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Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 08 Mar 2020, 17:35
by Rossgo

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Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 09 Mar 2020, 20:37
by Kwacky
Pie and mash. Just what's needed on a cold and wet night.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 10 Mar 2020, 23:00
by Kwacky
Roast pork shoulder

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 11 Mar 2020, 06:48
by D41
Delicious cheesecake.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 11 Mar 2020, 12:43
by Kwacky
Working from home so bacon sandwich for breakfast and left over pork for lunch

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 14 Mar 2020, 08:55
by Blade
Coffee and Cake with a Porsche twist :P

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 14 Mar 2020, 09:05
by D41

I thought you had a 924...?

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 14 Mar 2020, 09:12
by Blade
Haha (giggle) sadly I'm not even a Porsche owner anymore :?

But there going to be seeing a BMW going sideways alot on their test tracks very soon (happy)

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 14 Mar 2020, 09:28
by StMarks
Blade wrote:Haha (giggle) sadly I'm not even a Porsche owner anymore :?

But there going to be seeing a BMW going sideways alot on their test tracks very soon (happy)
Keep your calories down Blade, Don't have a BMW roll as well as your Porsche coffee & cake.

oh, & enjoy, (envy)

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 14 Mar 2020, 10:08
by D41
Blade wrote:Haha (giggle) sadly I'm not even a Porsche owner anymore :?

But there going to be seeing a BMW going sideways alot on their test tracks very soon (happy)
Oh that's right...I'd forgotten that you bought a BMW. I always liked the 1st & 3rd gen. M3....2nd gen. always seemed a bit bland.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 14 Mar 2020, 15:07
by Blade
StMarks wrote:
Blade wrote:Haha (giggle) sadly I'm not even a Porsche owner anymore :?

But there going to be seeing a BMW going sideways alot on their test tracks very soon (happy)
Keep your calories down Blade, Don't have a BMW roll as well as your Porsche coffee & cake.

oh, & enjoy, (envy)
I had a lovely fried Porker barmcake (giggle)

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 15 Mar 2020, 16:14
by Blade
Just been served my lunch by a 6ft 2" bloke in a mini skirt with fake tits and an Adam's apple that is that big and pronounced it could take your eye out (shocked)

The wife looked at me and just said "Steve, please dont say anything"

My response, I'm not sure this world is for me (blush)

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 15 Mar 2020, 16:20
by Kwacky
Left over Chinese

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 15 Mar 2020, 17:41
by C00kiemonster
Curry for Sunday lunch with friends. I think i surpassed myself with the best homemade naans (brown flour) and chicken tikka i've ever made.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 15 Mar 2020, 18:55
by duke63
Blade wrote:Just been served my lunch by a 6ft 2" bloke in a mini skirt with fake tits and an Adam's apple that is that big and pronounced it could take your eye out (shocked)

The wife looked at me and just said "Steve, please dont say anything"

My response, I'm not sure this world is for me (blush)
Was that your birthday present from the wife? :D

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 15 Mar 2020, 19:00
by Blade
I hope not :? She wasted her money if it was (giggle)

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 15 Mar 2020, 21:16
by D41
Blade wrote:Just been served my lunch by a 6ft 2" bloke in a mini skirt with fake tits and an Adam's apple that is that big and pronounced it could take your eye out (shocked)

The wife looked at me and just said "Steve, please dont say anything"

My response, I'm not sure this world is for me (blush)
Should've said ...."Hey! Nice skirt, bro!!" (y)

I'll bet that's a bit awkward at the men's urinal.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 15 Mar 2020, 22:48
by kiwikrasher
Blade wrote:Just been served my lunch by a 6ft 2" bloke in a mini skirt with fake tits and an Adam's apple that is that big and pronounced it could take your eye out (shocked)

The wife looked at me and just said "Steve, please dont say anything"

My response, I'm not sure this world is for me (blush)
While a lot of us are an older generation and conditioned years ago that behaviour like that is to be feared and deemed abnormal, the way I see it is that he/she is comfortable in his/her skin, worried more with living their best life rather than worry what others think. Sounds a lot more well adjusted that a lot of ‘normal’ people.

I know 2 trans people, one m2f and other f2m. The internal and external struggle these people deal with would destroy most of us.

The way I see it, if it’s not hurting anyone and it’s making there existence more comfortable, all power to them.

Living day to day with someone with different brain circuitry to the ‘norm’ has made me a lot more accepting despite my homophobic and intolerant upbringing and early military service.

Not having a go at you Blade, I just feel like I need to provide a alternative view in times like these. The more acceptance in the world, the better we will all be as a society.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 16 Mar 2020, 09:03
by Blade
@kiwi. It was a joke and sarcasm you know me by now. The thing that gets me is people are so PC and sensitive to what people say these days. I wasnt rude in the banter, merely sarcastic in a dark humour way. I had no intention to offend but equally if people found offence then imo there very sensitive.

I was polite and friendly to the waiter/waitress. If I had been rude or sarcastic to them fair enough I'm in the wrong. Thing is I attempted some banter with a group of mates and in this PC world it seems that's not possible as everyone is so worried about being offended or having a potential to offend some one.

I'm not PC I get that, but equally I'm not offensive or rude directly with different groups of people. The fact I have to explain indirect sarcasm, shows how over sensitive and PC the world has become.

Re: What are you eating ??

Posted: 16 Mar 2020, 09:35
by kiwikrasher
It’s all good Blade, like I said, wasn’t having a go at you. I guess I’m am a bit sensitive to perceived in-acceptance because as my lad is getting older, people’s attitudes to him are becoming quite obvious and down right rude in some cases.

I’ve been absolutely guilty of making fun of trans people before as well and after getting to know someone quite well that has been through the full journey I guess I feel a bit more protective of that group that I have in the past.

Sorry if I made it sound like I was berating you for your post. Wasn’t my intention.