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Re: Mandatory speed limiters to all new vehicles within 3 ye

Posted: 02 Mar 2019, 00:27
by D41
Jack wrote:It might have avoided a possible collision with the car in front but could have caused many more by braking so hard , particularly if the following vehicles do not have these advanced systems .
That really only means that the following drivers are either too close to the vehicle they're following, not paying attention, or a combination of the two.

Re: Mandatory speed limiters to all new vehicles within 3 ye

Posted: 02 Mar 2019, 00:40
by Cav
They could always get around it by making it illegal for men to drive in rural areas and illegal for women to drive in cities. You know.. seeing as that's what the majority of accidents are.

The other factors in all of this are weather and tyres.. I'm unclear as to how good these systems are at picking up changes in weather (I.e. minimum10x stopping distance in ice) and also condition of tyres. For instance, if the car I was driving did a full emergency stop with brand new premium wet weather tyres in the pouring rain and the car behind me with the same emergency system had 2mm of tread from a budget summer tyre (obviously driving in the same conditions) they might still hit me.

Re: Mandatory speed limiters to all new vehicles within 3 ye

Posted: 02 Mar 2019, 01:14
by D41
What are you smoking?

Re: Mandatory speed limiters to all new vehicles within 3 ye

Posted: 02 Mar 2019, 09:53
by Jack
D41 wrote:
That really only means that the following drivers are either too close to the vehicle they're following, not paying attention, or a combination of the two.
Which we know from experience covers about 90% of drivers 90% of the time .

Re: Mandatory speed limiters to all new vehicles within 3 ye

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 10:54
by Kwacky" onclick=";return false;

I see a lot of heat on social media about this topic. No doubt it's been flared up because it's coming from Europe.

But if people read up on it you can still exceed the speed limit when you need to .

Re: Mandatory speed limiters to all new vehicles within 3 ye

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 10:55
by C00kiemonster
Kwacky wrote:

I see a lot of heat on social media about this topic. No doubt it's been flared up because it's coming from Europe.

But if people read up on it you can still exceed the speed limit when you need to .
It's the compulsory black box that concerns me more.

Re: Mandatory speed limiters to all new vehicles within 3 ye

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 10:58
by Kwacky
Just make sure you don't need to buy a car by the time the new rules come in ;)

I'm making sure I look after my motorbikes because I can see the black boxes being put on those as well.

Re: Mandatory speed limiters to all new vehicles within 3 ye

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 11:03
by C00kiemonster
Kwacky wrote:Just make sure you don't need to buy a car by the time the new rules come in ;)

I'm making sure I look after my motorbikes because I can see the black boxes being put on those as well.
Agreed, same strategy here ;)

Re: Mandatory speed limiters to all new vehicles within 3 ye

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 11:05
by Blade
I have a feeling 2021 will be a bumper year for the sales of performance cars.

Re: Mandatory speed limiters to all new vehicles within 3 ye

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 11:06
by Kwacky
Oh well, it could be worse. You could be a lawyer who relies on European laws and car crashes (facepalm)

Re: Mandatory speed limiters to all new vehicles within 3 ye

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 11:17
by Blade
There will always be car crashes whether Muppets or electronics are in the driving seat.

Undertakers will go out of buisness before you will :)

Re: Mandatory speed limiters to all new vehicles within 3 ye

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 11:19
by Kwacky
It's ok, I've got loads of experience of dealing with deaths and serious injuries at work. People love showing off their stupidity in the work place.

Re: Mandatory speed limiters to all new vehicles within 3 ye

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 16:51
by T.C.
Despite what the tossers at "Brake" (who do not have a clue, say, bearing in mind that I was interviewed on the radio when Brake said that we should introduce an offence of failing to stop and report an accident ) putting my professional driver and rider head on for a moment, I see potentially all sorts of problems pending although this is just my own personal opnion.

Firstly as already pointed out, it is not speed that kills but innapropriate speed for the conditions and the sudden stopping from high speed that kills. So to blame all serious crashes on excess speed is not only a dangerous game to play, but an inaccurate scaremongering statement.

