of that!!

I dunno...the cat likes to feck with them...and it did come through the window a bit sharpish....and wettish.
I find it quite fitting you have an antagonistic wet pussy (lol)

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 22 Nov 2016, 00:08
by D41
The bane of my life.

My flatmate has this fecker, and it's taken a liking to me...which would be fine, except I'm just not much of an 'pet person'....just not into them at all.

On the plus side, I think it would make for excellent target practice. Once. Hopefully soon.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 22 Nov 2016, 13:28
by Kwacky
Work have blocked youtube. I was going to spend lunchtime watching guides on how to do my taekwondo pattern (gah)

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 22 Nov 2016, 14:52
by TonyB
Can you use proxy servers?

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 22 Nov 2016, 14:58
by Kwacky
Only if I want the sack.

I'll use my phone where I have to.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 22 Nov 2016, 15:09
by D41