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Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2020, 09:31
by duke63

So why is it not happening now if there is so much money in it?

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2020, 10:09
by Kwacky
Imagine if this was where you lived. People have woken up this morning to find lorry parks being built. No planning permission required. No notice given.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2020, 10:09
by Kwacky
This morning

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2020, 10:29
by StMarks
Kwacky wrote:This morning
Think positive,,:
They can convert that little garden shed into a pop-u cafe, and make a killing selling drinks & snacks to all the migrant stowaways after they disembark the lorries..

Mind you, the loss of that lovely view may not have as much of an impact on their property prices, as much as the stench of all the rotting "fresh produce" that'll become a permanent feature of the locality..

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2020, 11:57
by duke63
10 weeks to go and they start on this now?

Laughable if it wasn't so serious.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2020, 12:01
by D41
Kwacky wrote:This morning

Wow! They did that pretty quick!!

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2020, 12:14
by Kwacky
D41 wrote:

Wow! They did that pretty quick!!
I suspect there's been a lot of prep done. It doesn't take long to remove turf with a digger.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2020, 12:58
by D41
It's all paperwork & planning permission....which can take years to process.
The actual bricks-&-mortar part, at least for a new home, is around two months, start-to-finish.
At least that's what it is over here, where everything is timber & drywall, mortar on the outside , etc.
I've no idea what it is in the civilised world though....I would imagine it's in the same ballpark.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2020, 12:59
by Kwacky
No permission needed for these though. That's the point. They've just started work without telling the perks who live next to it.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2020, 15:39
by Kwacky
Project Fear


Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2020, 18:30
by duke63
An economist who has worked at the highest level, is not British nor European, has no political axe to grind and talks basic common sense...and says Brexit will not be good for Britain.

Who would have thought it????

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 27 Oct 2020, 15:05
by Monty
No thanks, I'll get my BREXIT "facts" elsewhere. I'm sure he's a very clever chap, but he's a member of the Trilateral Commission and very much not my/your friend.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 28 Oct 2020, 11:44
by Kwacky
Oh well. At least soya (sic) sauce is going to be tariff free because of our trade deal with Japan.

Which it already is.

Not that we buy much.

And most of it comes from the Netherlands.

But you know, we're well on our way to becoming a new economic powerhouse.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 28 Oct 2020, 11:55
by duke63
Just seen the DoIT tweeting that.

You would think they would check their facts BEFORE posting anything but i guess they don't realise so many people are actually much more intelligent than they are. :D

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 28 Oct 2020, 12:02
by duke63
And in other news Heathrow is no longer the world's busiest airport. Go figure!

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 28 Oct 2020, 12:13
by D6Nutz
duke63 wrote:
:D :D Owned

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 28 Oct 2020, 12:25
by duke63
D6Nutz wrote:
duke63 wrote:
:D :D Owned
When you see Government bodies not only making such crass statements and doing it with out checking ANY of the facts, it makes you wonder what we are going to see next year!

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 28 Oct 2020, 19:53
by StMarks
duke63 wrote:........When you see Government bodies not only making such crass statements and doing it with out checking ANY of the facts, it makes you wonder what we are going to see next year!
Imho many of us have a fair view of what we are going to see (the beginnings of) next year.
Being as the majority of the "vote leave" crowd appear to tend towards more blinkered & less tolerant personalities ( (wait) imho ) what will be "interesting" is how they react to the dawning realisation that there was actually no such thing as "project fear", merely concerned citizens with open minds.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 28 Oct 2020, 20:17
by Kwacky
They'll refuse to admit they were wrong and continue to blame the ills of the world on the EU and immigrants.

Re: Brexit thread

Posted: 28 Oct 2020, 20:33
by StMarks
Kwacky wrote:They'll refuse to admit they were wrong and continue to blame the ills of the world on the EU and immigrants.
Yep, you're probably right,, :(