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Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 08:56
by Rossgo
Been up since 0430 this morning so done all the cleaning, had breakie and doing clothes washing. Now just waiting to go off to watch my partners little sister play footie against the old team I used to coach!

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 08:59
by Blade
Blackpool Illuminations today. I'm sure there will be some fish n chips and fair ground rides in there for good measure (lol)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 09:12
by Kwacky
My kids used to love going there with Sam's parents. It's a grand British tradition. Enjoy your day.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 09:17
by Deegee
Might try and get out for a walk later on if the weather is kind, I'll need to work up an appetite as Mrs Gee is making her Cornish pasties this evening. (inlove)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 09:18
by Blade
I always went as a kid and thought it was brillant. Tbh as an adult you see past the glitter and realise it's a bit run down but squint and your back to your childhood and it's still got that old magic.

My kids love it and an annual trip up there has become a bit of a family tradition (lol) we even have our favourite fish n chippy, on the sea front and I'm looking forward to them already (y)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 12:04
by Blade
Not me but my lad.

The missus shouted me in as Harry had decided to do some additional homework to the spelling he had been set.

When I looked at his work he had wrote:

Valentino, Lorenzo, Dani Pedrosa, Marquez, Shakey (y)

Good lad (rock)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 12:58
by Kwacky
It's pissing it down here so I'm watching my lad play call of duty. We've been shopping for food so he's tucking into some melon and I'm setting an example by eating some rather large sausage rolls.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 16:17
by Blade
Testing the ABS in the fast lane of the motorway as some young girl decides to come down the slip road and straight across all 3 lanes of the motorway in busy traffic to get in the fast lane.

Missus and kids in the car and wasn't good. The most frightening thing was the girl looked oblivious to the danger she had put herself and other road users in. We pasted her tail gating someone a few miles down the road and she could hardly see over the dashboard she was that small with the seat reclined far too much.

I didn't feel anger. I felt sorry for her as she looked a nice kid on a collision cause to getting seriously hurt. Hopedully she doesn't and some one gives her some much needed advice.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 19:48
by Jack
my monitor power supply went tits up yesterday so I went and had a chat with the bank and today I have got myself a 43inch LG 4k tv , to edit my photos on of course - its a legitimate business expense , honest .

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 20:14
by Monty
Fiver says you send it back and get a 28" 4K monitor with better RGB Gamut

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 21:11
by Jack
28 is no good need at least a 30 for decent editing purposes , colour gamut seems fine , not calibrated it yet but I will and it will be fine , you can send the £5 via paypal if you like .

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 21:34
by Kwacky
Out on the lash with a couple of mates. This will be messy

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 21:40
by D6Nutz
Had a great day with the kids. Went shopping with the girl this morning, and she loved it (she's only 4 I hate to think what she's going to be like in a few years)

Then went for a walk in the woods with the boy. Really nice to spend tinge with him where there are no distractions, we actually talked..

Times it's good being a parent.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 01 Oct 2016, 21:49
by Monty
Jack wrote:28 is no good need at least a 30 for decent editing purposes , colour gamut seems fine , not calibrated it yet but I will and it will be fine , you can send the £5 via paypal if you like .
If you're happy with it that will be my next TV, but I'll be amazed if you really are getting photo quality out of a TV. I'm a big LG fan every TV in the house is LG but they're all shit for viewing photos. What model is it?

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 02 Oct 2016, 07:25
by Rossgo
Today me and dad are off to Silverstone to try out their single seater cars. It's my dad's birthday pressie which was given to him in April but it was a voucher so could book it up at any stage. He would never pay for something like this as it does cost a bit and he wouldn't want to be doing it by himself so it's his kid to the rescue this will be his second time going there for something like this. Last time was an Aston and Ferrari experience for a few laps in each car. He is really looking forward to it I popped over yesterday and everything was set up so all he had to do was grab it and leave (license, tickets , wallet etc)

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 02 Oct 2016, 08:29
by Blade
Awesome Rossgo have a superb day with your Dad buddy (y) Look forward to hearing all about it.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 02 Oct 2016, 08:47
by kiwikrasher
First day of daylight savings here today and the weather didn't disappoint. Was about 18 deg C high yesterday and a 28 deg day today!! Spent a few hours getting the pool squared up (off the work in a couple of days) so by the time I get back we should be able to start using it.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 02 Oct 2016, 09:28
by C00kiemonster
kiwikrasher wrote:First day of daylight savings here today and the weather didn't disappoint. Was about 18 deg C high yesterday and a 28 deg day today!! Spent a few hours getting the pool squared up (off the work in a couple of days) so by the time I get back we should be able to start using it.
Do you heat your pool or does the weather do the job and heat it for you?

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 02 Oct 2016, 10:13
by DaytonAndy
Today I will be mainly suffering with a stinking hangover. Apparently I was so pissed last night my Mrs had to wake me up as I had gone to say goodnight to the dog and promptly fallen asleep on her bed. Luckily the dog was happy to share and was sleeping on the floor next to me. Unfortunately I seem to have set a precedent as I was then woken up at 5 by the dog getting into bed with us.

Re: What are you doing today ??

Posted: 02 Oct 2016, 10:24
by Itchy
DaytonAndy wrote:Today I will be mainly suffering with a stinking hangover. Apparently I was so pissed last night my Mrs had to wake me up as I had gone to say goodnight to the dog and promptly fallen asleep on her bed. Luckily the dog was happy to share and was sleeping on the floor next to me. Unfortunately I seem to have set a precedent as I was then woken up at 5 by the dog getting into bed with us.
(lol) (lol) :D (lol) (lol)