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Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 04 Sep 2019, 09:51
by duke63
He needs 2/3rds of Parliament to agree to an election, doesn't he? At the moment he does not even have 50% of Parliament on his side.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 04 Sep 2019, 16:04
by StMarks
duke63 wrote:He needs 2/3rds of Parliament to agree to an election, doesn't he? At the moment he does not even have 50% of Parliament on his side.
I'm pretty sure they'll have predicted all this, and despite the best goading I don't imagine they'll be expecting even Corbyn to fall for the Election bait.
-So I do have to wonder what sneaky angle they have planned to catch us out. :^

If it does come to an election, I think we can fully expect an alliance between the conservatives & brexit parties.?

Also, although the Liberals & the Greens are the only parties who have declared a clear mandate to prevent brexshit from happening ( & have stated an intention to avoid splitting the vote if the situation arises), I fear that Corbyn may abandon his personal leave preference & undermine that pact by splitting the vote anyway.?

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 04 Sep 2019, 16:07
by Kwacky
21 Tory MPs have now been kicked out. That's the excuse he needs to call an election

The SNP have said they'll back that call.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 04 Sep 2019, 16:13
by StMarks
Kwacky wrote:......The SNP have said they'll back that call.
This fiasco is really "handing it to" the SNP. -They won't be waiting round long after we leave, before they start to dismantle our United Kingdom. :(

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 04 Sep 2019, 16:38
by Monty
Fun fact:

There are now 3 Liberal Democrat MPs with majorities over 10,000

Chuka Umunna (26.3k)
Phillip Lee (16.0k)
Sarah Wollaston (13.5k)

None of whom were elected as Liberal Democrats. No wonder they don't want an election!

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 04 Sep 2019, 18:13
by Kwacky

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 04 Sep 2019, 22:00
by Kwacky
So no general election then.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 05 Sep 2019, 09:03
by C00kiemonster
:D :D :D

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 05 Sep 2019, 09:19
by Kwacky
Yet the English version of the Sun is calling Corbyn a coward.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 05 Sep 2019, 10:32
by duke63
A coward because he wont play Johnson’s games?

I was thinking about that late amendment meaning there has to be s vote on May’s deal before 31st Oct.

Have Labour laid a spectacular trap here?

Bearing in mind that the agreement is to continue as we are now in terms of trade with a view to continue talks towards full trade agreement. Imagine if that now passed through Parliament. We left the EU on 31 with this agreement

Would it not mean that the Brexit Party and Farage and Johnson and the Right wing Tory party we’re now obsolete?

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 05 Sep 2019, 10:37
by Kwacky
Frog Faced Farage has clocked this. He's going on about the Tories and BP combining to be an "unstoppable force in British politics".

If May's deal goes through then Johnson loses a lot of face. It'll be damaging for his party.

Johnson needs us to leave on a no deal, have a general election very shortly afterwards then quickly agree a deal with the EU. That's the only way he can win this Brexit debacle.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 05 Sep 2019, 10:56
by Cav
If Corbyn pulls this off, pulls the strings and he isn't PM then fair play to him but you're right... Farage isn't an idiot, he knows what's happening.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 05 Sep 2019, 11:06
by Kwacky
Pannick QC is currently arguing the case against Johnson shutting down parliament. He's just said this:

PM’s handwritten note is fatally infected by his failure to understand that parliament is sovereign. It’s not the role of the executive to prevent parliament from fulfilling its functions because PM takes a derogatory view of MPs. He sees parliament as a potential threat

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 05 Sep 2019, 11:25
by duke63
Farage might not be an idiot but he is a Cnut. :D

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 05 Sep 2019, 11:28
by Kwacky

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 05 Sep 2019, 11:32
by duke63
We are living in dangerous times when politicians in supposedly free and democratic societies intend to ignore the law and the sovereignty of Parliament.

This whole Brexit debacle is all the fault of the Tory party. I think many suspected that it might split the party to an extent that it will never be the same again. There are some very disparate views on the EU within it and there are still people spouting extreme right wing views. There is going to be a big vacuum to fill of the centre right of British politics if the more sane Tories don’t seize power back.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 05 Sep 2019, 11:33
by duke63
Brexit has made Britain a very unhappy Nation in my opinion. It’s going to take a generation at least to heal the divisions.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 05 Sep 2019, 11:56
by Monty
duke63 wrote:Brexit has made Britain a very unhappy Nation in my opinion. It’s going to take a generation at least to heal the divisions.
It will be bad if we leave and bad if we stay.

The best option would be a deal that neither side is completely happy with.

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 05 Sep 2019, 11:58
by Monty
Some bits are fun to watch though.

A busy first 2 days in parliament for Boris Johnson

-Lost first 4 Commons votes
-Expelled 21 of his MPs, 1 defected
-Lost his majority
-Worst ever PMQs debut
-Told to apologise for race hate
-EU talks exposed as ‘sham’
-Lost vote trying to call Election he said he didn’t want

Re: The next prime minister

Posted: 05 Sep 2019, 12:05
by Monty
Jo Johnson resigns as Tory MP to spend less time with his family

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