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Re: Merry Christmas

Posted: 26 Dec 2014, 09:33
by rocket
Blade wrote:
rocket wrote:
Blade wrote:
your a northerner and don't know what a snow ball is :-O get moved down south !!!
That's right I'm a northerner. I drink beer and p1$$ spirits. I fight at the works do and consider steak pie and chips cordon bleu, with a nice cup of char of course were not animals after all. If we have a snowballs in these parts it's made from solid ice and is travelling in excess of 30mph straight into someones mush. Yellow p1ss in the back of your grandpas booze cabinet is exactly that, old peoples pi$$ and your welcome to it.

Don't ever insult my culture again with your gayism or I will slap ya with me flat cap and set me wippets on ya mofo.

Comprend aaaayyyyyyyyy !!?!!!
Arrrhhh ya puff n hav a nother Snowball hope you all had a good day

Re: Merry Christmas

Posted: 26 Dec 2014, 13:37
by Blade
We had a splendid day young Rocket. I hope all the rocketeer's had an excellent day too and enjoy a relaxing boxing day.

Re: Merry Christmas

Posted: 26 Dec 2014, 19:01
by rocket
Blade wrote:We had a splendid day young Rocket. I hope all the rocketeer's had an excellent day too and enjoy a relaxing boxing day.
Sure did 3 days of eating too much and relaxing going to play snooker tomrrow if the weather holds off