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Re: What you watching?

Posted: 04 Aug 2018, 20:16
by Kwacky
Programme about the Blitz in London.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 05 Aug 2018, 03:19
by D41
Some Transformers movie. Megan Fox is very cute....beyond cute, even.
I have no idea what else is going on here, though.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 07 Aug 2018, 16:37
by D41
Watching the news as California burns down, down to the ground.... (music)

Biggest fire in Ca. history, apparently.....two large fires merged into one massively humongous fire last night.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 08 Aug 2018, 23:23
by Kwacky
The Last Jedi.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 09 Aug 2018, 01:48
by kiwikrasher
The news.

The whole state of NSW is officially in drought now. Definitely the driest I’ve seen since I’ve lived here. The farmers in the west of the state are being hit hard. Farmer suicide rates are sky-rocking.

Saw an article on TV where a farmer tried to sell his herd but the meat works wouldn’t take them because they were too malnourished. So he took them home, shot each one of them in the head systematically then shot himself. Pretty f’ing bleak.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 09 Aug 2018, 03:59
by D41
Holy cow!!

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 09 Aug 2018, 07:36
by Jack
I really don't understand why drought is such a problem across the world when we have the technology to make water available anywhere , we have no problem investing millions into pipelines that carry gas or oil for thousands of miles but seem unwilling to build them for water and connecting them to a de-salination plant on the coast , we have the tech to turn the sahara desert into viable farmland , there is no reason that people should be hungry or thirsty in todays world .

Perhaps instead of giving millions to foreign dictators in aid we should use that money and actually go and build these things ourselves .

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 09 Aug 2018, 15:18
by D41
The cynic in me says gas/oil pipelines are for taking something we want, and water pipelines are for giving something someone else needs...

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 09 Aug 2018, 21:06
by Rossgo
Jack couldn't agree more

D - never a truer word said! It's how the world works!

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Re: What you watching?

Posted: 10 Aug 2018, 08:26
by D41
A documentary about Operation Market Garden.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 10 Aug 2018, 17:11
by D41
Watching the fires on the news.
It's epic.....massive 747 tankers are flying ultra low over the hillsides dropping orange/red flame retardant on the ground.

If it was me flying the plane... I'd be pretending it was a napalm bombing run.

Every smoke cloud has a silver lining, etc.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 15 Aug 2018, 21:15
by Kwacky
24 Hours in A&E

A para glider has slammed into a hillside.

He's a big pink bag of broken bones.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 16 Aug 2018, 00:25
by D41
Look this up in YouTube.......

"Banned Carl's Jr Superbowl Commercial Big Sausage Breakfast"

.....And no, it's definitely not safe for work, and probably not safe for the home either.

(rolf) (inlove)

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 17 Aug 2018, 19:19
by Kwacky

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 17 Aug 2018, 19:21
by C00kiemonster
American Psycho

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 17 Aug 2018, 19:27
by D6Nutz
Snakes in the city.. Dude with all the tattoo's is fecking nuts..

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 19 Aug 2018, 11:51
by Kwacky
Taxi Driver. A bit of light Sunday morning entertainment

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 19 Aug 2018, 18:19
by Rossgo
Chicago. Never watched it before, very good film, sorta had to watch it as i got a couple of tickets to see it in the West end with my partner for her birthday next month. Her birthday is tomorrow but gave her pressies a day early as im working tomorrow!

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Re: What you watching?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018, 09:56
by Kwacky
The Stanford Prison Experiment.

It's a true story from the early 70s about a psychological experiment where the university set up a small fake prison. Students were either prisoners or guards.

It's worth a watch if you want to see how quickly people can become animals.

Re: What you watching?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018, 16:23
by D41
Yeah, I saw that. Fairly stark film.....and a good one too.