Following on from that, drivers (and riders) need the flexibility to be able to increase or decrease their speed according to conditions, for example entering a motorway, picking off a quick overtake or just a situation where a quick sport of power can prevent a crash occuring (and I have seen a few of these). The driver needs to be able to retain the flexibility to increase of reduce his speed accordingly.

If all vehicles are limited, this will cause frustration and probablya darn sight more congestion. Look what happens when a restricted HGV tries to pass another restricted HGV on a dual carriageway? Everything gets backed up and drivers get angry and frustrated.

The other point that comes immidiately to mind is that I anticipate that the accident rate will increase, because like current moped riders (the legal ones not the knife wealding little shits althouhg it culd also apply) is that everyone will have just 2 speeds, flat out and stop and so cars will be thrashed to within an inch of their life.

The 2nd hand market will price benefit those with non restricted vehicles as demand will be higher.

The Government will loose millions in revenue from speeding fines.

Car accessory and tuning firms will be put out of business and I bet the new car market wil take a bigger hit than it already has.

Watch the illegal businesses of overiding the limiters spring up to replace compete with the mileage clocking scams.

On top of which, it gets approved, whover is in power come the following general election can probab;y be guaranteed of being kicked out of power.

Its the old story of rules being decided by idiots who do not have the first idea about motoring matters, not dissimilar to when I sat on the BSi Committee about black visors and because the Pedestrian Association said "No" that was it and it was thrown out despite all the benefits and positive arguments put forward regarding enhancing safety for riders.

I give up with this shit hole of a country these days.

Re: Mandatory speed limiters to all new vehicles within 3 ye

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 19:29
by Kwacky
I disagree.

Speeding fines don't cover the costs of accidents on the road, so that's not a concern.

The speeding limiter can be overridden when needed. So I don't think we'll see more accidents. The limiter won't be the only piece of tech in the cars. It'll be alongside a host of other driver aids which will include distance measurement and braking assistance.

Most congestion on A roads and motorways is caused by variations in speed. How often has there been very slow or standstill traffic on a motorway for no obvious cause? We've all seen the concertina effect of people driving too close and someone braking in front. The car behind panic brakes and you get the follow on effect. If vehicles are limited to the speed limit of the road then congestion will be reduced as more vehicles will be travelling at the same speed limit.

Just because a car has a speed limiter on it does not mean that the car will be engineered to only reach 70mph so I don't believe that we'll see them thrashed within an inch of their life.

So I think it's a step in the right direction towards driverless cars.

Re: Mandatory speed limiters to all new vehicles within 3 ye

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 21:38
by D41
Aren't your roads already some of the safest in the world?? They're right up there with Sweden & one or two others, yes??

Re: Mandatory speed limiters to all new vehicles within 3 ye

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 21:46
by Kwacky
Used to be. We're dropping down the safety rankings

Re: Mandatory speed limiters to all new vehicles within 3 ye

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 22:33
by TriumphFan
Used to be no.1, 3rd or 4th now. Funnily enough, we dropped from 1st around about the same time I stopped being a traffic plod!! Uncanny

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Re: Mandatory speed limiters to all new vehicles within 3 ye

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 22:33
by Blade
Kwacky wrote:Used to be. We're dropping down the safety rankings
Has this coincided with the reduction in traffic Police and the reliance on cameras or other tech ?

Re: Mandatory speed limiters to all new vehicles within 3 ye

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 22:41
by Kwacky
It's a number of factors. The lack of visible policing means that drivers feel they can get away with now, including using phones and speeding.

Car safety also increases risk taking.

A drop in people having insurance also means drivers take more risks.

Re: Mandatory speed limiters to all new vehicles within 3 ye

Posted: 27 Mar 2019, 22:45
by TriumphFan
Certainly major issues up here with restructuring of police and reduction in numbers...

There was a real push for upping numbers (of tickets issued) a few years back, which (in my opinion) detracted from the areas that should have been targeted to stop fatal and serious crashes.

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