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Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 06 Apr 2015, 09:16
by Blade
beermonster wrote:Got back on the bike for the first time since being knocked off and knocked out a few weeks ago. It went OK, though I was pretty nervous with the amount of braindead mongs with their uncontrolled kids and dogs in Cannon Hill Park. I decided that the roads should be pretty quiet on a Bank Holiday Sunday so came home via the Pershore Road. it was only 6 miles, but it felt really good to be back in the saddle. Hope I can start to lose some of the stone I've put on recently.....
Although I never knew of your accident ( hope your OK ) very glad to hear your back in the saddle and enjoying it.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 06 Apr 2015, 10:16
by Fireblade_Ro
After months of training... and practice runs along the canals for the Waterside series... this weekend was the Devises to Westminster - with team "Sanmigel, Kayak and Crutches"!

I cycled alongside them for nearly 6hrs before getting into a car and continuing by driving then running to portages. With Sam needing assistance into and out of the boat, handing him his crutches and then helping Nigel to carry the boat this was some epic work out!

Never have I felt so proud in all my life... sadly we had to pull them out of the race at Marlow... 14.5hrs into their 24hr race... due to sickness, meaning Nigel was unable to keep any food down. Absolutely gutted for them, but what they have achieved is phenomenal. Maybe next year for Sanmigel, Sam and Nigel!

Here's a few shots of the before (nice and clean!) and during (mud!!), after pics have been left out... as there are a few nasty cuts on their hands... it's too early for gore!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 06 Apr 2015, 10:32
by Blade
Great post well done to everyone. Sorry to hear you had to pull out but awesome effort and something to be very proud off.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 06 Apr 2015, 11:45
by D6Nutz
As blade said, an amazing effort and something to be really proud of.

I have a massive amount of respect for people who challenge themselves like this.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 06 Apr 2015, 11:57
by beermonster
Kwacky wrote:I've got a freebie for April which allows me to take a mate, so if any Brummies want to join me at Fitness First give me a shout.
I might take you up on that if it's still available. (y)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 06 Apr 2015, 13:34
by Kwacky
It is.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 06 Apr 2015, 20:15
by Kwacky
Nice work Ro.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 06 Apr 2015, 21:59
by kiwikrasher
Awesome effort Ro! That's a pretty muddy bike! Still an amazing achievement despite not being ablr to complete it, well done the whole team.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 07 Apr 2015, 19:47
by Kwacky
I did an all round body blaster with 10 second rest periods between sets. It killed me. By the time I got to doing leg presses I was on about 60% of my normal weight. I'm bashed.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 07 Apr 2015, 20:08
by D6Nutz
5 mile run last night, really enjoyed it and felt comfortable for the first time in a while...

Just booked up a triple challenge, a 10k race a month starting in june. I know from the half marathon that I should be able to do 10k in 55 mins, so I'm going to set myself a goal of 50 mins.. 8 minute 30 miles for just over 6 miles (sweat)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 07 Apr 2015, 20:47
by beermonster
Cycled to New Street, train to east Brum, cycled to work. Same in reverse this evening for a total of 12 miles. I'm done in now!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 08 Apr 2015, 09:39
by Fireblade_Ro
After my DW cycle effort Im now looking to train for Tough Mudder (Culden Faw) - is anyone else on here doing this? Started half hour runs every day... but need to be increasing it more. That and lots of hanging exercises (chin ups etc)!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 08 Apr 2015, 20:43
by Kwacky
I got home early so hit the gym again. It's such a different place before 7. Nice and relaxed. No meatheads throwing weights about or groups of 20 somethings stood around texting and chatting.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 08 Apr 2015, 22:15
by D6Nutz
5.5 mile fartlek session tonight. Silly name, fooking hard training.

Might have to rethink my 50 min goal for the 10k as I miscalculated somewhere and it's actually 8 min miles for 6 miles, that's an increase in pace of 1 min per mile in 2 months. It's possible, but unlikely.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 09 Apr 2015, 00:18
by kiwikrasher
D6Nutz wrote:5.5 mile fartlek session tonight. Silly name, fooking hard training.

Might have to rethink my 50 min goal for the 10k as I miscalculated somewhere and it's actually 8 min miles for 6 miles, that's an increase in pace of 1 min per mile in 2 months. It's possible, but unlikely.
Keep aiming for it mate, you might surprise yourself! I did remember reading that time goal and thinking you'd upped your pace a fair bit! But I wouldn't be surprised if you get close to that, you've put in a lot of work!

Meanwhile I'm still thinking about going for a run (blush)

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 09 Apr 2015, 09:11
by beermonster
D6Nutz wrote:5.5 mile fartlek session tonight. Silly name, fooking hard training.

Might have to rethink my 50 min goal for the 10k as I miscalculated somewhere and it's actually 8 min miles for 6 miles, that's an increase in pace of 1 min per mile in 2 months. It's possible, but unlikely.
If anything will help you reach your goal then fartlek will. I remember starting a program of that when I was 16 - I lost 3 stone and dropped my mile time from >10 minutes to under 7! I can barely run a bath now, mind.... :D

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 12 Apr 2015, 11:48
by kiwikrasher
Well I don't feel so bad for not running on the treadmill while I've been out here this swing now...

I borrowed a Fitbit charge off a friend and thought I'd see how much ground I cover in a shift. Now today was a tad busier than normal but I have plenty of days like today in a swing. So at the end of my shift the activity tracker told me I'd done

16,387 steps or 11.44 km and climbed 108 floors which equates to about 1400 stairs! Bearing in mind I do this in steel cap safety boots, overalls and hardhat in 32-34 deg C and 85-90% humidity.

I ate desert tonight and didn't feel one bit guilty!!

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 13 Apr 2015, 22:42
by D6Nutz
That's a FSI old distance to cover mate.

I went out for s run with the club tonight. Loving the nice weather for a change. Added a bit extra on to the planned route and ended up covering 9 miles, happy days.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 14 Apr 2015, 21:17
by Kwacky
My wife and I both have cuts and bruises over our hands from sparring yesterday. If the police spot us they'll call the domestic violence unit.

Re: The new improved fitness thread

Posted: 15 Apr 2015, 21:36
by D6Nutz