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Re: Mobile phone renewal

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 10:02
by Kwacky
I did think about that but to be honest I really can't be arsed. New S7s are going for around £500 to £700 quid so it didn't make much sense to lay that out and to then barter over a sim deal. If the S7 lasts the two years then I'll consider it but to be honest I do like to upgrade my phones as I get bored with them.

Re: Mobile phone renewal

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 10:30
by Rossgo
Kwacky wrote:I did think about that but to be honest I really can't be arsed. New S7s are going for around £500 to £700 quid so it didn't make much sense to lay that out and to then barter over a sim deal. If the S7 lasts the two years then I'll consider it but to be honest I do like to upgrade my phones as I get bored with them.
I'm the same Kwacky I like to upgrade as well. Such high use age and usually for 24 months it's nice to change afterwards, and why not too, work hard, long hours with good and bad days why can't you get something you want. Most our money goes onto bills that you need , food, water, electric/ gas it's nice to get something that's for you and you use yourself (if that makes sense!?)

Re: Mobile phone renewal

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 10:48
by StMarks
Kwacky wrote:... If the S7 lasts the two years then I'll consider it but to be honest I do like to upgrade my phones as I get bored with them.
Iirc we discussed the battery apparently not being replaceable in them, so presumably an upgrade in two years will be almost inevitable. (smirk)

Re: Mobile phone renewal

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 10:54
by Monty
StMarks wrote:
Kwacky wrote:... If the S7 lasts the two years then I'll consider it but to be honest I do like to upgrade my phones as I get bored with them.
Iirc we discussed the battery apparently not being replaceable in them, so presumably an upgrade in two years will be almost inevitable. (smirk)
No not really, I've still got every Apple product I've ever bought and they are all still been used daily. (by the kids). Two of them an iPod and a MacBook are 8 years old.

Some of the phones are 5 years old, one of which and the iPod is on the the original battery. Plus we have a 5 year old iPad still working great on the original battery.

Re: Mobile phone renewal

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 11:15
by Kwacky
StMarks, we did. That was one of the main reasons for my last choice of phone so I could swap the battery.

I know a few owners of the S7 who all report excellent battery life and no issues with it fading (yet).

We'll see how I get on.

I've got a few old phones and tablets and they're still going strong. Laptops on the other hand are another issue.

Re: Mobile phone renewal

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 11:20
by Monty
Kwacky wrote:Laptops on the other hand are another issue.
My 3 year old laptop, should be good for another 3 years.
Screen Shot 2016-12-16 at 10.18.25.png

Re: Mobile phone renewal

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 11:26
by Cav
My S7 was purchased in the first week of it coming out. Depending on use I typically get between 12 and 24 hours battery life. On occasion I've charged it overnight and not needed to charge it until 36 hours later.

Battery life is probably 90% as good as when I first got the phone and has been like it is for a while

Re: Mobile phone renewal

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 11:27
by Kwacky
My laptops take a battering both physically and in terms of use. The only real issue I've had has been with Dell. You can tell they use cheap parts.

Re: Mobile phone renewal

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 11:53
by Monty
Like most things, you get what you pay for. My MacBook was ridiculously expensive, but I use it for between 2 to 8 hours a day every day and will last for 5 to 6 years before it needs replacing.

Re: Mobile phone renewal

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 11:54
by Rossgo
Cav that is impressive battery life!!

Re: Mobile phone renewal

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 12:00
by Cav
Rossgo wrote:Cav that is impressive battery life!!
The 36 hours was when I was barely using it compared to normal so I had the phone in battery saving mode for some of that time.

Typically I am on 5% when I go to bed (approx. 15-16 hours of use none of which is on battery saver). I'm a fairly high battery user though as I will have Pokemon Go on when I'm driving (purely to collect distance) and I will use my phone for taking photos/videos at work as well as listening to music. Playing games on loo breaks and various stuff. It's very good battery life indeed

Re: Mobile phone renewal

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 12:01
by Kwacky
Monty wrote:Like most things, you get what you pay for. My MacBook was ridiculously expensive, but I use it for between 2 to 8 hours a day every day and will last for 5 to 6 years before it needs replacing.

Apple gear is generally very good quality. Their Macbooks rarely break down according to my mates who use them.

Re: Mobile phone renewal

Posted: 19 Dec 2016, 09:32
by Kwacky
Good old vodafone customer service:

THURSDAY: your phone will be with in within 24 to 48 hours, we can deliver it to your works address tomorrow

SATURDAY: We're delivering it to your works address today. You're not at work? OK, we'll send it to your home address tomorrow.

SUNDAY: We don't deliver on Sundays. No, you can't got to a Vodafone shop and pick one up.

DPD are no better. They're supposed to send me tracking details. I've heard zero from them.

Re: Mobile phone renewal

Posted: 19 Dec 2016, 14:58
by Kwacky
It's finally turned up.

I'll get it home then go through the usual fun of setting it up.

Re: Mobile phone renewal

Posted: 20 Dec 2016, 06:58
by Rossgo
It's a lovely phone Kwacky

Re: Mobile phone renewal

Posted: 20 Dec 2016, 09:48
by Kwacky
I've done a quick set up for now. I've not had chance to test it or set it up how I want but so far it seems pretty quick and the screen is very sharp.

Re: Mobile phone renewal

Posted: 20 Dec 2016, 17:45
by Kwacky
I'm very impressed with the camera. Very nice sharp picture

Re: Mobile phone renewal

Posted: 20 Dec 2016, 19:24
by Rossgo
I love the camera, it's so clear you can really get some decent pics from it

Re: Mobile phone renewal

Posted: 26 Dec 2016, 11:49
by Kwacky
As expected Vodafone now have a Boxing Day deal on my phone. I'll call them and ask them to match. I've got 30 days to cancel my contract so I'll do that if need be.

Re: Mobile phone renewal

Posted: 30 Dec 2016, 20:10
by Kwacky
I've got half price for 6 months then the discount after that. I'm happy with that.