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Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 09 Nov 2016, 13:53
by Monty

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 09 Nov 2016, 15:21
by D41

I like the fact that rather than just clean it up, you took a photo and spent longer uploading it than it would have taken to just get rid of the mess.

There's nowt like Tony's misfortune to brighten up my day.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 09 Nov 2016, 15:57
by TonyB
I found it quite funny after a few seconds. Took seconds to upload. It took longer chasing the puppy around the table and crating him up so he didn't eat the soap powder while I scooped it up.

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Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 09 Nov 2016, 16:23
by D41
He would have cleaned it up for you, then. Should've let him have at it.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 09 Nov 2016, 16:45
by TonyB
Hahaha, bubbly dog thanks.

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Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 09 Nov 2016, 16:50
by D41
Yes. Bit you put him outside! He picks up the mess, takes it out, and disposes of it. Perfect.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 09 Nov 2016, 17:09
by TonyB
No, if he pukes the soap powder outside, he'll eat it again and be stuck in a vicious cycle...geddit? Cycle?...Washing powder?

I'll get my coat...

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Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 09 Nov 2016, 18:26
by D41
Are you trying to put a humourous 'spin' on what happened??

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 09 Nov 2016, 19:29
by TonyB
I know, I's a 'bold' move.

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Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 09 Nov 2016, 20:01
by D41
Persilly, I think you'll Bounce back just fine...the Tide has changed, soastospeak.


Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 09 Nov 2016, 20:08
by TonyB
Look we can go round and round with wishy washy jokes like this for ages, I just hope I don't get out of my Comfort zone.

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Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 09 Nov 2016, 20:19
by D41 you're just being a big 'Fairy'.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 09 Nov 2016, 20:29
by TonyB
Your sense of humour just gets dryer and dryer. I think you might actually be a basket case.

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Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 09 Nov 2016, 20:32
by D41
Yes, that same thought did just DAWN on me.....

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 11 Nov 2016, 10:35
by Kwacky
My wife, who has known for at least a month that we're going away today, is still not even dressed and is deciding what to pack. We should have left an hour ago.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 11 Nov 2016, 15:35
by Rossgo
Not a vent!!

I feel really smug this afternoon. Well actually all day I've been pissed off and I didn't know why until my last break and my boss starting laying into me over a problem that OTHER staff have created...however it turns out that the problem is a lot more in depth than that...a problem that I fought over some 1.5 years ago and I got laughed at and belittled...well I didn't say I knew the problem was going to happen but the look on his face when I politely and respectfully suggested my point (the same point I made 1.5 years ago) was priceless. Very smug moment, I have had my moment...that is all for today and I will be a happy bunny for the weekend hahaha!!

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 11 Nov 2016, 16:13
by D41
Yeah...'Til Monday when when you get sh*tcanned.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 11 Nov 2016, 21:53
by Deegee
Smug, know-all, greasy haired, unwashed Estate Agent in a nasty cheap suit that was 15mins late and then tried to tell me that he was on time and I was wrong.
Nice try asswipe, here's your business card with the time you wrote on it.....

Then after all that, he still didn't do what I expressly asked him for. T*ss*r.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 12 Nov 2016, 23:20
by Deegee
My sister is staying with us this weekend, we are making arrangements for our Mums funeral, she's just taken a call from her husband to tell her that his brother has two large malignant masses in his upper/lower GI, with other signs elsewhere, he's 43.

Feeling a bit bleak right now.

Re: What do you want to vent about today?

Posted: 13 Nov 2016, 09:32
by C00kiemonster
Deegee wrote:My sister is staying with us this weekend, we are making arrangements for our Mums funeral, she's just taken a call from her husband to tell her that his brother has two large malignant masses in his upper/lower GI, with other signs elsewhere, he's 43.

Feeling a bit bleak right now.