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Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 16 Dec 2020, 08:53
by Kwacky
I've been contemplating moving away from Facebook. This is helping to swing my decision.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 16 Dec 2020, 11:29
by D6Nutz
Kwacky wrote:I've been contemplating moving away from Facebook. This is helping to swing my decision.
The problem is not the provider. Now Facebook have announced the switch others will follow suit.

Consider, the majority of large service providers as US based. They have to implement a special framework to contend with the EU's data protection rules as they are the strictest in the world, they also have to ensure that all data complies with those regulations (massive human cost). If you didn't need to why would you do that for several million users that you could shift over to your preferred/native/less regulated system.

Expect to see Microsoft, Google, and AWS follow suit. Interestingly as these guys also provide platform services this could see UK providers who are based on these platforms being also required to shift their data compliance to the hosts governing standards. This will be entirely at odds with EU standards and may well cause issues with data sharing between the UK and the EU.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 16 Dec 2020, 12:17
by Bob T
The fishing industry might seem like a small thing but what the UK wants is against the basics of the EU
Let us just say, as an example fish type X is mostly caught in UK waters and mostly consumed in mainland Europe. At present any EU/UK boat can go fish for X as UK boats can fish for Y in EU waters.
What the UK seems to want is to exclude EU boats from catching fish X and then with the almost exclusive rights to fish them to also sell them to the EU consumers. That is unfair competition in that only the UK boats can catch them.

Then there is the trading club known as the EU. The UK used to be a member but longer is, it still wants to trade but does not want to abide by the EU trading rules, nor does it want the trading club to enforce the rules through their European Court. It just wants to trade. If there is no oversight of the club trading rules then who will know if the UK is playing by them? Boris has already agreed to stuff then changed his mind and broken international law in doing so.

The UK seems to think that the EU cannot survive without little old UK, we will see.

I remember when the UK voted for brexit all the brexiteers were telling everyone that other countries would follow, I don't see any.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 16 Dec 2020, 12:52
by Cav
Bob T wrote:The UK seems to think that the EU cannot survive without little old UK, we will see.
The majority of the oldest generation think this way from all the conversations I've had locally. So do many of the younger Vote Leavers.

I absolutely don't see it that way and the UK is giving itself the gun to shoot itself in every foot and orifice.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 18 Dec 2020, 08:44
by duke63" onclick=";return false;

The Hornby boss said the political leaders engaging in trade negotiations "aren't living in the real world".

"We as a country, we're shuffling the deck chairs as the Titanic is sinking. People who are having these talks just don't understand how the real world operates. They think at the last minute they can come up with a solution. People are going to be losing jobs."

Many UK companies have spent the last few months stockpiling goods and materials imported from abroad to mitigate against possible disruption to trade and supply chains at the end of the year. Mr Davies said he began "over-shipping" Hornby products months ago.

If it wasn't so serious it would be laughable.

I see furlough has been extended until the end of April too. They may as well make it all of next year for the amount of business sense the Government have.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 18 Dec 2020, 10:15
by Kwacky
Project Fear.

From an article in March 2016

But the British government has warned that two million British expats in Europe could be adversely affected in the event of an Out vote. Their right to free healthcare and their basic right to work could both be jeopardised, a Cabinet Office report says.

Campaigners to leave the European Union have dismissed the report's findings as "scaremongering", part of what they see as a long-term strategy by the government which they have dubbed "project fear". It aims, they say, to persuade voters to stick with what they know and remain inside the EU. ... m-35688387" onclick=";return false;

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 18 Dec 2020, 10:16
by Kwacky
Also Project Fear ... 0-12165809" onclick=";return false;

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 18 Dec 2020, 11:07
by C00kiemonster
Photoshop ;)

Just the beginning sadly.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 20 Dec 2020, 15:01
by D6Nutz
Brexit: Ministers to treble number of foreign fruit and veg pickers to ease fears of rotting harvests
Exclusive: Plan to allow in 30,000 seasonal workers a year – despite past claims that UK staff would plug the gap
(facepalm) ... 75742.html" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 20 Dec 2020, 17:59
by duke63
The Brexit Johnson and Co promised is completely undeliverable and always was. We are just about to find out how much they were lying.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 20 Dec 2020, 19:41
by StMarks
duke63 wrote:...... We are just about to find out how much they were lying.
Don't you think that "we" ( being those who voted against brexshit ) always believed that there was nothing to genuinely be gained.?

Whilst the extent to which their claims of "££ millions for the NHS" and all the other land of milk & honey enticements would look likely to be laid bare,,,,
Kwacky wrote:.... sadly those in favour of Brexit will continue to deny it was a bad choice and look to blame all of its failings on the EU.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 20 Dec 2020, 20:33
by duke63
There is a part of me that wants the first few months of next year to be so shit that there is a big move to link up with the EU again and Boris is sacked.

Unfortunately the cost of that is probably to high to make it palatable.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 20 Dec 2020, 20:37
by Kwacky
I think our economy is tanked anyway.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 21 Dec 2020, 08:40
by Cav
At least when we're well and truly fvcked there's a strong emergency fund to keep us afloat...

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 23 Dec 2020, 17:44
by Kwacky
Talks between the UK, Gibraltar and Spain that would allow the territory to enter the Schengen area with free movement at the Rock’s crucial land border are well advanced, according to reports in the Spanish media.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 24 Dec 2020, 10:21
by Kwacky
So we've got a deal. They'll be meltdowns from all corners.

But we've got a deal. I'll take that as a positive; we've not alienated the EU, which was my bigger fear. At least now we can build on that. I suspect we'll see our relationship with the EU ebb and flow depending on who is in charge at Number10.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 24 Dec 2020, 10:29
by D6Nutz
I'd also take it as a big positive, it's effectively a very long extension to the process though IMO. I bet there are a lot of details still to be written up and agreed.

Is it still to be ratified by the European leaders and our own parliament? I'd read articles about hardcore brexiteers in the Tory party trying to block any deal made?

Had the fat lady sung yet ?

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Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 24 Dec 2020, 10:36
by duke63
Should send Farage and the ERG into apoplexy which is a big bonus.

I don't honestly believe we could have survived long without an agreement. It would have meant a fundamental change to the way the UK did business and a massive loss of jobs in the worst peacetime trading in generations.

Its been obvious for ages that Johnson was intending to do a big deal with Trump and sideline the EU completely. Trump being booted out put an end to that and a complete change of plan required

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 24 Dec 2020, 11:07
by Kwacky
It's a 2000 page document, which needs to go before Parliament. It also needs to go before each EU member state.

The ERG have said that they intend to block it, but I don't think they've got the numbers. Labour are likely to back it as they know what No Deal means.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 24 Dec 2020, 11:13
by duke63
Hopefully all the twatish MPs will now have to go into work over the Xmas holidays.

We should also see how many have totally disregarded the Tier 4 rules as they return from their country piles. Even the Sun found out that Sunak did a runner from London less than 24 hours before the Tier 4 was introduced. Surely he should be working 24/7 at the moment to make sure the money doesn't run out.