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Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 14 May 2018, 21:56
by Deegee
kiwikrasher wrote:Man flu. Enough said.
Snap. Even booze isn’t having an effect? It’s obviously fatal.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 15 May 2018, 01:03
by kiwikrasher
Deegee wrote:
kiwikrasher wrote:Man flu. Enough said.
Snap. Even booze isn’t having an effect? It’s obviously fatal.
I know it’s bad because it’s put me off booze. I’ve sided up on flu tablets and coffee and about to attempt the lawn mowing. Nice knowing you all.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 15 May 2018, 11:52
by Cavetroll87
no physical ailment today, just in a really foul, pissed off mood, don't even know why.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 15 May 2018, 11:53
by Cav
I've been like this for about 2 weeks now, Nik.. seriously struggling to get out of it. It's exhausting

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 15 May 2018, 12:03
by Cavetroll87
started with an argument this morning with the Mrs, and just carried on, everything everyone says or does is pissing me off today in the office, even my buddy who I'm meant to be going pub with tonight has pissed me off texting me winding me up, still banging on about my crash from nearly 2 years ago, its just friendly ribbing but Im effing sick of it now, I dunno, I'm just a miserable sod

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 15 May 2018, 12:17
by D41
Are you on your period??

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 15 May 2018, 12:31
by Kwacky
My left shoulder is killing me, The front part at the arm joint is very achy. I think I'm falling apart.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 15 May 2018, 13:38
by kiwikrasher
Cavetroll87 wrote:started with an argument this morning with the Mrs, and just carried on, everything everyone says or does is pissing me off today in the office, even my buddy who I'm meant to be going pub with tonight has pissed me off texting me winding me up, still banging on about my crash from nearly 2 years ago, its just friendly ribbing but Im effing sick of it now, I dunno, I'm just a miserable sod
I get like this leading up to going offshore again, which is now (leave in 6 days). I know it happens and so does Jess, she is very understanding and talks me down off the ledge very well.

Things that work for me mate that maybe you could try.

Take time out for yourself, even if it’s 20 mins. I put headphones on and listen to music and shut my eyes, and slow my breathing down.

Practice some mindfulness. Focus on what you have achieved rather than what you haven’t got done, things you’ve enjoyed rather than things that have pissed you off. If negative thoughts interrupt, acknowledge them but don’t dwell on them, counter them with a positive thought and let them go.

Do some exercise, even a walk.

I struggle to follow this advice myself when in a funk, but if you can, it really helps.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 15 May 2018, 13:52
by Cav
Kwacky wrote:My left shoulder is killing me, The front part at the arm joint is very achy. I think I'm falling apart.
I've got the same in my right shoulder.. and no idea why! I too feel like I'm falling apart.

Last time I tried to train upper body I only managed 3x6 of 16kg dumbbell press which is half of my usual weight! Does your shoulder feel generally weak too? Like it could easily dislocate or twist too far?

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 15 May 2018, 14:01
by Kwacky
It feels weak and it feels tired. There's a constant dull ache. It's very strange.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 15 May 2018, 14:25
by Cav
It does sound very similar to what I'm experiencing. Do you know what started yours? I strained mine about 4 weeks ago, after 1 week it was back to normal but for the last few days it's been crap

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 15 May 2018, 14:34
by Kwacky
No idea. I can't think of a trigger for it.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 15 May 2018, 20:04
by Kwacky
My PT reckons it's the head of the biceps tendon that's damaged.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 15 May 2018, 20:15
by D6Nutz
Kwacky wrote:My PT reckons it's the head of the biceps tendon that's damaged.
Ooof.. Nothing worse then a sore head.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 15 May 2018, 22:59
by kiwikrasher
Woken up to no voice. The kids don’t take you seriously when you try to tell them off and you sound like a dog that’s swallowed a squeakie toy.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 17 May 2018, 07:04
by Kwacky
A lack of sleep. No idea why I couldn't sleep. When I did drop off I woke myself snoring (facepalm)

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 20 May 2018, 14:47
by duke63
Tooth pain. Or at least the root of the tooth!

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 20 May 2018, 16:47
by Itchy
My knee.

No idea what I've done or what has happened to it, it was fine walking into work this morning, but as the day has gone on my knee seems to have swollen and is trying to seize up.

It's not very comfortable.

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 21 May 2018, 07:09
by Cav

Ice was definitely the single most significant factor throughout my knee injury

Re: What ails you today?

Posted: 21 May 2018, 07:22
by Itchy
Yep. Iced it last night, am now at the Medical Centre awaiting an appointment.